Vinil & SPC 2019
1 / 48Pages

Catalog excerpts

Vinil & SPC 2019 - 2

easy-click floors

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 3

SELF ADHESIVE Can be installed on almost any type of surface. AUTO ADESIVO Pode ser aplicado em quase qualquer tipo de parede. AUTO-ADHESIF Installez directement les plaques sur la quasi-totalite de les surfaces. AUTOADHESIVO Instale directamiente las placas en casi qualquier superficie. 100% WATER RESISTANT Special compound of water-resistant mineral fibres. 100% RESISTENTE A AGUA Com composto especial de fibras minerais resiste 100% a agua. 100% RESISTANT L’HUMIDITE Avec composant secial en fibres minerales resiste a leau. 100% RESISTENTE A LA HUMIDAD Con un compuesto especial de fibras...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 4

wall pro - DARK GREY, 305x915mm • DV39/54.6 06 Wall P

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 5

Dark Grey Cement Dark Cement Silver Ashy Brown People Blonde Rubifloor SPC ist eine Evolution in der Familie der Vinylböden. Mit fortschrittlichen Druck- und Texturtechnologien erhalten wir die attraktivsten und meistverkauften Vinyl-Bodenfliesen auf dem Markt. Rubifloor SPC steht für Stone Plastic Composite, dh seine Hauptkomponente ist die Summe aus Kalkstein (Calciumcarbonat), PVCPulver und Stabilisator. Es ist viel stabiler, wasserfest und feuerbeständig. Rubifloor SPC est une évolution dans la famille des revêtements de sol en vinyle. Grâce aux technologies avancées d'impression et de...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 8

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm Urban Marble

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 9

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 10

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 13

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 14

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 15

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 16

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 21

Especificações Técnicas Technical Specifications / Spécifications techniques / Especificaciones tecnicas / Technische Daten Com resistência elástica With elastic resistance Avec résistance élastique Mit elastischen Widerstand Con resilencia elástica Resistente á abrasão Abrasion resistant Résistant à l'abrasion Abriebfest Resistente a la abrasión Livre de formaldeíno Formaldehyde-free Sans formaldéhyde Formaldehydfrei Libre de Formaldeíno Superfície com texturas Textured surface Surface avec textures Oberflächenstruktur Texturas en la superficie Resistente ao impacto Impact resistant...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 22

easy-click LVT floors Silencioso / Quiet / Silencieux / Akustisch / Silencioso Mais silencioso que madeiras, laminados e ceramica / Quieter than hardwood, laminate or ceramic Plus silencieux que les bois, stratifies ou la céramique / Ruhigere als Holz, Laminate other Keramic. Resistente á Água / Moisture resistent / Résistant à l’eau Beständig gegen Wasser / Resistente al agua Não absorve água / Doesn't absorb water / Il n’absorve pas l’eau / Es nimmt kein Wasser Sem problemas / Worry Free / Aucunes Problèmes Keine Probleme / Sin problemas Confortável / Comfort / Confortable / Bequem /...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 23

Color Index Rubifloor é o piso vinílico perfeito para proporcionar equilíbrio a diversos ambientes. Simula elementos naturais com fidelidade, para além de contar com um design e uma paleta de cores muito modernas. Com até 15 anos de durabilidade o Rubifloor não dilata, não empena é acústico e é mais fácil de limpar, além de ser 100% reciclável. Rubifloors apresenta uma colecção com padrões que lembram o conforto das madeiras, com um sistema fácil de encaixe e sem necessidade do uso de adesivos. Rubifloor é indicado para locais de tráfego comercial pesado, como restaurantes, ginásios, lojas...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 25

Ei a a a m m m Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 26

Loft Loft Honey 4,2 - 0,3mm RLVT18122LH • DV29.5/41.3 180x1220mm a s g ® ® pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 27

Ei u a a m m si Size pcs / box m'-' / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 30

Ei a a a m m m Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 31

Pro Nordig 5mm - 0,55mm RLVT18122PN • DV35/49 180x1220mm Ei a a a m m si Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Pro Brown 5mm - 0,55mm RLVT18122PB • DV35/49 180x1220mm Ei a a a m m si Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Pro Grey 5mm - 0,55mm RLVT18122PG • DV35/49 180x1220mm Ei a a a m m si Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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Pro Caramel 5mm - 0,55mm RLVT18122PC • DV35/49 180x1220mm Ei a a a m m si Size pcs / box m2 / box Kg / box box / pal m2 / pal Kg / pal

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High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 39

Solution Solution Warm Grey 5mm - 0,55mm RM7054-1 • DV35/49 180x1210mm

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High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 42

High Trafic & Residential 0,55mm

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 43

FLEX isolamento Termico e Acustico Borracha reciclada com filme na superfoe PRODUTO: FLEX - PV3.9/5.46 TIPOLOGIA: TELAS PARA ISOLAMENTO CODIGO: RLVTFLEX Telas / Underlayers Acessorios de Vinil vinyl accessories accessoires de vinilo Vinyl-zubehor accesorios para vinilo NORMA/ ENSAIOS STANDARD IMPERFLEX Impermeabilizante Borracha reciclada PRODUTO: FLEX - PV5.4/7.56 TIPOLOGIA: TELA PARA IMPERMEABILIZAQAO CODIGO: RLVTIMPERFLEX ALUFLEX isolamento Termico e Acustico Borracha reciclada com superficie em aluminio PRODUTO: FLEX - PV5.4/7.56 TIPOLOGIA: TELAS PARA...

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Vinil & SPC 2019 - 44

Perfil p/ rodapé Ref.: RLVT3811011 • PV10.5/14.7 Skirtings Sockelleisten Rodapé Ref.: RLVT3722011 • PV21.5/30.1 Skirting board Sockelleisten Terminal Ref.: RLVT1412011 • PV11.5/16.1 Edge trims / Profilé à bord Abschluss - und Einfassprofile Acess. Rodapé Esquerdo Ref.: RLVT3720411 Acess. Rodapé Direito Ref.: RLVT3720511 Conexão - autocolante Ref.: RLVT1302410 • PV16.5/23.1 Connecting profile - self-adhesive Übergangsprofile - selbstklebend Rodapé para LED Ref.: RPV200LED • PV19/26.6 Skirting board for LED lightning Sockelleisten Conexão - autocolante Ref.: RLVT1352411 PV15/21 Connecting...

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All RUBICER catalogs and technical brochures

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