SLAM Chair


Catalog excerpts

SLAM Chair - 1

Sellex Slam Lasai Design Burkhard Vogtherr Lievore Altherr Molina

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SLAM Chair - 2

Sellex Slam El programa de sillas SLAM permite combinar diferentes carcasas y estructuras manteniendo una estetica unica capaz de integrarse en los diferentes espacios de una instalacion. SLAM Chairs program allows to combine different shells and frames by keeping a unique aesthetic in the equipment of the different spaces at the same building. Le programme de chaises SLAM offre la possibilite de combiner des coques et des structures differentes de telle sorte qu’il puisse couvrir toutes les ambiances d’une meme installation avec la meme esthetique. Das Programm der SLAM Stuhle...

Open the catalog to page 2
SLAM Chair - 4

Sellex Slam La silla SLAM se basa en una estructura de aluminio (pintado o pulido) de 12 mm de espesor, que simula un pasamanos, sobre la que “flota” la carcasa de polipropileno, madera 2D, madera 3D o tapizada. SLAM chair is based on an aluminium frame (either painted or polished), 12mm thick, pretending a ‘railing’ and above which the shell, in polypropylene, 2D wood, 3D wood or upholstered, floats. La chaise SLAM est composee d’une structure en aluminium de 12 mm d’epaisseur (peint ou poli) qui evoque une « main courante » sur laquelle « flotte » une coque en polypro, bois 2D, bois 3D ou...

Open the catalog to page 4
SLAM Chair - 5

Sellex Slam Slam Patín Slam Sled base Slam Luge Slam mit Kufengestell

Open the catalog to page 5
SLAM Chair - 6

Sellex Slam Slam Patfn Slam Sled base Slam Luge Slam mit Kufengestell La silla SLAM Patfn se realiza con una varilla de acero pintado de 12 mm de diametro que puede combinarse con las diferentes opciones de carcasa del programa. SLAM with Sled base is made of painted steel rod 12mm diameter and suitable to be combined with the different shells of the program. Une des options de la SLAM mit Kufengestell gamme SLAM est la ist aus Massivstahl, structure en fil d’acier 12 mm Durchmesser, peint, diametre 12 mm, qui lackiert und kann mit den peut etre combinee avec verschiedenen...

Open the catalog to page 6
SLAM Chair - 7

Sellex Slam Slam Silla Alta Slam High Chair Slam Chaise Haute Slam Barhocker La Silla Alta Slam utlllza el mismo tlpo de varllla de acero utilizada para la Slam Patfn con un reposapies de acero inoxidable (opcional) combinandola con las diferentes carcasas del programa (Polipropileno, Madera 2D, Madera 3D, o tapizadas) en cualquiera de los acabados de la coleccion. SLAM High Chair counts on the same steel rod frame used on SLAM Sled base with a stainless steel footrest (optional) and which combines with the different shells (Polypropylene, 2D and 3D wood and upholstered)and finishes of the...

Open the catalog to page 7
SLAM Chair - 8

Sellex Slam Slam con ruedas Slam Swivel Slam sur roulettes Slam Drehstuhl

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Sellex Slam Slam con ruedas Slam Swivel Slam sur roulettes Slam Drehstuhl La Silla Slam con Ruedas y Brazos se completa con un soporte de brazo en acero y un brazo en aluminio, un cilindro regulable de altura que puede combinarse con las diferentes opciones de carcasa del programa. SLAM Swivel Chair is supplied with an steel armrest’s support and an aluminium armrest , together with a height adjustment which combines with the different shells (Polypropylene, 2D and 3D wood and upholstered) and finishes of the Collection. La Chaise SLAM sur roulettes beneficie d’une support pour accoudoir en...

