Catalog excerpts

O ambiente em que vivemos é a essência do nosso negócio. The environment which we live in is the essence of our business. L’environnement en que nous vivons c’est l’essence de notre entreprise. Die Umgebung, in der wir leben, ist das Wesen unseres Geschäfts. El ambiente en el que vivimos es la esencia de nuestro n
Open the catalog to page 3
colunas de duche shower panels | colonnes de douche Duschepaneele | Columnas de ducha Colunas Hidro 229 Led Shower 237 Shower Series 239
Open the catalog to page 5
shower panels | colonnes de douches | Duschpaneele | columnas de ducha brushed stainless steel | acier inoxydable brossé edelstahl gebürstet| acero inoxidable cepillado
Open the catalog to page 6
Colunas de Duche Vidro glass | verre | glas| vidrio Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando aluminum | aluminium | Aluminium | aluminio Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando 150 x 25 cm
Open the catalog to page 7
shower panels | colonnes de douches | Duschpaneele | columnas de ducha Polido Polished Poli Poliert Pulido Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático 150 x 20 cm
Open the catalog to page 8
Colunas de duche inox escovado brushed stainless steel | acier inoxydable brossé | edelstahl gebürstet| acero inoxidable cepillado Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando 150 x 22 cm
Open the catalog to page 9
shower panels | colonnes de douches | Duschpaneele | columnas de ducha Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático
Open the catalog to page 10
glass \ verre \ glas\ vidrio Espelho mirror miroir Spiegel espejo Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando Termostatica Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat
Open the catalog to page 11
shower panels | colonnes de douches | Duschpaneele | columnas de ducha Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando 153 x 20 cm
Open the catalog to page 12
Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando Monocomando Mixer Monocommande Einhebel Monomando
Open the catalog to page 13
duche | shower | douche | Dusche | ducha
Open the catalog to page 14
duche | shower | douche | Dusche | ducha Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático
Open the catalog to page 16
Shower Series
Open the catalog to page 17
duche | shower | douche | Dusche | ducha
Open the catalog to page 18
Shower Series Rain
Open the catalog to page 19
duche | shower | douche | Dusche | ducha
Open the catalog to page 20
Termostática Thermoelement Thermostatique Thermostat Termostático
Open the catalog to page 21
AppRubicer Sede • Showroom • Warehouse Ovar - Portugal Zona Industrial a Norte de Ovar Rua do Estado da India, n° 48 3880-331 Ovar, Portugal I: (+351)256 790140 E: (+351)256 790149 Showroom Algarve - Portugal Showroom Paris - France Warehouse Castellon - Spain E-mail: geral@rubicer.pt www.rubicer.pt www.rubideck.pt IMliO EUROPBk
Open the catalog to page 22All RUBICER catalogs and technical brochures
Torneiras 2018
38 Pages
Spa 2018
20 Pages
Hidro 2018
26 Pages
Pedra Natural 2018
32 Pages
Pav. e Revestimentos 2018
150 Pages
Móveis 2018
72 Pages
18 Pages
Sanitário 2018
32 Pages
Vinil & SPC 2019
48 Pages
stone rubicer 2018
32 Pages
mosaics 2018
76 Pages
deck rubicer 2018
38 Pages
100 Pages
Rubicer BATH
45 Pages
Novelties 2015
11 Pages
General catalogue Floors and Walls
147 Pages