Embossed Wallcovering
1 / 4Pages

Catalog excerpts

Embossed Wallcovering - 1

Dimensional Panel’ Ervibossed Wa.Ucoveri.KgCost efficient... Innovative, durable and environmentally friendly wallcovering that will create many possibilities. Combining the use of cutting edge technology with environmentally friendly recycled plant fibre, results in a cleaner, greener product. Empty walls no longer need to be restricted to a mere splash of colour or patterned wall paper. Embossed Wallcovering provides a creative and cost effective solution for bringing walls to life in the home or commercial environment. The design applications of Embossed Wallcoverings are limited only by your imagination and it can be utilized to create high impact feature walls or a more subtle and subdued atmosphere of elegance and refinement.

Open the catalog to page 1
Embossed Wallcovering - 2

Pmeopon# pen# Product Embossed WaNcovcring Code EW335 Material Natural plant fore F<n$h Membrane wrapped Color Matt white Qmensicn 300mm x 300mm Board thickness :1mm Patiem Thickness 10.30mm Range Dvnenslonal panel Product Embossed WaNcovcnng Code EW560S Material Natural plant fore Finish Membrane wrapped Color Matt stiver Dimension 5C0mm x 500mm Board thickness 1mm Pattern Thickness 10-30mm Ervtbasse.c( (VaUcovercKg brvtbosse.d WaLLcove.rb*q 136 Range. Dimensional panel Product Embossed Wallcovering Code EW-562S Matenal Natural plant fore Finish . Membrane wrapped Color Matt...

Open the catalog to page 2
Embossed Wallcovering - 3

Range Omenuonai pane) Product Em tossed WaNcovenng Code EWS57 MMrial Natural plant f.bre Finish Membrane wrapped Cotor Mettwhoo Dimension 500mm x 500mm Board thickness 1mm Pattern Thickness 10-30mm Lrvtb&ssed h/aUcoverikycf b,rvtbosse.d (VaUcox/ertKo138 Range Dimension*) panel Product Embossed Wallcovering Code EW-559 Material Natural plant tore Finish Membrane wrapped Cotor Matt white Dimension 500mm x 500mm Board thickness 1mm Pattern Thickness 10 30mm Range Dimensional panet Product Embossed Wattcovenng Code EW 563 Matenat Natural plant fibre Ftfksh Membrane wrapped Cotor Matt...

Open the catalog to page 3
Embossed Wallcovering - 4

Range Dimensions) panel Product Embossed WakCovering Code EW681S Material Nature) plant for* Frrush Membrane wrapped Color Matt saver Dimension 625mm x 600mm Board thickness 1mm Pattern Thickness 10^ 30mm £>vtbossed Wa.LLco-ve.rimq

Open the catalog to page 4

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