Open the catalog to page 9
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Sellex Slam Slam Básica Slam Basic Slam de Base Slam Basic

Open the catalog to page 10
SLAM Chair - 11

Sellex Slam Slam Basica Slam Basic Slam de Base Slam Basic El programa de sillas SLAM se completa con la opcion de estructura de tubo de acero pintado combinada con las carcasas de polipropileno, madera 2D, madera 3D o tapizada. SLAM series is completed by a new option in painted steel tube in combination with the polypropylene, 2D wood, 3D wood and upholstered shells. La opcion de silla SLAM Basica con Brazos combina el acero de su estructura con el aluminio de los brazos, manteniendo la misma estetica en todo el programa. SLAM Basic chair with armrests is formed by a steel frame and...

Open the catalog to page 11
SLAM Chair - 12

Sellex Slam Slam Bancada Slam on Beam Slam sur Poutre Slam Bank

Open the catalog to page 12
SLAM Chair - 13

Sellex Slam Slam Bancada Slam on Beam Slam sur Poutre Slam Bank La Bancada Slam continua la senda marcada por la silla Slam. Una estructura completamente de aluminio, combinando la extrusion y la inyeccion de aluminio, en el que parece que las carcasas ‘flotan’ sobre la estructura. While keeping the same track than Slam Chair, the seating beam has a full painted aluminium frame and legs, sharing extrusion and injected aluminium which gives the impression as if the shells would be ‘floating’ in the air . Due to its design concept, it can be endless long. La poutre SLAM continue avec le meme...

Open the catalog to page 13
SLAM Chair - 14

Sellex Slam Detalles y accesorios Details and accessories Détails et accessoires Zubehör Totalmente tapizado / Fully upholstered / Revêtement complet / Völlig gepolstert Frente tapizado / Upholstered front / Devant recouvert / Spiegelpolster Sitz und Rücken Asiento tapizado / Upholstered seat / Assise recouverte / Spiegelposter nur Sitz Taco interior Slam / Slam inside glide / Patin intérieur Slam / Slam inneraum Gleiter Taco exterior Slam / Slam outside glide / Patin extérieur Slam / Slam AuBen Gleiter Madera 3D / Wood 3D / Bois 3D / Holz 3D Madera 2D / Bois 3D / Bois 2D / Holz 2D...

Open the catalog to page 14
SLAM Chair - 15

Medidas / Measures / Mesures / MaBe Polipropileno - Madera 3D / Polypropylene - Wood 3D / Polypropylene - Bois 3-D / Polypropylen - Holz 3-D Madera 2D / Wood 2D / Bois 2-D / Holz 2-D Slam Patfn / Slam Sled base / Slam Luge / Slam mit Kufengestell Polipropileno - Madera 3D / Polypropylene - Wood 3D / Madera 2D / Wood 2D / Polypropylene - Bois 3-D / Polypropylen - Holz 3-D Bois 2-D / Holz 2-D Slam Silla Alta / Slam High Chair / Slam Chaise Haute / Slam Barhocker Slam Silla con ruedas / Slam Swivel Chair / Slam Chaise sur roulettes / Slam Drehstuhl Slam Silla Basica / Slam Basic / Slam...

Open the catalog to page 15

All Sellex catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Mass

    11 Pages

  2. Lise

    9 Pages

  3. Don cross

    1 Pages

  4. Don swivel

    1 Pages

  5. HANDY Stool

    9 Pages

  6. DON 4 leg

    1 Pages

  7. EKER Table

    36 Pages

  8. SET Stool

    10 Pages

  9. SWING Chair

    11 Pages

  10. ZUBI Table

    10 Pages

  11. MIX Table

    10 Pages

  12. AERO Bench

    35 Pages

  13. TAYLOR Chair

    5 Pages

  14. LORCA Table

    25 Pages

  15. FOLD Table

    1 Pages

  16. IRINA Chair

    5 Pages

  17. FLY Table

    12 Pages

  18. FAST Table

    5 Pages

  19. VACANTE Bench

    13 Pages

  20. LASAI Bench

    5 Pages

  21. BILDU Bench

    7 Pages

  22. PLANC Table

    5 Pages

  23. HANKA Table

    11 Pages

  24. SUMA Bench

    7 Pages

  25. DON Chair

    9 Pages

  26. STILL Table

    5 Pages

  27. HAMMOK Chair

    7 Pages

Archived catalogs