Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label
1 / 274Pages

Catalog excerpts

Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 2

Quality is not an act; It is a habit. (Aristotle °384 – †322 b.C.)

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 4

Your leisure, our pleasure For devotees of aesthetic refinement our dedicated team has created a line of exceptional outdoor furniture. The successful blend of precision and functionality is aimed at fulfilling each and every wish of our privileged customers. Indeed your leisure is our pleasure... Pour l e s a d e p t e s d e l’ e s t h é t i s m e , n o t r e é q u i p e a c r é é u n e l i g n e exceptionnelle de mobilier de jardin. Un savant mélange de précision et de fonctionnalité vise à satisfaire chacun des désirs de nos clients. E n e f f e t v o t r e l o i s i r e s t n o t r e p...

Open the catalog to page 4
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 6

FOLD FLEXY P 100-113 ALUSION SOLID P 114-139 P 6-13 P 14-27 P 28-37 WAVE/SURF KOKOON O-ZON SUNDAY D-LUX MIXT P 38-53 P 54-65 P 66-93 NINIX P 94-99 EZ P 140-147 P 148-177 P 178-189 NEW ENGLAND UMBRELLAS P 190-203 P 204-215

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 7

A MARRIAGE between contemporary materials and a 60's design, this is what FOLD is all about. The seat made of carefully shaped and bent acrylic plates nicely complements Its shiny electro- polished stainless steel base. The different elements can be joined In numerous combinations, allowing you to be creative with the ay-out of the lounge corner of your dreams. Now just throw in the deluxe cushions and Invite your friends for a drink... UN MARIAGE de matériaux contemporains et de looks des années soixante, voilà comment résumer FOLD. L'assise baquet réalisée en plaque d'acrylate courbée...

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Design: Frank Boschman

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Design: Kris Van Puyvelde

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 29

LEAVE YOUR TROUBLES BEHIND, and be overwhelmed by a wave of wellness, hovering halfway between heaven and earth, while simply doing nothing... OU BLIEZ VOS SOUCIS et laissez- vous porter par une vague de bien-être, à ml-chemin entre la Terre et le Ciel pendant vos moments d'oisiveté... LASSEN SIE IHRE SORGEN HINTER SICH und lassen Sle slch von elner Welle des WohIbefIndens iiberwàltlgen, schwebend auf halbem Weg zwlschen Hlmmel und Erde, elnfach mal nichts tun... VERGEET UW ZORGEN en laat uzelf overspoelen door een golf van goed gevoel, zwevend halfweg tussen hemel en aarde, terwijl u...

Open the catalog to page 29
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WAVE/SURF Design: Erik Nyberg & Gustav Ström & Kris Van Puyvelde 29

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WAVE Be overwhelmed, by a WAVE of wellness… 31

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 37

... h&verìng haìfwatf ù&ttfem

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 39

LOOK UP AT THE SUN, and you will realise where we got our nsplratlon for the 0-ZON range. When struck by Its blinding appearance, just put on your sunglasses. SCHAUEN SIE ZUR SONNE und Sle werden erkennen, woher wlr unsere Inspiration fur die Lime O-ZON bekommen haben. Solite Sle diese Erschelnung blenden, setzen Sle elnfach Ihre Sonnenbrllle auf. REGARDEZ LE SOLEIL et vous réaliserez où nous avons puisé notre Inspiration pour la collection O-ZON. SI vous êtes aveuglé par ses lignes, alors mettez vos lunettes. AANSCHOUW DE ZON en u zult begrijpen waar we onze Inspiratie vonden voor de O-ZON...

Open the catalog to page 39
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 41

O-ZON Phuket 40 Thailand 2.35 pm 31°c

Open the catalog to page 41
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 55

D-LUX straight minimalist lines are known to result in pure shapes. therefore achieving purity in design, working with female curves, and convex- or concave surfaces, is much more of a challenge. this exercise gets even more complex when the outcome not only needs to look sleek but also needs to provide optimal ergonomics and comfort. nevertheless, all these requirements have been met by cutting and forming aluminium plates into these exceptionally beautiful shapes that are so typical of d-lux. indeed, the word ‘ordinary’ simply does not feature in a description of d-lux furniture.tout le...

