Catalog excerpts

Certificado del Sistema de Gestion Ambiental ER-0041J2006 AENOR Asociaddn Espanola de NormallzaciSn y CertificaciGn, certifies que la organization SECOM ILUMINACIOW, S.L. dispone de un sistema de gestidn de la calidad conforme con la Norma UNE-EN ISO 90012006 para lasanivldades. Diseno. production ycomercializacion de luminarias de fluoiewencia y de tecnoLogla LEO. que se realizan en.' Pt LA ESTRELLA &I MARTE. 5jN. 30500 - MOLINA DE SEGURAfMURCIAf AENOR AsodadQn EspaAola de Noimalizaadn y CertifiuciOn. ceitif ca que la ocgancacifln SECOM ILUMINACl6N,S.L. dispone de un s sterna de gestion...
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SECOM IS A SPANISH COMPANY THAT DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND MARKET PROFESSIONAL, COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL LIGHJTING SYSTEMS. The company was founded in 1989, its main headquarters are in Murcia, a region Located in the southeast of Spain. More than 100 people work in the central office, at their side they have a huge commercial network all over the world, working in set to achieve a common goal. SECOM has become a company strong and solid, which has been growing, despite the years of crisis, reaching a turnover of 25 million euros in 2016 and exporting to more than 35 countries in the world....
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DYNAMIC AND PROACTIVE Secom is a company with a continuous development of new products, and a quick adaptation to the market. Excellent quality / price ratio: high quality lighting and design, at competitive prices. An efficient and fast service in sales and after sales, always carried out by highly qualified personnel. SECOM IS A COMPANY IN CONTINUOUS GROWTH, WITH AN ANNUAL INCREASE OF 20%. It has its own commercial network in Spain and abroad, highlighting the creation in recent years of the delegations in Portugal, U.K., U.A.E. After-sales service: technical assistance for all lighting...
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02. GROWTH SECOM inaugurated in early 2015 the expansion of its facilities in its headquarters, located in the municipal area "Molina de Segura" in the province of Murcia, this expansion was due to the need for space for the process of robotization started in 2016 and with development until 2018. Currently our facilities comprise more than 14,500 m2, which demonstrates our growth and the firm commitment to offer a better service to our customers. The company is committed to new technologies, based on research and business development, and in-depth studies of each product. SECOM in the last 7...
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03. FAIRS AND STANDS SECOM usually goes to the most important fairs in Spain and the world; highlighting the Light & Building Fair in Frankfurt (world leader in lighting and electronics fair held every 2 years) as well as many others of global importance as Euroluce in Milan or Light & Building Middle East.
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04. EXPORT DEPARTMENT SECOM has an important commercial network throughout the world. Although Spain continues to be the main market, with a strong commercial network, Secom has exponentially increased its global commercial network. Currently, SECOM's annual turnover reaches approximately 25 million euros. At the moment, exports represent 40% of the company's turnover and are growing year after year. So the logical evolution of the company is towards export. Outside our borders, Portugal, France were the first countries in which commercial networks were established that currently extend to...
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europe America Mexico Guatemala Dominican Republic Cuba Colombia Peru Chile Panama africa america oceania Europe Spain France Portugal Andorra Germany Italy Ireland United Kingdom Belgium Netherlands Switzerland Croatia Slovenia Austria Czech Republic Denmark Poland Sweden Malt Romania Finland Norway Hungary Latvia Africa Morocco Algeria Egypt Senegal Tunisia Angola Asia Lebanon Qatar Israel UAE Palestine Oman Jordan Bahrain Saudi Arabia Kuwait Oceania Australia
Open the catalog to page 9
05. PROJECT DEPARTMENT A good lighting project requires a very high level of knowledge and experience. The level of demand in the market is very high and few brands can boast as Secom to have a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the sector. We work with a lighting calculation software program capable of making a detailed study of a light installation from the characteristics of a certain area, and our technicians are specialized in all types of projects and branches of the sector such as Road Lighting, sports, ornamental ... etc… In SECOM, the project...
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In our lighting projects we offer solutions for architectural and interior design, both forthe interior and exterior lighting. First, lighting has to provide a good perception and then a safe mobility of a place to another. On the other hand, we must take into account the aesthetics and the psychological effects, emphasizing architectural structures. Only the concept of light can not meet these requirements, due to the conditions of the environmental changes (the conditions for a night lighting are different for daylighting). The requirements are very different when lighting is a space with...
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With Secom street lighting luminaires We bring to the city, the latest technological advances in the market including components of leading brands at a competitive price. STREET LIGHTING Secom Lighting incorporates all the processes of manufacturing in Spain to have the best control of quality on its luminaires, which allows from the Design stage fully optimize production. Specify luminaires for each installation with the order to comply with the energy efficiency regulation and the low voltage regulation. Secom Lighting includes the latest generation of LED, which allow to adapt perfectly...
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SMART NETWORKS SENET is an innovative technology that allows total control of each light spot independently the design of existing networks, it does not need to perform extra works in the installation Thanks to the logic lighting control and the integration of sensors, we provide intelligence to the network. SENET offers the most innovative software to lighting world. WHERE WE WORK SENET can be used on public lighting located in any type of route: squares, urbanizations, parks, historic area, tunnels ... Adapting it to the specific needs. We have solutions for outdoor lighting of...
Open the catalog to page 13All SECOM Iluminacion catalogs and technical brochures
414 Pages
170 Pages
General catalog 71
422 Pages
Protek Q2 LED
6 Pages
4 Pages
422 Pages