Catalog excerpts

live beyond routine
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RUBICER it’s a Portuguese company that dedicates itself to the production and commercialization, through its four trademarks: RUBICERAMIC, RUBILINE, RUBISTONE and RUBIDECK. Rubicer est une entreprise portugaise qui se destine à la production et commercialisation par les 4 marques commerciales: RUBICERAMIC, RUBILINE, RUBISTONE ET RUBIDECK. In RUBICERAMIC we can find several rectified ceramic articles, various types of mosaic and glass, which follow the more actual trends from the market. RUBILINE it’s a range dedicated to the massage and sanitary articles. RUBIDECK it’s a brand that...
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A RUBICER é uma empresa portuguesa que se dedica à produção e comercialização, através das suas 4 marcas: RUBICERAMIC, RUBILINE, RUBISTONE E RUBIDECK. Na RUBICERAMIC podemos encontrar variados artigos porcelanicos rectificados, diversos tipos de pastilha e vidro, que seguem as tendências mais actuais do mercado. A RUBILINE é uma gama dedicada aos artigos de hidromassagem, artigos sanitários, mobiliário, duche. Já a RUBIDECK é uma marca que comercializa deck que é um compósito de madeira com PVC. Na RUBISTONE pode-se encontrar uma variada gama de pedras naturais para revestimentos que...
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natural stone, pierre naturelle, naturstein, pieclra natural natural stone, pierre naturelle, naturstein, pieclra natural grass, gazon, gras, cespecl accessories, accessoires, zubehor accesorios mosaic, mosaigue, mosaik, mosaicc Parametros Tecnicos technical parameters, parametres technigues, technische claten, parametros tecnicos Shell Series Sweet Love Symphony Pool Glass Mosaic Glass Decor Mosaic Decor Marylin Monroe Habitat Natural Collection Blanco Puro & Carbono 196 Paredes, Wals
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porcelanato esmaltado | enamelled porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato | emailliertes porcelanato just 4,8 mm A great technological innovation in big size and 4,8mm thikness porcelain panel It's Stronger. It's lighter. And easier to aply slimceramic
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The Product Slimcera mic SLIMCERAMIC tile is a great scientific and technological innovation. We adopt the world's most advanced special ceramic production technology and produce oversize porcelain sheet board with thickness of only 4.8 mm in a specialized way. Compared with ordinary ceramic tiles, the weight of building ceramic materials in unit area can be reduced by 1 time; more than 60% of raw materials resources can be saved; over 50% of overall energy consumption is reduced. The application of SLIMCERAMIC tile is a revolutionary alternative of the traditional building ceramics and...
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The building's own load is reduced effectively. For high-rise buildings, the effect is more obvious; the cost for accessory and labor in installation can be reduced. For the floors below 24 square meters, stick can be adopted, thus cost can be saved significantly. As for old house renovation, it is not necessary to pry the original wall and floor tiles; reducing noise pollution, water and electricity consumption can be reduced; paving costs and industrial pollution are reduced; construction period is shortened; Relative to aluminium plastic plate, SLIMCERAMIC tile is applied to external...
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According to leading scientists, deducting the oxygen consumption of a tree itself, in the rain florest each tree can averagely release 273.000 liters of oxygen every year. With high efficient production process and technology, Rubicer can save up to 40% production energy. Compared to the traditional wood processing, application of every 1.000m² Rubicer Slimceramic can save at least 10 ripe trees and release more than 2.73 million liters of oxygen.
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Compared to the traditional ceramic production, Slimceramic reduces 50% of carbon and other solid emissions Compared to the traditional ceramic production, Slimceramic reduces 40% of the comsuption Compared to the traditional ceramic production, Slimceramic reduces 60% of the mineral resources comsuption
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Porcelanato Esmaltado Retificado rectified glazed porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato rectifié | emailliertes porcelanato verarbeitet | porcelánico esmaltado
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Marble Porcelanato Esmaltado Retificado rectified glazed porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato rectifié | emailliertes porcelanato verarbeitet | porcelánico esmaltado Marble Marfim Polish RSC60120MMP - C14 600x1200x4,8mm Marble Smoth Polish RSC60120MSP - C14 600x1200x4,8mm
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Porcelanato Esmaltado Retificado rectified glazed porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato rectifié | emailliertes porcelanato verarbeitet | porcelánico esmaltado Solid White Polish RSC60120BRP - C14 600x1200x4,8mm Solid White Mate RSC60120BRM - C12 600x1200x4,8mm Solid Grey Polish RSC60120SGP - C14 600x1200x4,8mm Solid Grey Mate RSC60120SGM - C12 600x1200x4,8mm
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The renewed cement F loors, Walls and Facades Conkretus Porcelanato Esmaltado Retificado rectified glazed porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato rectifié emailliertes porcelanato verarbeitet | porcelánico esmaltado O Cimento Renovado Pisos, Paredes e Fachadas Conkretus Argento Relevo Ret. RC60120AR - C12 60x120cm | 24x48”
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Arquitectura e Design Conkretus Road Ret. RC60120R - C12 60x120cm | 24x48” Degrau, Rodapé XL e Rodapé simples disponível em todas as cores da série Conkretus Step, Skirting XL and simple skirting available in all colors of Conkretus series Marche, plinthe XL et plinthe simple, disponible en tout les couleurs de la série Conkretus Trittstufe, XL Sockel und einfache Sockel sind in jedeFarbe des series Conkretus verfuegbar Peldaño, rodapié XL y rodapié simples hay disponible en todos los colores de la serie Conkretus
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New color “Nude” New size 90x90cm Nova cor “Nude” Novo formato 90x90cm Superfície para toda a casa
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Conkretus Porcelanato Esmaltado Retificado rectified glazed porcelanato | émaillé porcelanato rectifié | emailliertes porcelanato verarbeitet | porcelánico esmaltado
Open the catalog to page 25All RUBICER catalogs and technical brochures
Torneiras 2018
38 Pages
Shower 2018
22 Pages
Spa 2018
20 Pages
Hidro 2018
26 Pages
Pedra Natural 2018
32 Pages
Pav. e Revestimentos 2018
150 Pages
Móveis 2018
72 Pages
18 Pages
Sanitário 2018
32 Pages
Vinil & SPC 2019
48 Pages
stone rubicer 2018
32 Pages
mosaics 2018
76 Pages
deck rubicer 2018
38 Pages
100 Pages
Rubicer BATH
45 Pages
Novelties 2015
11 Pages