Collection 2014 2015


Catalog excerpts

Collection 2014 2015 - 1

www.facebookTcom/seeddesign SEED LIGHTING DESIGN CO., LTD. 73-31, Qionglin S. Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, Taiwan T. +886 2 2204 6650 F. +886 2 2204 6541 SEEDDESIGN is a name of pure and enjoyment. Its simplicity embraces a sophistication of thought and crafts. Without all the frills and gaudy looks, , SEEDDESIGN'S streamline is the result of the careful Minimalism unrelated to functions. SEEDDESIGN aspires to create the lights of joy and taste. The destination is the smile on your face. SEEDDESIGN is a name of pure and enjoyment. Its simplicity embraces a sophistication of thought and crafts. Without all the frills and gaudy looks, SEEDDESIGN's streamline is the result of the careful Minimalism unrelated to functions. SEEDDESIGN aspires to create the lights of joy and taste. The destination is the smile on your face. Home is a place heart belongs. After a tiring day, Once your arrive, the warm light have you J released from pressure. Families are waiting for dinner, expecting to share time together. Taking Uj''. ' a glance over everyone, there are smiles on each face, with laughter around... MSfcV^K^HB . ■- Isn't it the great simple happiness of home, where you seed light, seed love! SEED LIGHT

Open the catalog to page 1
Collection 2014 2015 - 2

是一種簡單而幸福的生活態度 源自 1991 年一位青年對燈光的想像與對 創作的熱情透過筆尖把來自生活的靈感 化作以簡約為性格、實用及恆久性為目的 之燈光美學讓燈不僅外型簡單更耐人尋 味。 一路走來我們不斷地問自己「為什 麼」不停嘗試新材質並大膽挑戰自己對 SEED LIGHT 「燈」的認知。 透過紮實的機械底蘊、謹 慎繁複的研發工程以及在品質上不願輕易 妥協的堅持讓燈除了是呈現個人獨特品味 的空間裝飾品之外我們更想給的是燈與 人之間的互動與樂趣。 點亮燈還不夠我 們想點亮的是「家」的幸福和你的微笑。 has been established and self-identified as a growing “seed" in design as well as manufacture of high-end interior lighting since 1991.SEEDDESIGN is a name of Simplicity, Elegance, Eternity and Delight. The simplicity embraces a sophistication of thought and workmanship. After removing all the frills, gaudy looks and design unrelated to...

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Collection 2014 2015 - 4

energy saving light source 射手座是夏日夜空中最醒目的星座之一人頭馬身是充滿智慧與優雅的弓箭手。以 紋理流暢的櫸木作為堅固弓臂柔和了弓箭的肅殺之氣弓弦則能調整圓弧曲線的角度配合 您的姿態讓一體成形的射手座成為您可依靠的守護者。射手座有立燈、大立燈二款。 Archer, is one of the brightest constellations of the zodiac in summer night. The solid bow arm, made of zelkova (fine-grained wood), moderates the combative mood with its woodliked textures. And the bowstring is designed for adjusting the angle of arc-shaped lamp arm. Appearing as a half human and half horse centaur is how he looks. He is an elegant and wise archer who can be a reliable guarder. Archer is available in floor (2 sizes). E27 Halogen 省電鹵素...

Open the catalog to page 4
Collection 2014 2015 - 5

沉重的都市生活經常壓得人們喘不過氣。來一點輕盈漂浮的AIR除 了釋放空間的壓力LED 的使用亦大幅降低熱輻射及電能消耗減輕你和地球 肩頭上的負擔。取自機翼的流暢曲線以鋁合金打造浮空的輕盈視覺少一點體 積多一點呼吸。AIR吊燈共有三種尺寸。 Urban life is crowded and hard to breath. AIR, inspired from the floating cloud with a wing-like appearance, is designed to release the burden on you and the earth. LED as the luminant, AIR saves 80% energy compared with incandescent. AIR is available in 3 sizes--Dia. 17cm, 22cm, 35cm. energy saving light source 吊燈 Pendant S 吊燈 Pendant M 吊燈 Pendant L shiny black/ white

Open the catalog to page 5
Collection 2014 2015 - 6

CARRY 盛 CARRY的靈感來自繁忙的生活中想帶給您一絲貼心。除了以節能 光源點亮並點綴空間外更多了實用便利性木質圓盤能讓您隨意放置暫時不 知該放哪裡的各式小物。另外還有特別為商務人士所設計的USB插槽可讓 您的智慧型手機或平板電腦安心地放置並充電或者插上USB喇叭煮杯咖 啡悠閒地享受音樂。在CARRY沉穩的霧面烤漆外表下靜靜整理繁忙人生 中的瑣碎。CARRY有桌燈、立燈兩種款式。 In addition to the use of lighting and decoration, Carry helps to put daily tiny things on the plate and share everyday pressures. With the delicate painting appearance, it provides you the essential quality of life. Carry is available in floor and desk lamp. Moreover, desk lamp equipped with USB adapter is specially designed for business people. CARRY ARCHER

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Collection 2014 2015 - 7

energy saving light source 特殊開關 Dimmer 類型 Type 桌燈 Desk 立燈 Floor E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 2 x 42W E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 2 x 42W 霧白 matt white 霧黑、霧白 matt black/ white

