Catalog excerpts

Defender Durability - High level of protection - Flexibility The market reference of high level protection composite material while using recycled materials Die Marktreferenz fur Verbundstoffe mit hohem Schutzniveau unter Verwendung recycelter Materialien Main applications -Hauptanwendungen ■ Truck security cover against theft or vandalism Lkw-Schutzabdeckung gegen Diebstahl und Vandalismus ■ Wide range of protection applications (roller shutter doors, container covers, luggage tags...) Ein breites Angebot an Schutzanwendungen (Rolltore, Containerabdeckungen, Gepackanhanger...) Major...
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Titanium - Titan Black - Schwarz Smart yarn technology - Smart Yarn Technologie The Smart Yarn technology allows us to produce composite yarns with greater flexibility in development, providing a unique advantage when the product is used for certain dynamic markets such as furniture. This technology allows the combination of a central core, providing the desired mechanical properties, and a sheath, providing the desired appearance, finish, toughness and resistance properties. Mit der Smart Yarn Technologie können wir Composite-Garne mit einer höherer Flexibilität herstellen, was ihnen einen...
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Technical properties - Technische Daten Fire resistance - Brennverhalten Rating - Brandklasse Management system - Managementsysteme Quality - Qualitat: ISO 9001 • Environment- Umwelt: ISO 14001 • Energy - Energie: ISO 50001 Certifications, labels - Zertifizierungen, Labels Smart Yarn Technology 1 Summarizes the group's CSR project focused on human, to align economic performance and positive impact. 1 Fasst das CSR-Projekt der Gruppe zusammen, das sich auf den Menschen konzentriert, um wirtschaftliche Leistung und positive Auswirkungen in Einklang zu bringen. The technical data above are...
Open the catalog to page 4All Serge Ferrari ARCHITECTURE catalogs and technical brochures
Decolit 411 251 251 BW
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Frontside 371 Précontraint®
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Alphalia Silent Aw
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Archived catalogs
Batyline Iso
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Stamskin Top FR
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Flexlight Lodge 6002
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Protect Cover 705
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Frontside Safe P35
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protecc cover 505
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Frontside View 371
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Frontside View 381
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Precontraint TX30
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Precontraint 1002 S2
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Flexlight perform 912 S2
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20 Pages
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STAM 3739-4739-5739-6739
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2 Pages
Alphalia Silent Aw 2019
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7 Pages
Soltis ProofW96
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Soltis Opaque
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Soltis Horizon 86
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Grilles Meshes
4 Pages
Sport venues - Latin America
25 Pages
SPECIAL ISSUE 6 Sports venues
34 Pages
10 Pages
Brochure Longevity
5 Pages
news Monumenta
12 Pages
36 Pages