

Catalog excerpts

Handmade - 1

Ragno - Marazzi Group S.r.l a socio unico Viale Virgilio 30 41123 Modena, Italia telephone +39 059.384.111 fax +39 059.384.303 website: www.ragno.it e-mail: info@ragno.it

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Handmade - 2

The hand-crafted appeal of ceramic tiles Das handwerkliche Flair der Keramik L’e s p r i t a r t i s a n a l d e l a c é r a m i q u e El sabor artesanal de la cerámica Ремесленный характер керамики a qu a Green Philosophy Italian Design

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Handmade - 3

Il richiamo alla tradizione ceramica dal sapore artigianale conferisce alla superficie una ricchezza finemente materica dall’effetto lucido, per ambienti bagno inediti e raffinati. Una palette di colori pastellati e ricercati insieme a un’ampia proposta di decorazioni rendono il progetto un mix distintivo di tradizione e design. Recalling traditional ceramics with their hand-made look, the tiles’ surface has a finely tactile richness with a glossy finish, for unusual, sophisticated bathrooms. A range of subtle pastel shades and a wide selection of decorations make this project a distinctive...

Open the catalog to page 3
Handmade - 4

R3UZ Handmade Sage 25x76 R36C Woodstyle Ulivo rettificato 15x120 R36G Woodstyle Ulivo rettificato 10x120 i v o r y S A G E L a luminosità della super f ic ie svela tracce ed emozioni dell’antica manualità ar tig ianale.

Open the catalog to page 4
Handmade - 5

R3XE Handmade Decoro Ivory 25x76 R36C Woodstyle Ulivo rettificato 15x120 R36G Woodstyle Ulivo rettificato 10x120

Open the catalog to page 5
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R3UW Handmade Ivory 25x76 R3XE Handmade Decoro Ivory 25x76 The gleaming sur face bears the impr int of ancient hand-making techniques , w ith all their emotional appeal . In der leuchtende n Au sstrahlung de r O ber f läche kling e n Spure n und Motive des traditionellen Ke ramikhandwe rk s an . 9

Open the catalog to page 6
Handmade - 7

L’éclat des sur faces dé voile l’empreinte et l’émotion de l’ex per ti s e ar ti s anale d’autrefoi s. L a luminosidad de la super f icie desvela huellas y emociones propias de la antig ua manualidad del ar tes ano. Св ет лос ть пов ерх нос ти открыв ает следы и эмоц ии, св яз анные со с т аринны ми метод ами ре месленной ру чной о бработк и.

Open the catalog to page 7
Handmade - 8

R3UY Handmade Buff 25x76 R3VL Handmade Decoro Buff 25x76 R2KK Harmony Marrone 15x90 Un colore polve ros o e una te x ture r ice rcata coniug ano tradi z ione e desig n.

Open the catalog to page 8
Handmade - 9

Lavabo / washbasin Happy Hour, vaso / wc + bidet Fusion, di HATRIA R3VL Handmade Decoro Buff 25x76

Open the catalog to page 9
Handmade - 10

R3UY Handmade Buff 25x76 R3VL Handmade Decoro Buff 25x76 D u sty colours and a s ophi sticated tex ture blend tradition and desig n. Eine staubige Farbe und eine erles ene Tex tur vereinen Tradition und D esig n.

Open the catalog to page 10
Handmade - 11

R3UY Handmade Buff 25x76 R3VL Handmade Decoro Buff 25x76 Une couleur poudrée et une te xture s ophi stiquée conjug ue nt tradition et desig n. Un color pulver ule nto y una s of i sticada tex tura conjug an tradición y di s e ño. Пы льный ц в ет и и зыс к анн ая те кс ту ра слив ают традицию и ди з айн в о едино . 19

Open the catalog to page 11
Handmade - 12

R3VA Handmade Aqua 25x76 R3TS Handmade Light 25x76 R3XM Handmade Decoro Aqua 25x76 R2KG Harmony Tortora 15x90 a q ua l i gh t I color i pa stello del fondo si combinano e v ide n ziando la parete pr inc ipale , at trave rs ata da un motivo decorativo f loreale dipinto.

Open the catalog to page 12
Handmade - 13

Handmade Aqua 25x76 Handmade Light 25x76 Handmade Mosaico Aqua 25x76 Handmade Decoro Aqua 25x76 Harmony Tortora 15x90 Harmony Outdoor Tortora 15x90

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Handmade - 14

R3VH Handmade Mosaico Aqua 25x76 The pastel shades of the plain tiles combine to highlig ht the main wall w ith the aid of a painted f loral decorative motif. D ie kombinie r te n Pa stellfarbe n de r Gr undf lies e br ing e n die Hauptwand zur G eltung, die von e ine m g e malte n Blumenmotiv durchz o g e n w ird .

