Diffused Panel
1 / 7Pages

Catalog excerpts

Diffused Panel - 1

Routed Panel'" ■Diffused, Carved. at*d Wave *PaKel ^ec(eftKcncj wjall... We have redefined the term 'feature waif since more than a decade ago. With our wide range of pane/s which have since become a must have item for many interior spaces. Our ever-growing exciting range of textured, carved, engraved or routed patterns, lending an architectural and sculptural feel to any space at a relatively low cost. Actively used as retail backdrop, facade, feature wall, feature ceiling and even on operable walls. Suitable for all kinds of general and artistic indoor application. All up to your creative imaginations. The panels are made of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF), CNC cut, primed and painted finish. We could customise and cater to your project requirement, custom design to different sizes and thickness as well as using different material such as moisture-resistant, fire-retardant and high density fibreboard. Panel Orientation (patterns will align on un-cut panels only) Vertical. Horizontal: Recommended installation and painting method (for seamless installation) l) Ensure wall surface is smooth and levelled, ideally to hove a plywood backing or plywood strips nailed directly onto concrete imil prior to mstaltation of the panels ZfPre-cut the panels to fit mil dimensions using troditioral table saw commonly used by furniture makers and carpenters 3) For trimming or cutting of corners or opening, use a electric jigsaw with saw blade suitable for wood cutting A) For odded strength. apply spots of bonding adhesive (commonly used in woodworking industry) onto the bock of the panels before securing 5)For installation of more than one panel, ensure that the routed patterns meet the next adjoining pane! Leave a gap of l-2mm for fillers before paint application 6) Secure the panels by using air-compressor operated fine nails or staplers directly onto plywood backing

Open the catalog to page 1
Diffused Panel - 2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-027S Material: Medium density fbreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Matt silver Pattern: Repeat •» cet*vov*y or> v*** e**o> Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 15mm PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTI ES OF MDF Results of TUV SUP Technical Test Report: Internal bonding strength: 0.89 Mpa Static bonding strength: 363 Mpa Bending modulus: 3420 Mpa Resistance to screw withdrawal (surface): 1670 N Resistance to screw withdrawal (side): 950 N Thickness swelling: 11.7% Moisture content: 6.4% Density: 776 kg/m Board density...

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Diffused Panel - 3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-034 Material: Medium density fbreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Malt White Pattern: Repeat **comr^ouv,o» w«i Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 25mm PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MDF Results of TUV SUP Technical Test Report: Internal bonding strength: 089 Mpa Static bonding strength: 36.3 Mpa Bending modulus: 3420 Mpa Resistance to screw withdrawal (surface): 1670 N Resistance to screw withdrawal (side) 950 N Thickness swelling: 11.7% Moisture content 6.4% Density: 776 kg/m Board density deviation:...

Open the catalog to page 3
Diffused Panel - 4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-041 Material: Medium density fibreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Matt White Pattern: Repeat ipeown,—•'«» on «ut «*•»•<•) Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 25mm ■Also available in fibreglass material on indent PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MDF Results of TUV SUP Technical Test Report: Internal bonding strength. 089 Mpa Static bonding strength: 36.3 Mpa Bending modulus 3420 Mpa Resistance to screw withdrawal (surface): 1670 N Resistance to screw withdrawal (side): 950 N Thickness swelling:...

Open the catalog to page 4
Diffused Panel - 5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-043 Material: Medium density fibreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Matt White Pattern: Repeat (amm »ir*.?> conmouv,on uncut Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 25mm 'Also available in fibreglass material on intfent PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MDF Results of TUV SUP Technical Test Report: Internal bonding strength: 0.89 Mpa Static bonding strength: 36.3 Mpa Bending modulus. 3420 Mpa Resistance to screw withdrawal (surface): 1670 N Resistance to screw withdrawal (side): 950 N Thickness swelling-...

Open the catalog to page 5
Diffused Panel - 6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-045a Material: Medium density fibreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Matt White Pattern: Repeat /pto*™ ** n*n o»***«^*y on u*ui«*•»•<•) Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 18mm •DY-0453 can be joined to DY-045b on all sides PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MDF Bending modulus 3420 Mpa Resistance to screw withdrawal (surface;. 1670 N Resistance lo screw withdrawal (side): 950 N Thickness swelling: 11.7% Moisture content: 64% Density. 776 kg/m Board density deviation *7%.-1.3% Formaldehyde emission content...

Open the catalog to page 6
Diffused Panel - 7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Range: Routed Panel Product: Diffused Panel Code: DY-046 Material: Medium density fibreboard Backing: Melamine film Finish: Matt White Pattern: Repeat «**«<»» -c conu^ovu, «i uw«n«) Dimension: 1220mm x 2440mm Thickness: 18mm PHYSICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MDF Results of TUV SUP Technical Test Report: Internal bonding strength 0.89 Mpa Static bonding strength 363 Mpa Bending modulus: 3420 Mpa Resistance Jo screw withdrawal (surface): 1670 N Resistance Jo screw withdrawal (side): 950 N Thickness s welling: 11.7% Moisture content: 64% Density: 776 kg/m Board density...

Open the catalog to page 7

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