Catalog excerpts

Revo 3 New Registered Community Design (RCD) I Ombrellone rivoluzionario nello stile e costruzione. Diventa un oggetto di design minimalistico con un nuovo concetto dell'ombra. Rotondo diam. 3,00 mt. Adatto anche per uso professionale UK Revolutionary parasol with in style and construction. It becomes an object of design with a minimalistic, new concept of the shadow. Round shape diam 3,00 m. Suitable also for commercial employ D Revolutionaerer Sonnenschirm in der Art und im Bau. Der Schirm verwandelt sich in ein Designobjekt mit minimalistischem und neuem Konzept des Schattens. Rund...
Open the catalog to page 2
08. Revo 3 New i Tetaio in altuminio con nitova vernitiatura a potveri colore inox. Diam. 3,00 mt. Viteria in acciaio e component! in nylon colore bianco* Palo Diam. 50 mm F Armature en aluminium avec nouvelle vernis couleur Inox. Diametre 3,00 m. Visserie en ader et composants en nylon blanc. Mat diametre 50 mm. UK New aluminium Inox coated frame. Diam. 3,00 m. Steel screws and components in white nylon. Pole diam. 50 mm. E Estructura de aluminio con nueva pintura color inox. D. 3,00 m. Tornillo de aciero y componentes de nylon bianco. Mastil D. 50 mm, D Alugestell mit neuer...
Open the catalog to page 3
.Dimensione (metri) .Dimensions (meters) .Masse (Meter) .Dimensions (metrès) .Dimensiones ( en metros) .Afmeting in (meters) .Stecche .Ribs .Streben .Baleines .Varillas .Baleinen .Piastre cemento .Cement slabs .Kiesbetonplatten .Dalles ciment .Planchas de cemento .Betontegel .Viteria in inox e ottone nichelato .Screws in Stainless steel and nickel plated brass .Edelstahlschrauben und vernickeltes Messing .Visserie inox et laiton nickelé .Tornillos en acero inoxidable y bronce niquelado .Schroeven van rvs en vernikkeld messing .Codice .Code .Artikelcode .Code .Código .Artikelcode .Set...
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