Catalogue GourmetLine


Catalog excerpts

Catalogue GourmetLine - 1

Roller Grill vous fait bnficier de la performance et de la robus-tesse de sa gamme professionnelle 驠 travers 3 appareils contact- grill, gaufrier et cr֪pire reconnus et appr薩cis par les plus grands noms de la restauration. La technologie professionnelle dvelopp驩e par Roller Grill est ainsi applique une gamme m頩- nager exclusive pour les gourmets les plus exigeants. > Roller Grill makes you benefit from the performance and the robustness of the its professional range through 3 appliances - contact-grill, waffle-iron and crepe-machine reknown and appreciated by the most well-known in catering. The professional technology developed by Roller Grill is thus applied for an exclu- sive home range of products for the most demanding Gourmets. >

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Catalogue GourmetLine - 2

Nothing is better than a Roller Grill contact-grill, which is worldwide reknown in catering for the high quality of perfectly homogene cooking with cast-iron plates. At 300C, you can cook a 150g steak in less than 2В. At 220C, you can toast a panini in less than 2В30. The upper plate is self-balanced and the pressure spring is adjustable so that you can adapt the cooking to the food. Equipment: thermostat 300C, thermosetting handles, switch on/off, pilot lights, scraper and drip tray for an easy cleaning. Available with grooved or flat bottom plate for omelettes, fried eggs, artic bread,...

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Catalogue GourmetLine - 3

Our waffle irons are available in 3 versions:The Brussels˻ mould featuring 3 x 5 squares (GES10) The McCain version Li˨ge mould, featuring 4 x 6 squares (GES 20) The round mould diameter 190 mm (ref. GES 70) The highly conductive cast iron plates spread heat evenly and give golden, crispy waffles in 2ے30. Suitable for making fresh or frozen waffles. A removable drip-tray surrounding the bottom plate will collect any batter excess thus making it easy to clean. Equipment: On/ Off switch, thermostat 0-300C, pilot lights, adjustable feet. GES 20 LIЈGE Nos gaufriers sont disponibles en 3...

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Catalogue GourmetLine - 4

Crepe machine with enameled cast iron plate (diam. 400 mm) for delicious, moist, golden pancakes, buckwheat cakes, Indian tampora, blini, and more. Also popular in Asian cuisine for preparing Peking duck. The enamelled cast iron ensures even cooking, with minimum fat and no pre-seasoning necessary . Spiral elements, like star-shaped burners, distribute heat evenly, essential when it comes to making the perfect pancake. This high-capacity crepe machine is a mobile and built-in appliance and is also meant for outdoor use. Electric version (power 3,6 KW, ther- mostat 0 to 300C, pilot light) or...

Open the catalog to page 4

All Roller Grill catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Catalogue 2020

    120 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Catalogue 2013

    68 Pages

  2. Planche Line

    2 Pages

  3. Panini XL

    2 Pages

  4. Bakery Line

    4 Pages

  5. Flyer Home

    2 Pages

  6. Flyer Pro

    4 Pages

  7. Catalogue Home

    29 Pages

  8. Catalogue Pro

    52 Pages