Catalog excerpts

Commercial Applications Residential Applications Roofing Applications The world leader in stone wool insulation Le leader mondial de l’isolation en laine de roche
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Commercial Applications Building Insulation Product Overview CAVITYROCK® Cavity Wall and Rainscreen Brochure CAVITYROCK® Technical Data Sheet COMFORTBATT® Technical Data Sheet COMFORTBOARD™ 110 Thermal Insulated Sheathing Brochure COMFORTBOARD™ 110 Technical Data Sheet ROCKWOOL AFB® Acoustical Fire Batt Brochure ROCKWOOL AFB® Technical Data Sheet ROCKWOOL AFB evo™ Technical Data Sheet CURTAINROCK® & ROXUL SAFE™ Perimeter Fire Containment Systems Brochure CURTAINROCK® Technical Data Sheet CURTAINROCK® 40 Technical Data Sheet CURTAINROCK® 80 Technical Data Sheet ROXUL SAFE™ Technical Data...
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Corrosive Resistance Metal Building Non-combustible Complie Non-combustible Complie Non-combustible Complie Consult UL/ULC Listings Consult UL/ULC Listings N/A DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The statements and data contained in this brochure are for general information purposes ONLY. They are NOT specific technical recommendations as to any particular design or application and the ultimate determination as to product suitability is the sole responsibility of the installer or end user. Although the information contained herein, including ROCKWOOL product descriptions, is believed to...
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HIGH-PERFORMANCE RAINSCREEN SYSTEMS Effective Insulation Solutions – The Future of High-Performance Rainscreen Systems Return to Commercial Application
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The Future of High-Performance Rainscreen Systems ✔ Stable Long-Term Thermal This unique vapor permeable Resistance quality of ROCKWOOL’s curtain wall insulation allows for an increased potential for ✔ Fire Resistant drying without trapping ✔ Vapor Permeable water in the wall assembly. Over 60,000 sq. ft. of ROCKWOOL CAVITYROCK® was installed in the Rush University Medical Center’s 14-story hospital in Chicago. (Also shown on front cover.) Rush is seeking gold leadership in energy and environment design (LEED®) certification for the new hospital. “From the beginning, it’s been designed to...
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Why this BEDR™ Wall is a Better Wall? ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT® Wall Combination ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT® The COMFORTBATT® product line is a non-combustible, semi-rigid batt insulation range that is designed for exterior steel stud wall applications. COMFORTBATT® products are available from 2.5" to 8" in thickness and have standard R-values ranging from R10 to R32. Stone wool batt insulation will not slump inside the wall cavity over time. COMFORTBATT* products also provide excellent sound absorption characteristics. ROCKWOOL CAVITYROCK® products are compatible with numerous framing systems and...
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Build Your BEDR™ Wall Rainscreen System ASHRAE - History of R-Value Requirements The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is an international Society of technical individuals who provide knowledge to the building industry on heating, ventilation, airconditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R). The Society developed ASHRAE 90.1, an energy conservation standard that provides the minimum requirements for energy-efficient buildings. This standard, or an equivalent, is applied today in many states for commercial, government and high-rise building...
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ROCKWOOL Stone Wool: Fire Resistant, Non-Combustible Insulation Architects are increasingly choosing cladding fagades on buildings, which, when compared to brick, tends to reduce the acoustical performance value of the wall system. With recent trends towards the use of new lightweight construction techniques and cladding materials, ROCKWOOL stone wool cavity wall insulation provides added acoustical value by outperforming traditional foam plastic insulation. In a BEDR™ wall system, stone wool provides improved low frequency sound absorption to both normal and random incidents of noise....
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Moisture Management Long-Term Performance Moisture Retention Comparison To obtain a better understanding of the characteristics of in situ thermal insulation within cavity walls, a Certified Building Science Expert at ROCKWOOL reviewed two applicable scenarios in Seattle, Washington. The scenarios were modeled for a three-year period and the theoretical wall was located at mid-level of a high-rise on the western elevation. The charts below represent the first modeled scenario. Note that, in this scenario, CAVITYROCK® had much less moisture content over the same period than XPS foam...
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At the ROCKWOOL Group, we are committed to enriching the lives of everyone who comes into contact with our solutions. Our expertise is perfectly suited to tackle many of today's biggest sustainability and development challenges, from energy consumption and noise pollution to fire resilience, water scarcity and flooding. Our range of products reflects the diversity of the world's needs, while supporting our stakeholders in reducing their own carbon footprint. Stone wool is a versatile material and forms the basis of all our businesses. With more than 11,000 employees in 39 countries, we are...
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CAVITYROCK* Exterior Insulation for Cavity Wall and Rainscreen Applications ROCKWOOL CAVITYROCK® products are semi-rigid stone wool insulation boards designed for exterior cavity wall and rainscreen applications, and are compatible with numerous cladding attachment systems. CAVITYROCK® is non-combustible and fire resistant, and will not develop toxic smoke or promote flame spread, even when directly exposed to fire. Approved for use in many NFPA 285-compliant designs, it is an important component of fire-resilient exterior wall systems when used as a continuous insulation. CAVITYROCK® also...
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COMFORTBATTThermal Batt Insulation COMFORTBATT ® Thermal Batt Insulation Technical Data Sheet Batt Insulation 07210* Blanket Insulation 07 21 16** ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT® is a mineral wool batt insulation designed for thermal resistance in wood and steel framing. Wood Stud 16" (406 mm) on centre: 15.25" x 47" (387 mm x1194 mm) Wood Stud 24" (610 mm) on centre: 23" x 47" (584 mm x 1194 mm) Dimensions Steel Stud 16" (406 mm) on centre: 16.25" x 48" (413 mm x 1219 mm) Steel Stud 24" (610 mm) on centre: 24.25" x 48" (616 mm x 1219 mm) ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT® is a semi-rigid stone wool batt...
Open the catalog to page 12All ROXUL catalogs and technical brochures
6 Pages
FirePro® SP FireStop OSCB
7 Pages
4 Pages
18 Pages
High-rise buildings
11 Pages
109 Pages
ROCKBOARD® 40/60/80
6 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
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2 Pages
2 Pages
12 Pages
ProRox Pipe products
12 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
1 Pages
Core Solutions
6 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
RockFill Brochure
4 Pages
propox pipe products catalogue
12 Pages
Prorox board products catalogue
12 Pages
Core Solutions Brochure
6 Pages
8 Pages