Catalog excerpts
The solution to every flooring need
Open the catalog to page 1■RESPONSIVE We listen. We're Responsive. We at Responsive Industries don't just make products to setl. We create products that fulfil human needs. from vinyl flooring to rigid PVC. Ifs this focus on people's needs that has driven us to be an environmentally aware organisation. Our factories follow the highest international standards for eco-friendliness. in procdures and materials. Today, we aren't just a product. We're a brand that produces tons of top-drawer PVC products. We're Responsive.
Open the catalog to page 3P IIRESPONSIVE Any kind of flooring you can think of. And some you can't. At Responsive Flooring, we develop floors that are more than just interior dcoration. Every single one of our ranges is based on a genuine need be it safety, transport, anti-static, wood-finish, or sports flooring. With a futuristic plant and solid, wor!d-class research facilities, we've transformed the vinyl flooring industry in India. It's no wonder we're a sought-after brand the world over, as shown by our increasing export figures. After ail. we don't just give people what they want - we give them more.
Open the catalog to page 5Homogeneous Flooring Don'l Irust your teet lo iell you where you are. Mais, tiosptate. laboxIorlM. orfioa». industries and scnools ail Kx* lor me same sert ol thnas «i rtieir Doorirg. Tournas. DuratMKy. Low manteronce cosis. and the aouty to <e&3l siains. oactena and Kt^js. CnaraclensUcs youll Dnd r» ou' թlgant ranges o* PUR retnlorced nomogeneous vnyl flooring. The praetcal cnoioe your feet nM encounter almost everywhere tney go.
Open the catalog to page 6Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring Garnet How do you create a feel that's contemporary, and yet not avant-garde? With crushed patterns that breathe life into classic. neutral colours, to create an ambience at once trendy and classy.
Open the catalog to page 7Garnet Key Features: » No Wax. No Polish Polyurethane Reinforced (PUR) » Low Maintenance Costs ■ Anti Bacterial. Anti Fungi ■ Light Colours Օ Availabie up to 3.0 mm in Sheet & Tiles F C 1573-905-4 The above texlu'e s availabie n ail coou's 1573-910-4 1573-909-4 Applications: Industrial Units Օ Healthcare Laboratories Օ Offices Shopping Centers etc 1573 904-4 1573-905-4 \ 1573-902-4 1573-901-4 PUR KHI ■tir: mm mr.Kw ISOISO 9001 14001 2000 2004 IltiFմMfl 1573-903-4 1573-906-4 >3 1573 908 4 1573-907-4
Open the catalog to page 8Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring Give your room a dash of energy that's truly you. In this collection, the sobriety of single-colour tiles is turned around by energetic, scattered, monotone textures. Giving your floor a feel that's young and free.
Open the catalog to page 9Spica Key Features: 1369-701-4 1369-704-4 No Wax, No Polish Օ Polyurethane Reinforced (PUR) Earthy Colours Օ High Anti Slip Rating (R10) ■ Durable Available up to 3.0 mm in Sheet & Tiles 1369-708-4 The above texture ■s ՠvi abe in ail cokus Applications Retail Stores Education Centers Hospitals Military Centers Mails etc. 1369-708-4 1369-702-4 1369-707-4 RIO 1369-705-4
Open the catalog to page 10Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring S Create the illusion of space where there isn't much io be had. Gentle, airbrushed textures on a palette of pastel shades help create an ambience that's light and airy. and at the same time, warm and soothing. Vega
Open the catalog to page 11Vega Plus Key Features: 4699-571-4 No Wax. No Polish Polyurethane Reinforced (PUR) Stain Rsistant Hygienic Low Maintenance Costs Available in 1.50mm under Vega* Plus Classic 4699-581-4 Applications Offices Retirement Homes Hotels Stores Industrial Setup etc 4699-592-4 4699-575-4 4699-576-4 4699-566-4 PUR RIO 4699-584 4 4699-594-4 4699-587-4
Open the catalog to page 12Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring ® a The less you say, the more you can say with it. Earthy hues and minimalist textures complment almost any design scheme you can thmk of from the cool and contemporary to the warm and classic.
Open the catalog to page 13Talitha Key Features: No Wax, No Polish Օ Polyurethane Reinforced (PUR) Low Costs Օ Durable & Tough Available up to 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm in Sheet S Tiles Օ Available in 1.0 mm under Talitha Classic Applications: Warehouses Օ Exhibition Centers Porta Cabins Օ Budget Hotels Storage Areas etc. 2349-751-4 2349-753-4 2349-757-4 2349-756-4 2349-758-4 2349-762-4 2349-761-4 2349-7554 2349-760-4 2349-754-4
Open the catalog to page 14Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring Technical Spcifications
Open the catalog to page 15Technical Spcifications Technical Data Homogeneous Flooring Garnet Spica Vega Plus Talitha rSi GCNEAtU PWOMUMCE J EHMI:1MT Ti闯Miiirr'miir * Homogsmous Sngto Loyercd Vtnyl Rocxng Pc*yur*hane Remlorctd Օ Homoganeous SAQto Layered Vnyl Floorng PoViifotnane Remforced - Homoganfxxis Singe Layorod Vnyl Rocxing Օ Potyirttwnt ftetitcrced * Hcnwgsnsous Vnyl Ftoonng * Pc*yUfetnane Roinforcod S TMICKHIU: mm ut mi 300 mm U0MM MPmm 2COmm 3Gmm I.SOflVB 200 mm EU 4» 2 ftrm 2m « t$m - JCrrr-3»m\ 2m i 19m - Xrt> 2Crrm 2m 111m - 30m* 3Cmn JOm Jۛrm 2ni 13m - X*v 1 5rmi Mi 15m - SOn-Jftrm ar>i lm = 3ttif 3...
Open the catalog to page 16Heterogeneous Flooring isn't il Interesung how only notice a *loc* «tien tney &»p on it? n und to Maa fat to bnng a itocr 10 oeooes nonce: untlno*. inuoduong sw stimng ne* ranges ol reie/ogeneous nny nconng. in coroerroorary nuA-cod/ed designs and renteic woodpettem tHahaa. But the s tory doesm end mre. The nootlng « PUR-rehforcad. and trefefae louT'300 **ac*e- "J9 * '«JeB starna. oactena and fungus witn ease. So you see. thean ont jusi n tne iooks.
Open the catalog to page 17Heterogeneous Flooring Zeta Naos lt isn't about how old you are. ifs about how young you feel. Cheeky. energetic and artistic patterns jolt staid, sober colours out of their monotony. Givmg the room a flavour thas refreshingly youthful.
Open the catalog to page 18Zeta Naos Key Features: No Wax. No Polish Օ Wear Layer Polyurethane Reinforced (PUR) Multi Colours Օ Scratch Rsistant Anti Baclerial. Anti Fungi 镕 Available up to 3.0mm in Sheet & Tiles 3374 565-4 3374-566-4 Applications: Mails Օ Homes Schools Օ Restaurants Children Play Areas etc. 3374 551 4 3374-555-4 3374 556 4 3374-559-4 3374-561-4 3374 5624
Open the catalog to page 19Heterogeneous Flooring Zeta Spectra There's something refreshing, relaxing about the rain. Here, raindrops flowing clown a windowpane transform rigid pastels into fluid motifs, splashing drops of lgance and modernity into any room.
Open the catalog to page 20All Responsive industries Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
5 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
6 Pages
Vega Plus EL®
4 Pages
Aquaris RQ®
4 Pages
Printed flooring
23 Pages
4 Pages
Vinyl Flooring Catalogue
2 Pages