Catalog excerpts
Metallo - Argilla
Open the catalog to page 1COSTRUIRE expresses the materials most intensely evocative of contemporary architecture, CLAY ana METAL, to create unexpected stylistic crossovers and combinations in a search for correspondences and contrasts expressed in colours, thicknesses and modular formats. The softness of freshly cast cement and the rough, primordial charm of rusting metal are the inspiration for this innovative, versatile, fashionable offering from Serenissima. COSTRUIRE exprime les suggestions materiques les plus intenses de I'architecture contemporaine, ARGILE et METAL, pour creer des contaminations stylistiques...
Open the catalog to page 2Leleganza che nasce dai contrasti materici e dalle scelte cromatiche, racconta lo spazio dedicato alla quotidianita, mai banale, sempre unico. Argilla Grigia 60x120._ Metallo Ruggine 80x180.32"x72" rett The elegance of contrasting materials and selected colours narrates the space dedicated to daily life - always unique, never banal. L'elegance qui naft des contrastes des matieres et du choix des couleurs raconte l'espace, jamais banal mais toujours unique, dedie a la vie quotidienne. Die Eleganz, die sich aus den Materialkontrasten und der Farbwahl ergibt, erzahlt die Geschichte des Raumes,...
Open the catalog to page 3Argilla Grigia 60x120 . 24"x48" rett _ Metallo Ruggine 80x180 . 32"x72" rett 6 Argilla Grigia 60x120 . 24"x48" rett _ Argilla Mix Blu S/2 60x60 . 24"x24" rett _ Metallo Ruggine 80x180 . 32"x72" rett 7
Open the catalog to page 5Ambienti definiti dal perfetto equilibrio tra linee e volumi, dettagli e materiali essenziali che descrivono uno stile di vita in armonia con l'ambiente circostante. Argilla Sabbia 50x100.20Mx40M rett Spaces defined bythe perfect balance ofoutlines and volumes, essential details and materials which describe a life style in harmony with its surroundings. Espaces definis par un equilibre parfait entre les lignes et les volumes, les details et les materiaux essentiels qui decrivent un style de vie en harmonie avec le milieu environnant. Raumlichkeiten, die durch die perfekte Balance zwischen...
Open the catalog to page 6Argilla Fango 100x100 . 40"x40" rett _ Mosaico Bricks 3D Argilla Sabbia 12x29 . 43/4"x117/16" 12 Argilla Fango 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 13
Open the catalog to page 8Nero 100x100.40"x40" rett _ Mosaico Bricks 3D
Open the catalog to page 9Mosaico Bricks 3D Argilla Carbone 12x29 . 43/4"x117/16" 16 Metallo Nero 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 17
Open the catalog to page 10Colori e superfici accolgono i riflessi dei paesaggi urbani, ma la casa e un abbraccio accogliente, un rifugio dalla frenesia del vivere contemporaneo. Metallo Bianco 100x100.40"x40" rett Colours and surfaces accept and reflectthe landscape ofthe city, but home is a welcoming embrace, a refuge from the rat race of modern life. Les couleurs et les surfaces accueillent les reflets des paysages urbains, mais la maison est une etreinte chaleureuse, un refuge contre la frenesie de la vie moderne. Farben und Oberflachen nehmen die Reflexe urbaner Landschaften in sich auf, wahrend das Haus eine...
Open the catalog to page 11Metallo Bianco 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 20
Open the catalog to page 12aaaais ^SSSSBsbhb ■MriBH ■asnsn
Open the catalog to page 13Metallo Titanio 50x100 . 20"x40" rett _ Mosaico Random Metallo Titanio 30x30 . 12"x12" 24
Open the catalog to page 14Interno ed esterno, in una comunione estetica che non tradisce le diverse esigenze progettuali, grazie alia versatility della materia ceramica. Argilla Grigia R11 19 mm 60x60.24"x2 Pezzi Speciali Argilla Grigia R11 19 mm Indoors and outdoors, in an aesthetic communion which fully expresses theirvery different design requirements, thanks to the versatility of ceramic. Interieur et exterieur dans une communion esthetique qui ne trahit pas les differentes exigences de design, grace a la polyvalence de la matiere ceramique. Interieur und Exterieur in einer asthetischen Bindung, die dank der...
Open the catalog to page 15Argilla Grigia R11 19 mm 60x60 . 24"x24" rett Pezzi Speciali Argilla Grigia R11 19 mm 28
Open the catalog to page 16Argilla Avorio 100x100.40"x40" rett _ M°saic° Random Argilla Fango 30x30.12"x12'
Open the catalog to page 17Argilla Avorio 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 32 Mosaico Random Argilla Fango 30x30 . 12"x12" 33
Open the catalog to page 18Argilla Avorio 60x120 . 24"x48" rett 34
Open the catalog to page 19Accogliente e originale, scenografico e affascinante, lo spazio aperto al pubblico lascia un segno indelebile, regala esperienze intense, da assaporare in ogni istante. Welcoming and original, theatricaland fascinating, the public space leaves an indelible markwhile offering intense experiences to savour in every moment. Accueillant et original, scenographique etfascinant, I'espace ouvert au public laisse une trace indelebile et offre des experiences intenses, a savourer a tout moment. Behaglich und originell, spektakular und faszinierend: ein der Offentlichkeit zuganglicher Raum, der...
Open the catalog to page 20Metallo Strong Mix Nero 30x120.12"x48". Argilla Carbone R11 19 mm 60x60,24"x24'
Open the catalog to page 21• ftffanuU' • V<i ►!*#/, <£ • OntfinsC C°l°* QnlUr • #Ct*# - LAsifiUtted • IqyiqJtr f ^hio<c ' HfarocctiSi, L<tv^ :allo Nero 30x120.12Mx48M rett _ Metallo Bianco 80x180.32"x72" rett
Open the catalog to page 23Metallo Strong Mix Nero 30x120 . 12"x48" _ Metallo Nero 30x120 . 12"x48" rett 44 Metallo Nero 80x180 . 32"x72" rett _ Metallo Lamiera Mix Nero S/8 25x25 . 10"x10" rett _ Argilla Sabbia 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 45
Open the catalog to page 24Metallo Nero 80x180 . 32"x72" rett _ Metallo Lamiera Mix Nero S/8 25x25 . 10"x10" rett _ Argilla Sabbia 100x100 . 40"x40" rett 46 Metallo Lamiera Mix Nero S/8 25x25 . 10"x10" rett 47
Open the catalog to page 25GRANDI FORMAT! PER ! TUO! PROGETTI... Le qualita estetiche d'eccellenza e la tecnologia innovativa di Serenissima trovano piena espressione nei nuovi grandi formati 100x100 e 80x180 cm per comporre pavimenti e rivestire pareti, riducendo sensibilmente la presenza di fughe. I grandi formati sono ideali per vestire qualunque tipo di spazio, con originalita ed eleganza, aprendo nuove strade alla progettazione e al design. 100x100.40"x40" 80x180.32"x72" GREAT SIZES FOR YOUR PROJECTS... 100x100. 40 "x40" _ 80x180. 32 "x72" The superior aesthetic qualities and innovative technology of Serenissima...
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