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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V.
1 / 8Pages

Catalog excerpts

CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 1


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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 2

CL 60 WORKSTATION COMPLETE VEG’PREP SOLUTION IN ALL E ON ERGO MOBILE TROLLEY INCLUDED Can accommodate three full-size gastronorm pans Automatic FEED HEAD For all vegetables in bulk (tomatoes, onions, potatoes...) PUSHER FEED HEAD Specially intended for bulky vegetables (e.g. cabbage or celeriac) 4 TUBES FEED HEAD Specially intended for long vegetables, like cucumbers or zucchini. Potato Ricer Equipment 3mm Ideal for mashing large amounts of fresh potato. MultiCut pack of 16 discs* For imaginatively presented fruit and vegetables.

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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 3

WHICH TYPES OF VEGETABL MIXED VEGETABLES LARGE AND LONG VEGETABLES* Automatic fead head Pusher feed head cL 55 Automatic RUGGED CONSTRUCTION Up to Stainless-steel motor base and mobile stand EASY TO HANDLE The machine can easily be moved around on its wheeled stand, which can hold gastronorm pans ideally suited for large outputs. EASY CLEANING All parts which come into contact with foodstuffs can easily be removed for cleaning, thus maintaining the highest standards of hygiene. SAFETY SYSTEM It is impossible to gain access to the sharp cutting blades while they are moving. 50 DIS S C SPEED...

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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 4

LES DO YOU NEED TO PROCESS? LONG VEGETABLES 4 Tubes feed heads Potato ricer Equipement equipment purée NEW PUSHER FEED HEAD Up to improved ergonomics New handle design requires less effort from operator EXTRA PRECISE Cylindrical hopper (Ø 58 mm) ensuring a uniform cut for long items. Extra large The XL hopper can accommodate a whole cabbage or up to 15 tomatoes. * The pusher feed head is also perfect for special precision cuts (e.g. carrot tagliatelle or cucumber julienne).

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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 5

WHICH TYPES OF VEGETAB LARGE AND LONG VEGETABLES* MIXED VEGETABLES Automatic fead head Pusher feed head NEW PUSHER FEED HEAD Up to improved ergonomics New handle design requires less effort from operator To ensure optimum user comfort, the handle can be fixed at three different heights. EXTRA PRECISE Cylindrical hopper (Ø 58 mm) ensuring a uniform cut for long items. Extra large The XL hopper can accommodate a whole cabbage or up to 15 tomatoes. * The pusher feed head is also perfect for special precision cuts (e.g. carrot tagliatelle or cucumber julienne).

Open the catalog to page 5
CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 6

BLES DO YOU NEED TO PROCESS? LONG VEGETABLES 4 Tubes feed heads SPACE-SAVING Tilting of the feed heads in line with the motor base. Potato ricer equipment HEAVY-DUTY CONSTRUCTION 100% stainless steel except for the aluminium feed-head base. PRODUCTIVITY Stainless-steel feed tray for continuous input. EASY TO HANDLE The machine is extremely easy to move around, on account of its compactness, its two wheels and its handle. 2 SPEEDS 2 speed: 375 rpm and 750 rpm three-phase Variable Speed The CL 60 V.V.’s variable-speed system (100-1,000 rpm) allows you to adapt the appliance’s speed to the...

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CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 7

GUIDE DE SÉLECTION DISQUES - DISCS SELECTION GUIDE KEUREGIDS VOOR DE SCHIJVEN GUIA DE SELECCION DE DISCOS - GUIDA ALLA SELEZIONE DEI DISCHI GUIA DE SELEÇCÃO DE DISCOS THE WIDEST VARIETY OF CUTS Slicers Portugal : Zona norte n° 91 87 54 388 - Zona centro-Sul n° 91 95 56 569 email : Italia : MAX MEC SRL - Tel : 051726810 - Fax : 051726812 email : New Zeland : T 0800 716161 - F 0800 716162 email: UK : T: +44(0) 20 8232 1800 email : U.S.A. : Ph : 800/824-1646 • 601/898-8411 - fax: 601/898-9134 email :...

Open the catalog to page 7
CL 55 • CL 60 • CL 60 V.V. - 8

Vegetable Preparation Machines Number meals per service: up to 3000. The Products Advantages: Processing capacity: • arge hopper feed head (area: 238 cm2) for large vegetables L processing and an automatic feed head for continuous feeding. • owerful motor which guarantees large outputs ( up to 1800 kg/h) P Target: For Hospitals & Institutions, Hotels, C P U’s and Food Manufacture’s. Wide range of cut: • omplete selection of 50 discs for slicing, grating, julienne, dicing C and making French Fries. • different type of feed heads to guarantee a wide variety of 4 tasks. In brief: • ight...

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