Catalog excerpts

seducente perfezione
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TRAVERTINI DUE The unique beauty of travertine marble transfers the concept of classic elegance to modern architecture, forming the basis for a new versatile and eclectic language of matter. Travertini Due surfaces transform delicate and sinuous veining patterns into stylistic features of understated decorative finesse, in an undertone in the natural version and sumptuously emphasized in the Lux finish. The chromatic universe of the Serenissima porcelain collection draws from the neutral colours of natural stone and expresses them in a palette dedicated to modern interior design, taking...
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Tre varianti cromatiche e il caratteristico taglio “contro falda”. Lievi gradazioni di colore attraversate da striature marcate e decise definiscono una collezione dall’eleganza intramontabile. Three chromatic versions and the distinctive “vein cut” surface. Gentle shifts of colour intersected by bold striations make for a collection of timeless elegance. Trois variantes chromatiques et la coupe caractéristique « contre-veine ». Les légères nuances de couleur traversées de stries marquées et nettes définissent une collection à l'élégance intemporelle. Drei Farbvarianten und die...
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Greige 60x120 . 24"x48" rett_pezzi speciali Greige rett Wall20 - Fontana 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall)_Wall21 - Mondrian 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall) 8
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Greige 60x120 . 24"x48" rett_Mosaico Legno Greige 20x120 . 8"x48" rett 10
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Greige 60x60 . 24"x24" lux-rett Wall21 - Mondrian 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall) Greige 60x60 . 24"x24" lux-rett Wall20 - Fontana 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall)_Wall21 - Mondrian 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall) 12
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La superficie Lux sottolinea il fascino materico e decorativo di Travertini Due. Particolarmente indicata per pavimenti e rivestimenti interni trasferisce eleganza e luminosità agli ambienti. The Lux surface underscores the textural appeal and decorative charm of Travertini Due. Particularly recommended for interior floors and walls, this surface brings light and refinement to all spaces. La surface Lux souligne le charme décoratif et de la matière de Travertini Due. Particulièrement indiquée pour les sols et les murs intérieurs, elle apporte élégance et luminosité aux pièces. Die...
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Bianco 60x120 . 24"x48" lux-rett_Mosaico Legno Bianco 20x120 . 8"x48" rett 22
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Bianco 60x120 . 24"x48" lux-rett_Mosaico Legno Bianco 20x120 . 8"x48" rett
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Bianco 60x120 . 24"x48" lux-rett_Mosaico Legno Bianco 20x120 . 8"x48" rett 26
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Mosaico Bianco 5x5 . 2"x2" rett Bianco 60x60 . 24"x24" rett_Mosaico Bianco 5x5 . 2"x2" rett Wall20 - Fontana 60x120 . 24"x48" rett (collezione Showall) 28
Open the catalog to page 16
Resistente nel tempo e facile da pulire, la superficie naturale incontra le esigenze di un interior design che ricerca atmosfere più rustiche e accoglienti. Hard wearing and easy to clean, the natural surface is the perfect fit for an interior design style offering more informal and intimate settings. Résistante dans le temps et facile à nettoyer, la surface naturelle répond aux besoins d’un design intérieur à la recherche d’atmosphères plus rustiques et accueillantes. Die dauerhaft beständige und reinigungsfreundliche natürliche Oberfläche erfüllt die Bedürfnisse eines Interior Designs,...
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Beige 60x120 . 24"x48" rett Complemento arredo realizzato con Acanto Noce 30x120 . 12"x48" rett e Travertino bianco 100x100 . 40"x40" lux-rett 32
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Beige 100x100 . 40"x40" lux-rett_Mosaico Legno Beige 20x120 . 8"x48" rett 34
Open the catalog to page 19
DIFFERENTI COLORI MOLTEPLICI GRAFICHE I colori Bianco, Beige e Greige, in quattro formati e due finiture di superficie sono stati studiati da Serenissima per realizzare pavimenti e rivestire pareti di spazi dalla diversa vocazione architettonica. La gamma Travertini Due consente di realizzare schemi di posa modulari e multiformato da impiegare liberamente negli spazi residenziali e commerciali. 100x100 . 40"x40" _ 60x120 . 24"x48" _ 60x60 . 24"x24" _ 30x60 . 12"x24" DIFFERENT COLOURS COUNTLESS PATTERNS Serenissima created the Bianco, Beige and Greige colours in four sizes and two finishes...
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GRES PORCELLANATO SMALTATO COLORATO IN MASSA GLAZED PORCELAIN STONEWARE WITH COLOURED BODY | GRÈS CÉRAME ÉMAILLÉ COLORÉ DANS LA MASSE GLASIERTES FEINSTEINZEUG IN DER MASSE GEFÄRBT | ГЛАЗУРОВАННЫЙ КЕРАМОГРАНИТ, ОКРАШЕННЫЙ ПО ВСЕЙ ТООЛЩИНЕ spessore thickness épaisseur stärke толщина spessore thickness épaisseur stärke толщина 10 mm - 3/8" spessore thickness épaisseur stärke толщина Mosaici . Mosaics . Mosaïques . Mosaiken . Мозаика 30x30 - 12"x12" Foglio. Sheet. Feuille. Blatt. Лист Mosaico Bianco tessera 5x5 . 2"x2" rett B14 Mosaici . Mosaics . Mosaïques . Mosaiken . Мозаика 20x120 -...
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GRES PORCELLANATO SMALTATO COLORATO IN MASSA GLAZED PORCELAIN STONEWARE WITH COLOURED BODY | GRES CERAME EMAILLE COLORE DANS LA MASSE GLASIERTES FEINSTEINZEUG IN DER MASSE GEFARBT | DnA3yPOBAHHblH KEPAMOrPAHHT, OKPAWEHHblH no BCEH TOOT^HHE GREIGE Pezzi Speciali . Trims. Pieces Speciales. Formstucke. Cneu,ua.nbHbie U3de^un thickness epaisseur starke morn^una thickness epaisseur starke morn^una thickness epaisseur starke morn^una Serie completa Complete range - Serie complete - Ganze Serie - noaHan cepnn Listino prezzi . Price List. Tarif. Preisliste. npauc-nucm thickness epaisseur starke...
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GRES PORCELLANATO SMALTATO COLORATO IN MASSA GLAZED PORCELAIN STONEWARE WITH COLOURED BODY - ISO 13006 Bla GL - GRES CERAME EMAILLE COLORE DANS LA MASSE - ISO 13006 Bla GL GLASIERTES FEINSTEINZEUG IN DER MASSE GEFARBT- ISO 13006 Bla GL - rM3yPOBAHHbll4 KEPAM0TPAHMT, OKPAIUEHHblM no BCEI4 TOOrgi/IHE - ISO 13006 BIa GL NOTE TECNICHE - TECHNICAL NOTES - NOTES TECHNIQUES - TECHNISCHE ANMRKUNGEN - TEXHMPECKME3AMEPAHMS Tutti i formati sono nominali. Serenissima Ceramiche si riserva la facolta di modificare in qualunque momento le informazioni e le caratteristiche illustrate nel presente catalogo,...
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Serenissima Costruire
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Serenissima Magistra
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Serenissima Evoca
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110 Pages