Open the catalog to page 55
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 65

NINIX MEANS BOTH minimal and maximal. A Contradiction? Not if you know that In material selection, comfort, and refinement, the maximum Is being offered. The hairline finish of the stainless stee frame, the woodwork In carefully selected teak, it's optlmallsed e minimal et le maximal. Une contradiction? Non, si vous attendez d'un meuble, confort et raffinement, le maximum doit être offert finition pure de la structure en acier inoxydable, délicat traval d'un teck parfaitement sélectionné, excellence de son ergonomie Le minimum est relatif à son design. NINIX, c'est le minimal et le maximal...

Open the catalog to page 65
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 69

1&- tho^e* who* have experienced 7^ ordinarti Wfiï nv fùnger

Open the catalog to page 69
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 82

¿tace/fa Vefhos Portugal f ,

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Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 93

E-Z Q u i t e d i F F i c u lt t o m a k e a h a m m o c k m o r e c o m p a c t . v e r y h a r d to make one more comfortable. impossible one more elegant. but d o n ’ t w o r r y. . . j u s t t a k e i t e - z . a s s e z d i F F i c i l e d e r e n d r e l e h a m m a c p l u s c o m p a c t . tr è s d u r d e l e r e n d r e p l u s c o n f o r t a b l e . impossible de l’imaginer plus élégant. mais ne vous inquiétez... just take it e-z. n i c h t e i n Fa c h eine hängematte kompakter zu machen. sehr schwer sie komfortabler zu machen. unmöglich sie eleganter zu machen. aber keine...

Open the catalog to page 93
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 99

THE REFINED LINES suggest a contemporary, yet timeless classic. Fashioned In a high quality electropollshed stainless steel finish. The sleek surface makes the FLEXY even more of an eyecatcher! LES LIGNES RAFFINÉES du cadre soulignent son élégance sobre et sa classe Intemporelle. Le profil du cadre FLEXY et sa surface brillante en acier inoxydable electropolis captent 'cell! DIE ÀSTHETISCHEN LINIEN kann man fortschrlttllch, ja sogar als ze iti os klassisch bezelchnen. Das Gestell der FLEXY wird aus hochwertlgem Edelstahl modelliert und zusàtzlich durch Elektropollerung veredelt. Das...

Open the catalog to page 99
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 100

Design: Kris Van Puyvelde - Frank Boschman

Open the catalog to page 100
Royal Botania - Outdoor Luxury / Red Label - 113

WE STILL CHERISH OUR ROOTS! Indeed for many years the Royal Botanla name has been associated with fine teak outdoor furniture.That Is why the refinement that Royal Botanla Is known for Is obviously found In the selection of carefully harvested mature teakwood, the supreme precision of the manufacturing and of course the ergonomie designs. Indeed...only the best Is good enough DURANT CES ANNÉES la diversité de Royal Botanla n'a jamais cessé de grandir sans pour autant nous éloigner de nos racines. De ce fait depuis toutes ces années notre nom a toujours été synonyme de haute qualité en...

Open the catalog to page 113

All Royal Botania catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Furniture 2024

    194 Pages


    19 Pages

  3. BLOOM

    16 Pages


    15 Pages

  5. ALURA

    16 Pages


    1 Pages


    1 Pages


    1 Pages


    1 Pages

  10. WAVE

    2 Pages

  11. Catalog 2020

    89 Pages

  12. NARA

    35 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. RB 2017

    122 Pages

  2. PRESS 2017

    12 Pages

  3. CAT2017

    244 Pages

  4. NEW 2015 ENG

    4 Pages

  5. NEW 2014

    24 Pages

  6. catalogue 2009

    273 Pages