Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture
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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 2


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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 4

Of what will the house be constructed?Ӕ they asked Appuhamy.Teakwood,Ӕ he replied, the finest teakwood, every piece seasoned and guaranteed perfect. Only the best is good enough for the Master.Ӕ Why teakwood?Ӕ they asked. The jungle above abounds with fine timber. It is his for the cutting.Ӕ The Master is building for his children and his childrenӒs children. Fine teakwood endures almost as long as stone. The damp and the sun will not rot it; the ants will not eat it; in hot weather or dry it will not warp. When it is finished it will be a palace.ԔWhy, asked the voice of a sceptic, ԓdoes he...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 8

The Class-X range of the B.A.T.H. collection consists of a series of solid teak modules that can be used either individually or incombinations to achieve the desired effect. This enables a lot of compositions according to the available space and the personal taste.De Class-X reeks uit de B.A.T.H. collectie bestaat uit massief teakhouten modules, die zowel losstaand als in combinatie ge-bruikt kunnen worden. Dit biedt een brede waaier aan mogelijke samenstellingen in functie van beschikbare ruimte en per- soonlijke smaak.Le Class-X de la collection B.A.T.H. comporte des modules en teck...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 9

The B.A.T.H collection of bathroom furniture is manufactured in solid teak.This wood withbeautiful tone and colouring, features unsurpassed stability, exceptional resistance to damp and high natural oil content.It has been harvested with due care and consideration for the environment.De B.A.T.H. collectie is volledig vervaardigd uit massief teakhout, geoogst met zorg voor denatuur. Dit hout, met een prachtige structuur en goudgele tint, wordt geprezen voor zijn uit- zonderlijke vochtbestendigheid en stabiliteit, resulterend uit het hoge gehalte aan natuurlijke olin.La collection B.A.T.H....

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 12

11 In view of its high natural resistance, teak does not require additional wood protection. Theuse of water and soft natural soap suffices for the maintenance of the units and the flooring. However, if you wish to give the wood extra protection against blemishes, our NO STAINђ can be applied. Consult the maintenance brochure for any further information.Teakhout behoeft gezien zijn hoge resistentie geen bijkomende bescherming. Het onderhoudvan zowel kastelementen als de bijhorende parketvloeren kan gebeuren met water en een zachte natuurzeep. Om het hout desgewenst extra te beschermen tegen...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 15

Ogni pezzo della collezione B.A.T.H. soddisfa le stesse rigorose norme di qualit alle qualideve la sua fama mondialenel settore dei mobili da giardino. Ogni modulo contenitore rifinito per essere usato anche come "stand alone". Pertanto, comporre vari moduli ਨ possibile ma non obbligatorio. Inoltre, si pu sce- gliere fra 5 diversi tipi di anta, al fine di dare al tut- to lo stile desiderato. Cada una de las piezas de la coleccin B.A.T.H.cumple con las mismas y estrictas normas de cali- dad a las que debe su fama mundial en el campo del mobiliario de jardⳭn. Cada uno de los elementos de...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 18

The B.A.T.H. collection also provides accessories. There aredifferent kinds of towel racks, a linen basket, a folding screen and a showermat. To provide a distinctive border for decora- tive tiles or to act as mirror frames, a range of cornicing is available. The solid wood flooring allows the further persona- lisation of your bathroom and can also be used as panelling on walls or around bathtubs, in fact in any application where a fine solid timber is required.De B.A.T.H. collectie voorziet ook in accessoires. Zo zijn er ver-schillende handdoekrekken, een linnenmand, een paravent en een...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 19

Ref: CD90... 2 Doors included (see below D..45)Deur inbegrepen (zie onderaan D..45) 2 Portes incluses (regardez en bas D..45) 2 Ante incluse (vedi questa pag. D..45) Incluida 2 puertas (ver esta pg. D..45) 2 Tren inklusive (sieh unten. D..45) > Ref: CSB90 Curved unit with 2 drawersGewelfde kast met 2 schuiven ElἩment arrondi 2 tiroirs Modulo curvo con 2 cassetti Mdulo curvado con 2 cajones Gew೶lbtes Element mit 2 Schubladen VICTORYfor CD 45 & 90 Ref: CD60... Door included (see below D..45)Deur inbegrepen (zie onderaan D..45) Porte incluse (regardez en bas D..45) Anta inclusa (vedi questa...

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 20

Ref: CLINTON 90 Ref: NIXON 160 90cmCD90 + 2xDVI45 + 2xDK "black pearl" granite fine sanded / graniet fijn geschuurd / granit finement ponc / granito levigato fine / granito finamente lijado / Granit fein geschmirgelt 160cm2xCD60 + 2xDVI60 + CS40 + 6xDK Ref: TCLG1Ref: TNIG1Ref: TCLG3Ref: TNIG3 > Ref: JOHNSON130R Ref: JOHNSON130L 130cmCS40 + CDR90 + 6xDK 130cmCS40 + CDR90 + 6xDK "black pearl" granite fine sanded / graniet fijn geschuurd / granit finement ponc / granito levigato fine / granito finamente lijado / Granit fein geschmirgelt Ref: TJORG1Ref: TJOLG1Ref: TJORG3Ref: TJOLG3 >

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 21

Ref: Johnson 170 Ref: WASHINGTON 210 170cm2xCS40 + CDR90 + 10xDK 210cm2xCD60 + 2xDVI60 + CDR90 + 4xDK "black pearl" granite fine sanded / graniet fijn geschuurd / granit finement ponc / granito levigato fine / granito finamente lijado / Granit fein geschmirgelt Ref: TJOG1Ref: TWAG1Ref: TJOG3Ref: TWAG3 > Ref: WINSTON90 Ref: WINSTON180 90cmCSB90 + 4xDK 180cm2xCSB90 + 8xDK "black pearl" granite fine sanded / graniet fijn geschuurd / granit finement ponc / granito levigato fine / granito finamente lijado / Granit fein geschmirgelt Ref: TWIG1Ref: TWIDG1Ref: TWIG3Ref: TWIDG3 >

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Catalogue of Bathroom Furniture - 22

Ref: CDW60 Hanging unit, door DVI includedWandelement, deur DVI inbegrepen Elment pendre, porte DVI incluse M頳dulo suspendido, incluida la puerta DVI Hngeelement , Tr DVI inklusive Pensile, anta DVI inclusa Ref: CS110 unit 8 drawers Element met 8 laden El伩ment 8 tiroirs Mdulo con 8 cajones Element mit 8 Schubladen Mೳdulo / base con 8 cassetti Ref: TCSG1 "black pearl" granite fine sanded / graniet fijn geschuurd / granit finement pon-c / granito levigato fine / granito finamente lijado / Granit fein geschmirgelt > Ref C110 110cm Ref C110DUO 216cmOpen unitOpen element Open unitOpen element...

Open the catalog to page 22

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