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ACRYLOVELOUR PLUS VELVET-EFFECT ACRYLIC FINISH - HIGH COVERAGE - ZERO VOC Series 342 DESCRIPTION ACRYLOVELOUR PLUS is a high-quality acrylic water paint, recommended for walls and ceilings. Produces finishes having a velvet, even appearance. Has excellent covering power and allows the surfaces to be cleaned easy thanks to its high stain resistance. Easy to apply, it is very quick-drying and can be overcoated after 3 hours. Odourless, free of volatile organic compounds (VOC) plasticizers and formaldehyde. ACRYLOVELOUR PLUS is formulated with a binder derived from renewable biomass according to the "mass-balance" approach, and is RedCert2-certified. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE It can be applied both indoors and outdoors (only on sheltered surfaces) on:Applicable indoors and outdoors (only on sheltered surfaces) on: - New and old plasters based on hydraulic binders. - Concrete surfaces. - Plaster and gypsumboard surfaces. - Old paints and organic or mineral coatings that are dry, compact, absorbent and not damaged. - Various mineral conglomerates, provided they are absorbent. The surfaces must be suitably prepared following the instructions in the paragraph 'BACKGROUND PREPARATION'. Do not apply onto fresh backgrounds that are rather alkaline. An adequate curing time must be allowed, generally of four weeks. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - Binder type: Acrylic copolymer in aqueous dispersion - Indoor Air Quality Classification: A+ - VOC content Directive 2004/42/EC: <1 g/l APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS - Ambient and background conditions: Ambient temperature: min. +8 °C, max. +35 °C. Ambient relative humidity: <75%. Background temperature: min. +5 °C, max. +35 °C. Dry background. - Tools: brush, roller, spray and airless. - Coats: at least 2 coats. - Dilution agent: water - Dilution: .brush, roller: ready to use; on porous backgrounds, dilute up to 10-15%. .airless 10-20% (nozzle diameter: 0.38-0.53 mm / 0.015-0.021 in.; pressure: 150-180 bar / 2176-2611 psi). - Tools cleaning: with water immediately after use. - Indicative coverage: 14-16 m2/l per coat, referred to smooth, moderately-absorbent backgrounds. We recommend checking actual yield by making a preliminary test on the specific background. TINTING Colouring can be obtained with the Tintometric System. The product can also be coloured with the COLORADO 548 series dyes. If different manufacturers are used, we recommend mixing the various productions to avoid slight differences in tone. STORAGE Maximum storage temperature: +30 °C Minimum storage temperature: +5 °C The product should be used preferably within 3 years from the production date if stored in its original unopened pot and at the appropriate temperatures. SAFETY RULES - UNI EN 13300 classification: Washing resistance ISO 11998: class 1 .Gloss level EN ISO 2813: 7±1, velvet .Coverage ISO 6504-3: class 2 at a yield of 7 sq.m/l Additional features - Density UNI EN ISO 2811-1: 1.40±0.05 kg/l - Solvent: water - Dry residue by weight: 55±2%. - Reaction to fire EN 13501-1: Class A2 s1 d0 Referred to consumption no greater than that indicated, and to application onto a non-combustible surface. - Drying (at 25 °C and 65% relative humidity): to the touch in 30 min.; can be painted over after 3 hours. Limit value EU (Dir. 2004/42/EC) Cat. A/a: Matt coatings for interior walls and ceilings (gloss≤25@60°) WB: 30 g/l (2010) Cat. A/c: Coatings for exterior walls of mineral substrate WB: 40 g/l (2010) The product contains max: 1 g/l VOC Use the product according to current health and safety regulations; after use, do not discard the containers in the environment; allow the residue to dry thoroughly, then treat as special waste. Store out of the reach of children. Do not dispose of residues in the sewers, waterways or ground. For more information consult the safety data sheet. PREPARING THE SURFACE - The backgrounds must be in good condition, dry, compact, absorbent, and consistent. - To obtain smooth and even finishes on particularly porous and uneven backgrounds, we recommend first applying the water-based acrylic paint IMPRESSOMARC PLUS. - On gypsumboard, we recommend a coat of the acrylic water-based primer paint IMPRESSOMARC PLUS before applying the finishing San Marco Group Spa - Via Alta 10 - 30020 Marcon (VE) - Tel +39 041 4569322 - - -

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ACRYLOVELOUR PLUS VELVET-EFFECT ACRYLIC FINISH - HIGH COVERAGE - ZERO VOC Series 342 SPECIFICATION ITEM --- SAN MARCO GROUP guarantees that the information herein is provided to the best of its technical and scientific knowledge and based on its experience; nonetheless, the company may not be held liable for the results obtained using these products, as application conditions are beyond its control. It is recommended to always make sure that the product is suited to each specific instance. The present sheet voids and replaces any previously existing sheets. For further technical information...

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