Energy Collection


Catalog excerpts

Energy Collection - 2

W A L L _ F I T 5 collezioni da rivestimento di carattere, prestigio, spiccata personalità. 5 soluzioni design oriented per personalizzare il tuo spazio. 5 esperienze uniche ed il piacere di ritrovarsi, in ogni luogo, come a casa. E S T E T I C A E I N N OVA Z I O N E R AC C O N TA N O U N A N U OVA E S C L U S I V I TÀ D E L L’ A B I TA R E Style and innovation br ing a ne w lu x ur y to home inte r ior desig n Ästhetik und Innovation bestimme n da s ne ue e x klu sive Wohne n Esthétique et innovation : deux dimensions pour un récit encore plus exclusif de l’habitat L a estética y la...

Open the catalog to page 2
Energy Collection - 3

E N E R G Y Un mondo tutto da scoprire in rivestimenti di pura emozione cromatica. Proposta in una palette di 6 colori, Energy interpreta la brillantezza delle maioliche artigianali in chiave sorprendentemente contemporanea. 6 Colori / Colours Superficie Lucida / Glossy Surface 5 Strutture 3D / 3D Structures 4 Decori / Decors 2 Mosaici / Mosaics 25x38 cm Formato / Size A new, fresh world of wall coverings that thrill with colour. In a range of 6 shades, Energy interprets the bright hues of hand-made majolica ware with surprising modernity. Neue faszinierende Farbenwelten für die...

Open the catalog to page 3
Energy Collection - 4

R00V Energy Bianco 25x38 R01A Energy Turchese Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R018 Energy Bianco Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R06N Woodglam Grigio 10x70 B I A N C O T U R C H E S E C on un s apie nte equilibr io tra tradi zione e innova z ione , Ene rg y r iveste le pareti con str ut ture tr idime nsionali , mos aic i e decor i . With a skilf ul ble nd of tradition and innovation, Ene rg y clad s wall s w ith threedimensional str uc tures , mos aic s and decors. Die Reliefs, Mosaike und Dekore von Energy gestalten Wandflächen mit einer ausgewogenen Balance aus Tradition und Innovation.

Open the catalog to page 4
Energy Collection - 5

R01E Energy Mosaico Bianco 25x38 R12U Energy Decoro Kimono Bianco 25x38 B I A N C O T U R C H E S E D ans un s avant équilibre de tradition et d’ innovation, Energ y habille les murs de str uc tures tr idimensionnelles, de mos aïques et de décors. C on un s abio equilibr io entre la tradición y la innovación, Energ y re v i ste las paredes con estr uc turas tr idimensionales, mos aicos y decoraciones. Б лагод аря прод у м анному равнов есию трад иц ий и иннов ац ий Energ y о блиц овыв а

Open the catalog to page 5
Energy Collection - 6

R00W Energy Perla 25x38 R01C Energy Indaco Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R00Y Energy Indaco 25x38 R4PY Studio Antracite rettificato 60x60 P E R L A I N D A C O C olor i dec i si , addolc iti da tinte neutre e s of i sticate . Una combina z ione per fet ta per confe r ire ag li ambie nti pe rs onalità e stile. Emphatic colours s of te ned by s ophi sticated neutral shades . A pe r fec t combination for g iv ing inte r iors pe rs onalit y and st yle. Kräftige Farben werden durch neutrale, dezente Nuancen ausgeglichen: die ideale Kombination für individuelle, stilvolle Raumgestaltungen. Des...

Open the catalog to page 6
Energy Collection - 7

R011 Energy Avorio 25x38 R00Z Energy Magenta 25x38 R01K Energy Decoro Faience Avorio 25x38 R4MA Woodcraft Bianco 10x70 A V O R I O M A G E N T A E spressione di un inedito lessico estetico, il colore es alta la f initura luc ida tipica delle maioliche della tradi z ione in ambie nti contemporanei . Rewriting the rules of aesthetics, colour underlines the gloss finish typical of traditional majolica ware in contemporary interiors. Als Ausdruck einer neuen Ästhetik verleiht die Farbe der ty pisch glänzenden Ober f läche klassischer Majolikaf liesen in modernen Raumwelten eine wer tige...

Open the catalog to page 7
Energy Collection - 8

R01D Energy Avorio Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R00Z Energy Magenta 25x38 E xpression d’un lex ique esthétique inédit, la couleur ex alte la f inition br illante propre aux majoliques traditionnelles dans des cadres éminemment contemporains. E x presión de un inédito léx ico estético, el color pone de relie ve el acabado br illante típico de las mayólicas de la tradición en ámbitos contemporáneos. Гов оря на нов ом языке эс тетик и, ц в ет под черк ив ает г лянц еву ю отд е лк у, х ара

Open the catalog to page 8
Energy Collection - 9

Ene rg y Fantasy Feel Fle x Freest yle

Open the catalog to page 9
Energy Collection - 10

Gruppo BIII UNI EN 14411_L rivestimenti in pasta bianca / white bodywall tiles / wandfliesen aus weissen ton scherben / revetements en pate blanche / revestimientos en pasta blanca / облицовка из белой глины R018 Energy Bianco Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R019 Energy Perla Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R01A Energy Turchese Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R01C Energy Indaco Struttura Marea 3D 25x38 R01D Energy Avorio Struttura

Open the catalog to page 10
Energy Collection - 11

Gruppo BIII UNI EN 14411_L rivestimenti in pasta bianca / white bodywall tiles / wandfliesen aus weissen ton scherben / revetements en pate blanche / revestimientos en pasta blanca / облицовка из белой глины Abbinabile ai fondi / Matching with colours / Mit den Grundfliesen kombinierbar / Peut s’associer aux carreaux de base de couleurs / Puede combinarse con los fondos / Cочетается с фоновой плиткой: Abbinabile ai fondi / Matching with colours / Mit den Grundfliesen kombinierbar / Peut s’associer aux carreaux de base de couleurs / Puede combinarse con los fondos / Cочетается с фоновой...

Open the catalog to page 11

All Ragno catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Woodmania

    21 Pages

  2. Woodgrace

    25 Pages

  3. Trace

    1 Pages

  4. Terracruda

    27 Pages

  5. Studio

    3 Pages

  6. Galassia

    2 Pages

  7. Freestyle

    8 Pages

  8. Frame

    23 Pages

  9. Flex

    10 Pages

  10. Feel

    10 Pages

  11. Freetime

    15 Pages

  12. Harmony

    2 Pages

  13. Woodcraft

    17 Pages

  14. Woodessence

    17 Pages

  15. Origini

    2 Pages

  16. eko

    1 Pages

  17. concept xt20

    9 Pages

  18. Circus

    2 Pages

  19. Brio

    1 Pages

  20. Casablanca

    4 Pages

  21. Glass Mosaic

    2 Pages

  22. Time

    3 Pages

  23. Game

    1 Pages

  24. grace

    15 Pages

  25. Focus

    1 Pages

  26. touch

    5 Pages

  27. Brick Glossy

    1 Pages

  28. Daylight

    25 Pages

  29. Handmade

    29 Pages

  30. Rewind

    35 Pages

  31. Woodstyle

    27 Pages

  32. Concept

    29 Pages

  33. Arteak

    1 Pages