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1 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® Warm pitched roof system Effective warm pitched-roof insulation ROCKWOOL ROCKFALL® is an effective warm pitched-roof insulation system for rafter level applications. The system, made from renewable stone wool, is adaptable to most pitched roof configurations. The following NBS clauses include Rockfall: K11-695

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2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® warm pitched roof system The Rockwool Rockfall® warm pitched roof system consists of HARDROCK® Multi-Fix (DD) Overlay Boards mechanically fixed over the rafters and Rockwool Flexi® fitted between rafters. The Rockfall® system is completely fire safe, and provides an effective acoustic barrier to outside noise pollution. The system is suitable for use on domestic and commercial roofing applications Advantages Provides a fully insulated habitable loft space ventilation required in roof voids or at eaves, No etc. providing a vapour-permeable...

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3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® warm pitched roof system Design considerations The Rockfall® system is capable of resisting the wind and snow loads that are normally experienced in the United Kingdom. However, the fixing supplier should be consulted for advice. Rockwool Rockfall® is suitable for roof pitches of 15° and above, including Mansard roofs. Structural stability The Rockfall® system is suitable for most roof pitches. It is not, however, designed to add to the structural stability of the roof. Advice regarding the requirements for any additional bracing etc should...

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4 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® warm pitched roof system Minimising thermal bridging Continuity of thermal insulation To limit heat loss and prevent problems such as thermal bridging and condensation occurrence, junctions between elements should be designed to maintain continuity of insulation. For roofs, the key junctions are those at eaves and gable, where the wall insulation should meet roof insulation. To avoid these issues, the following points should be addressed: eaves, the wall insulation should be continued At between the rafters until it butts the underside of the...

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5 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® warm pitched roof system Underlay board Installation From below, Rockwool Flexi® is friction fitted and close butted between the rafters, so that it is in direct contact with the underside of the overlay board. (with no air gaps between the two layers of insulation). To avoid a thermal bridge at the eaves, the Rockwool Flexi® slabs should link with the wall insulation. At eaves, the wall insulation should be continued between the rafters until it butts the underside of the Overlay boards (or alternatively to the underside of the Rockwool Flexi®...

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6 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® warm pitched roof system Building Regulations (thermal requirements) Typical specification England 2014 Part L U-value requirements at rafter line: Extensions, Renovation & Repair work: 0.18 W/m2K. New build requirements ranges between 0.18 – 0.13 W/m2K subject to build type Wales 2014 Part L U-value requirements at rafter line: Extensions 0.15 W/m2K, Renovation & Repair work: 0.18 W/m2K. New build requirements ranges between 0.15 – 0.11 W/m2K subject to build type Typical U-value examples using Rockwool Rockfall® The U-Value tables below are...

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7 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Pitched roofs ROCKFALL® Sustainability As an environmentally conscious company, ROCKWOOL promotes the sustainable production and use of insulation and is committed to a continuous process of environmental improvement. Made from a renewable and plentiful naturally occuring resource, ROCKWOOL insulation saves fuel costs and energy in use and relies on trapped air for its thermal properties. ROCKWOOL insulation does not contain (and has never contained) gases that have ozone depletion potential (ODP) or global warming potential (GWP). All ROCKWOOL products provide...

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All ROCKWOOL catalogs and technical brochures


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  5. Core Range UK

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