Open the catalog to page 7
Collection 2014 2015 - 8

CASTLE 堡壘 CASTLE是水泥吊燈顛覆燈飾材料的印象水泥燈罩的加工過程耗費較少能源更貼近環保與生態。降低污染的同時也提供 意想不到的搭配賦予原本樸實平凡的水泥嶄新的生命力。水泥堡壘有壁燈與不同尺寸與造型的吊燈可供選擇。 CASTLE desires to challenge your perception of material in lighting--by using concrete as the lampshade. Concrete wastes much less energy than metal and glass which reponses to the ECO issue. Now there are more options in CASTLE pendants and wall lamps. It is available for variable styles of lampshade. CASTLE ARCHER

Open the catalog to page 8
Collection 2014 2015 - 9

類型 Type 吊燈 Pendant 吊燈 Pendant 吊燈 Pendant 吊燈 Pendant 吊燈 Pendant 吊燈 Pendant E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 G6.35 Halogen 鹵素 E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 燈罩水泥 燈體與底座鋼亮鉻 Shade: concrete Stem & base: steel (chrome) energy saving light source

Open the catalog to page 9
Collection 2014 2015 - 10

CASTLE-DREAMER 童話堡壘 孩子的夢存在一個大人們無法理解的奇幻世界那裡沒 有現實的定律透過繽紛的光氛找回心中曾經的那片童話。軟糖般 的童話堡壘由安全矽膠製成除了耐高溫、富有彈性輕捏它還會 發出可愛的「啾啾」鳥鳴聲。輕巧透光的特性可以讓空間瞬間活 化心也彷彿回到童年。 Childrens’ dreams are always fancy. CASTLE-DREAMER has a gummy wall which shines the colorful light. It “tweet” like a bird calling when you pinch the wall. Come and find your own fantasy world! CASTLE DREAMER energy saving light source 燈罩矽膠 Shade: silicone rubber 燈罩與電線橘 Shade and wire: orange CASTLE DREAMER

Open the catalog to page 10
Collection 2014 2015 - 11

CASTLE-SILVER 堡壘 銀 銀色堡壘是以鋁合金打造的堡壘半橢圓的外 表之中有個同心圓鋁反射罩底部的燈泡蓋遮住刺眼的光 線兩者將直硬的光化為層次多變的柔和光氛。外表直率的 銀色堡壘其實溫柔且體貼。銀色堡壘表面處理鋁刷紋。 CASTLE-SILVER keeps the oval look, aluminum reflector and bulb cover from CASTLE family which stand an urban life style. More than simple, the bulb cover and reflector avoid glares to eyes. On the other hand, they turn the light into a soft, relaxing atmosphere. SILVER is available in pendant (aluminum). CASTLE SILVER energy saving light source 光源 Bulb/ Illuminant E27 Halogen 省電鹵素 1 x 70W 鋼、鋁合金 steel, aluminum CASTLE SILVER

Open the catalog to page 11
Collection 2014 2015 - 12

彷彿騎士般的儀態靈敏的舉投之間仍不失沉穩內 斂。「騎士」系列獨特的扁圓金屬管身支撐可曲可直的關節 桌立燈甚至可調整高低。光線透過口吹白玉玻璃灑下溫柔光 氛為空間增添優雅氣質。騎士系列有桌、壁燈二款。 混合水果、蜂蜜、牛奶的雞尾酒在宴會中伴隨音樂愉悅穿梭每個 角落。夜宴的外觀恰如反置的酒杯是宴會中絕不缺席的主角。專利的懸吊裝 置不需在燈上穿洞即可安全懸吊燈罩除了平衡了天生不等重的手工口吹 玻璃燈罩同時保留燈體完整性。夜宴燈罩為手工口吹亮面白玉玻璃。 A chevalier seems to have a humble personality with swift motion. That is how CHEVALIER was designed. This family features its special tube of upper body which is oblate in crosssection, mouth-blown opal which soften the light, and adjustment for height. CHEVALIER has desk and wall lamp. In a party, cocktail never skips and always delights you with slightly drunk. That...

Open the catalog to page 12
Collection 2014 2015 - 13

CHINA 閣 深藏東方人文底蘊的「閣」如同一位智者一身簡單、低調卻智慧無限。 透過DJ dimmer的專利調光裝置在沉穩之餘也帶入創意與幽默。不但豐富了光影 變化亦將外型簡化到極致似乎在觸碰DJ dimmer的同時隨著光影變化也聽 見黑膠唱片轉動的聲音。此系列有桌、立燈兩款立燈不附DJ dimmer。 CHINA stands for an oriental spirit, as an elder with infinite wisdom. It features the oil-bronzed finish with brushed-copper edge, and DJ dimmer for desk lamp. You seem to hear a louder music in your ears when you turn it brighter. CHINA is available in desk and floor lamp (DJ dimmer for desk lamp only). 36 energy saving light source 特殊開關 Dimmer 類型 Type 桌燈 Desk 立燈 Floor E14 鎢絲燈泡 / Halogen 3 x 40W E14 鎢絲燈泡 / Halogen 3 x 40W 專利DJ調光 桌燈 DJ...

Open the catalog to page 13

All Seeddesign catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SOL

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  3. OLO Φ

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  7. DOBI

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  8. Zen

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