Open the catalog to page 14
Handmade - 15

R3VA Handmade Aqua 25x76 R3XM Handmade Decoro Aqua 25x76 L es couleurs pa stel du fond s’uni ss e nt pour embellir le mur pr incipal qui est sillonné par une peinture f lorale . L os colores pastel del fondo s e combinan, hacen que res alte la pared pr incipal , cr uz ada por un motivo decorativo f loral pintado. С очет аяс ь д ру г с друг ом, п ас те льные ц в ет а фонов ой п литк и по д че рк ив ают ос новну ю с тену, че ре з кото ру ю прохо дит ц в еточный, выполне нный к ис тью мотив.

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Handmade - 16

R3UX Handmade Ochre 25x76 R3XH Handmade Decoro C3 Ochre 75x76 Un acco g lie nte beness ere v ive at trave rs o mater iali naturali e tinte calde.

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Handmade - 17

Handmade Ochre 25x76 Handmade Mosaico Ochre 25x76 Handmade Decoro C3 Ochre 75x76 Lifestyle Beige Naturale rettificato 60x60

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Handmade - 18

R3UX Handmade Ochre 25x76 R3XH Handmade Decoro C3 Ochre 75x76 A mood of comfor t and well- be ing, thank s to natural mate r ial s and war m shades . Natürliche Mate r ialien und wohnliche Nuance n s chaffe n behag liches Wohlbe f inde n . L es matiè res naturelles et les color i s chaud s e xpr ime nt la chale ur de l’acc ue il.

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Handmade - 19

R3VE Handmade Mosaico Ochre 25x76 Un bienestar de lo más acogedor late en lo natural de los mater iales y la calidez de los colores. Уют и х орошее с амочув с твие порожд аютс я при помощи нату ра льны х м атериа лов и теп лы х ц в етов. 34

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Handmade - 20

R3TS Handmade Light 25x76 R3XK Handmade Decoro Light 25x76 R0ZW Origini Bianco rettificato 20x120 R1AD Origini Bianco rettificato 15x120 Un bag no che espr ime tut ta la sua raf f inatez z a at travers o una decora z ione a r ilie vo i spirata alle porcellane tradi zionali . A bathroom that express es all it s eleg ance throug h relie f decoration in spired by traditional porcelain s. Im B ad s et z t ein edles Relie fdekor Ak z e nte, das von kla ssi s che n Porz ellanarbeiten inspir ier t i st.

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R3TS Handmade Light 25x76 R3XK Handmade Decoro Light 25x76 Une s alle de bain s qui dé voile tout s on raff ineme nt par une décoration e n relie f in spirée de la porcelaine cla ssique . Un baño que e xpres a toda su eleg anc ia a través de una decorac ión e n relie ve inspirada en la s porcelana s tradic ionales . Ванн а я к омн ат а выр а ж ае т в с ю с в ою у тонче ннос ть че р е з р е льефный у зо р , н апом ин ающ ий тр адиционный фа р фо р .

Open the catalog to page 21

All Ragno catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Woodmania

    21 Pages

  2. Woodgrace

    25 Pages

  3. Trace

    1 Pages

  4. Terracruda

    27 Pages

  5. Studio

    3 Pages

  6. Galassia

    2 Pages

  7. Freestyle

    8 Pages

  8. Frame

    23 Pages

  9. Flex

    10 Pages

  10. Feel

    10 Pages

  11. Freetime

    15 Pages

  12. Harmony

    2 Pages

  13. Woodcraft

    17 Pages

  14. Woodessence

    17 Pages

  15. Origini

    2 Pages

  16. eko

    1 Pages

  17. concept xt20

    9 Pages

  18. Circus

    2 Pages

  19. Brio

    1 Pages

  20. Casablanca

    4 Pages

  21. Glass Mosaic

    2 Pages

  22. Time

    3 Pages

  23. Game

    1 Pages

  24. grace

    15 Pages

  25. Focus

    1 Pages

  26. touch

    5 Pages

  27. Brick Glossy

    1 Pages

  28. Daylight

    25 Pages

  29. Rewind

    35 Pages

  30. Woodstyle

    27 Pages

  31. Concept

    29 Pages

  32. Arteak

    1 Pages