Group: San Marco Group S.p.A.

Catalog excerpts

ALLOVER BASE DECORATIVE PRIMER/FINISH COATING FOR CONTINUOUS FLOORS AND WALLS - FOR THE SINGLE-COMPONENT ALLOVER SYSTEM series 892 DESCRIPTION Further information on the performance of the ALLOVER systems, please contact the San Marco technical support team. ALLOVER BASE is a spreadable paste product specifically designed to create both an anchoring primer and textured, textured finishes on horizontal and vertical interior surfaces. It provides high direct adhesion on substrates such as concrete, old resin floors, and tiles. This product can be coloured using the tinting system. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Due to its characteristics, it meets a wide range of aesthetic performance requirements in living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, restaurants, studios/offices, shops, showrooms, wellness/spa areas, and can also be used to decorate furnishings. The ALLOVER System is easily implemented on-site and can be applied directly on concrete floors, old ceramic floors, walls. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - Binder nature: silanized acrylic copolymer in water emulsion - Solvent: water - Appearance: white thixotropic paste - Max. aggregate size: <0.75 mm - Density UNI EN ISO 2811-1: 1.58 ± 0.05 kg/l - Abrasion resistance TABER - grinding wheel H22 500 g 200 rpm at 7 days <0.9 g - Workability time: approx. 40 minutes at 20°C, RH=60%. - Overcoating time: after 4 hours at 20°C, RH=60%. - Drying (at 25 °C and 65% R.H.): to the touch in 1 hour; overcoatable after 4 hours (variable depending on ambient and substrate conditions). For ALLOVER systems: - Indoor Air Quality Classification: A+ - Indoor Air Comfort certification: IAC-442-01-06-2023 - Fire reaction EN 13501-1: Class B fl s1 Refers to consumption not exceeding that indicated, and application on a non-combustible surface. The product may be tinted by means of the Color Matching System. When using multiple batches it is recommended to remix the various products together to avoid slight differences in shading. STORAGE Maximum temperature for storage stability: +35 °C Minimum temperature for storage stability: +5 °C The product should be preferably used within 2 years from date of manufacture when stored in original unopened containers and in appropriate temperature conditions. SAFETY RULES EU limit value (Dir. 2004/42/EC) Cat. A/l: decorative effect coatings (water-base): 200 g/l (2010) The product contains max: 5 g/l VOC Use the product according to current health and safety regulations; after use, do not discard the containers in the environment; allow the residue to dry thoroughly, then treat as special waste. Do not dispose of residues in the sewers, waterways or ground. For more information consult the safety data sheet. SPECIFICATION ITEM --- SAN MARCO GROUP guarantees that the information herein is provided to the best of its technical and scientific knowledge and based on its experience; nonetheless, the company may not be held liable for the results obtained using these products, as application conditions are beyond its control. It is recommended to always make sure that the product is suited to each specific instance. The present sheet voids and replaces any previously existing sheets. For further technical information call the technical service +39 0418520527 PREPARING THE SURFACE Refer to the ALLOVER installation manual APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Environment and background conditions: Ambient temperature: Min. +10 °C / Max. +35 °C Relative humidity of the environment: <75% Background temperature: Min. +10 °C / Max.+35 °C Background humidity: <4% - Tools: stainless steel spatula/trowel - Layers: 1 to 3 depending on the effect desired - Dilution: ready to use - Cleaning of tools should be done with water immediately after use - Yield: 0.6-0.8 kg/m2 per layer depending on background - 1 kg/m2 if glass-fibre mesh is used For more information on installing the systems ("SMART," "FLAT," " FLAT Fast") please refer to the ALLOVER installation manual. San Marco Group Spa - Via Alta 10 - 30020 Marcon (VE) - Tel +39 041 4569322 - www.san-marco.com - info@san-marco.it - export@san-marco.it Page 1
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