Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware


Catalog excerpts

Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 2

Formal elegance and contemporar y harmonies Formale Strenge und zeitgemäße Harmonien Rigueur des formes et harmonies contemporaines Rigor formal y armonías contemporáneas Строгость форм и совре менная гармония g r i g i

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Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 3

Woodglam si ispira alle essenze classiche del rovere, rispettandone le grafiche e i naturali effetti di stonalizzazione. Quattro colorazioni differenti e il piccolo formato 10x70 cm, uniti alle indiscusse qualità del gres porcellanato, consentono soluzioni di posa originali in linea con uno stile essenziale e senza tempo. Woodglam is inspired by oak in its classical varieties, offering all their patterning and natural variations in shade. Four different colours and the small 10x70 cm size, combined with the superlative quality of porcelain stoneware, are the basis for original laying...

Open the catalog to page 3
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 4

N A T U R A L E O r ig inale come il rove re naturale, ma calibrato e vers atile, nell’equilibr io di cromati smi e ve nature che s olo il g res porcellanato può off r ire. O r ig inal a s natural oak, but calibrated and ve rs atile, w ith the care f ully judg ed colours and pat te r ning only porcelain stone ware can prov ide. D e m Eiche nhol z g etreu nache mpf unde n in einem har moni s che n G es amtbild au s Farbe und Mas er ung, da s nur Fe inste inz eug zur G eltung br ing e n kann, i st dies e Flies e au sg e wog en und v iel s e itig e ins et zbar.

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Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 6

O r ig inal comme le chêne rouv re naturel, mai s poly valent et équilibré, avec des nuances et des veines en par faite har monie, comme s eul le g rès cérame peut of f r ir. O r ig inal como el roble natural, pero calibrado y vers átil en el equilibr io de cromati smos y vetas que s olo el g res porcelánico puede of recer. О ригина льный к ак нату ра льный д у б, но ра з меренный и у нив ерс а льный, со с ба лансиров анны ми

Open the catalog to page 6
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 7

R06Q Woodglam Tortora 10x70 R02C Freestyle Matt Struttura Fibra 3D 25x75 Ar redi conte mporane i r ichiamano pa ss ato e pres e nte in spazi in c ui Woodg lam è protag oni sta con il suo carat te re r ig oros o e pe r for mante. C onte mporar y f ur ni shing s e voke the past and pres ent in inte r iors dominated by Woodg lam w ith it s eleg ant, hig h - pe r for ming pe rs onalit y. Mode r ne Einr ichtung sg eg e nstände verbinden Kla ssi s ches und Mode r nes z u e ine m Raumkonz ept, in de m die Flies e Woodg lam mit ihre r Streng e und ihre m s ouve räne n C harakte r de n Ton ang ibt....

Open the catalog to page 7
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 9

R06R Woodglam Noce 10x70 R03E Flex Cielo Struttura Fibra 3D 25x76 L e profonde ve nature del leg no più naturale si uni s cono a un mix di pos e, for me e mate r iali differenti , pe r ambie nti acco g lie nti ed ar moniosi . T he deep ve in pat te r ns of the most natural wood combine w ith a mi x of dif fe re nt lay ing pat te r ns, shapes and mate r ial s for welcoming, at trac tive inter iors. D ie präg nante n Ma s e r ung en des Holz es f üg e n sich in e in lebhaf tes Zu s amme nspiel au s Ve rleg emu ster, For me n und Mate r ialien ein, da s de m Ambie nte e ine einladend har moni...

Open the catalog to page 9
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 10

L es profondes veines du boi s plu s naturel s’uni ss ent à plu sieurs s olutions de pos es, for mes et matér iaux pour mettre en s cène des ambiances chaleureu s es et har monieu s es. L as prof undas vetas de la madera más natural s e unen a una mez cla de colocaciones, for mas y mater iales diferentes, para crear ámbitos acogedores y ar monios os. Глу бок ий рис у нок с амого нату ра льного д ерев а сочет аетс я со смес ью вид ов у к ладк и, форм

Open the catalog to page 10
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 11

R06N Woodglam Grigio 10x70 R00V Energy Bianco 25x38 R01A Energy Turchese Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 L a supe r f ic ie mat t di Woodg lam es alta le decora z ione e la br illante luminosità di r ivestime nti ce ramic i in abbinamento, con un piace vole g ioco di contrasti . Woodg lam’s mat t sur face hig hlig ht s the decoration and br ig ht shine of matching ce ramic wall tiles w ith delig htf ul contra sting effec t s. D ie mat te O be r f läche von Woodg lam e rz e ug t e ine n anspreche nde n Kontrast z ur br illante n Hellig ke it de r ke rami s chen Wandve rkle idung e n und hebt ihren...

Open the catalog to page 11
Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 13

R06N Woodglam Grigio 10x70 R01M Feel Bianco 25x38 R01U Feel Bianco Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R11U Feel Decoro Wallpaper Grigio 25x38 Par un élégant jeu de contrastes, la f inition mate de Woodglam met en valeur les décorations et l’éclat des re vêtements muraux . L a super f icie mate de Woodglam da realce a la decoración y la br illante luminosidad de los re vestimientos cerámicos con que s e combina, dando lugar a un ag radable juego de contrastes. Матов ая пов ерх нос ть Woodglam под черк ив ает д екор и ярк ий блес к керамичес ко

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Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 14


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Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 15

St yle sug g estion s Anreg ung e n f ür stilg e rechte G estaltung skon z epte Woodglam è la soluzione ideale per ambienti in cui è richiesta facilità di pulizia e manutenzione, grazie alle sue qualità di durevolezza e resistenza. Tough and hard-wearing, Woodglam is the ideal solution for interiors which need to be easy to clean and maintain. Die Linie Woodglam ist durch ihre Langlebigkeit und Robustheit die ideale Lösung für Räume, in denen pflegeleichte Beläge erwünscht sind. Grâce à sa durabilité et à sa résistance, Woodglam est la solution idéale pour les endroits qui exigent une...

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Woodglam Collection Oak Wood Effect Stoneware - 16

Gruppo BIa UNI EN 14411_G gres porcellanato / porcelain stoneware / feinsteinzeug / grès cérame émaillé / gres porcelánico / керамогранит Woodglam, grazie al formato Thanks to its 10x70 size, 10x70, si presta a diverse Woodglam is suitable for a soluzioni di posa: regolare wide assortment of laying dritta, a correre con lastre patterns: uniform pattern with sfalsate di almeno 1/3, aligned joints, running with ortogonali alle pareti o joints staggered by at least installate in diagonale, secondo 1/3, at right-angles to the walls un modulo regolare o casuale, or diagonally, in a regular or...

Open the catalog to page 16

All Ragno catalogs and technical brochures

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  6. Galassia

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  7. Freestyle

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  8. Frame

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  9. Flex

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  10. Feel

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  11. Freetime

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  12. Harmony

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  13. Woodcraft

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  14. Woodessence

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  15. Origini

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  16. eko

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  17. concept xt20

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