Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Quality, the environment and safety From the onset, Quadrifoglio Sistemi d’Arredo S.p.A. has placed particular focus on the topic of quality, the env'ronment and safety, to prov'de a product and service that meet the market’s expectations. To confirm the company’s commitment, it has obtained UNI EN ISO 9001/2008, UNI EN ISO 14001/2004 and BS OHSAS 18001/2007 certifications. The company organisation benefits from constant improvements, so that the management can pursue, by means of action plans and assigning responsibility, the improvement of quality, env'ronmental and safety standards; the...
Open the catalog to page 2Markets The Quadrifoglio Group is constantly expanding its horizons. We are present in: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, Cyprus, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Egypt, France, Gabon, Germany, Japan, Greece, England, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Madagascar, Martinique, Morocco, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Suriname, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia,...
Open the catalog to page 3The Clue collection features pure, linear design and provides a complete, flexible solution for all types of env'ronment. Several structural customisation are possible for both legs and seat. Each version delineates and exalts the modern areas where it is positioned. La collezione Clue, con il suo design puro e delineato, rappresenta una risposta completa e flessibile, perfetta per ogni tipo di ambiente. Viene presentata con svariate personalizzazioni strutturali, sia per le gambe sia per la seduta. Ogni versione delinea gli spazi moderni in cui si trova, esaltandoli. CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 4CLUE/Dorigo Design CONTRACT SEATING
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Open the catalog to page 18designed by Dorigo Design Cove it’s a collection that has one seating type and a common and distinctive design across many products, creating visual harmony while supporting multiple ways of working. An essential design that enhances the purity and sinuosity of the seat. The strong and flexible shell available in polypropylene and upholstered comes many vibrant finishes and offers an excellent seating comfort. Cove creates a consistent extension of the range of frames perfect for any type of environment. Cove e una collezione completa, una seduta trasversale che con un design comune...
Open the catalog to page 19COVE/Dorigo Design CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 20COVE/Dorigo Design CONTRACT SEATING
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Open the catalog to page 31OVE/Dorigo Design imwmmsi'^Trrr-'w"v> ■■wrmrr^vm^^r
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Open the catalog to page 34designed by Ciani Design CONTRACT SEATING City is a complete collection adaptable to any kind of location thanks to the variety of the available bases and to its reinvented design. Its classic shape was revisited to add versatility and sophistication. City completes any space with style and comfort. City e una collezione completa che si adatta a ogni ambiente grazie ai diversi basamenti disponibili e al suo design reinventato. La sua forma classica e stata rivisitata per rendere City una seduta versatile e sofisticata. Comoda e accogliente, completa ogni spazio con stile.
Open the catalog to page 35CITY/Ciani Design CONTRACT SEATING
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Open the catalog to page 42designed by Atelier Studio Borella C-Stool comes in a high or low version and features great ergonomics. Every detail underlines the stool’s precise good looks enhanced by a continuous line that creates an essential, contemporary structure. C-Stool, nelle sue versioni alta e bassa, offre al suo utilizzatore un’elevata ergonomia. Ogni dettaglio sottolinea le precise caratteristiche estetiche dello sgabello. Una linea continua crea questa struttura contemporanea ed essenziale. CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 43C-STOOL/Atelier Studio Borella CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 44C-STOOL/Atelier Studio Borella CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 45C-STOOL/Atelier Studio Borella CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 46CONTRACT SEATING Four-legged chair with or without armrests. College is a versatile chair, ideal for multi-purpose areas. The choice of variants and a range of accessories make it suitable for infinite uses. Sedia a 4 gambe con o senza braccioli. Soluzione ideale per arredare spazi polifunzionali, College e una seduta versatile. Le varianti e la gamma di accessori risolvono infiniti usi.
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Open the catalog to page 49CONTRACT SEATING Young, sparkling and colourful; a chair whose wide range of finishes and colours make it a great choice for temporary seating, restaurant-bar tables and waiting room seats on beams. Giovane, frizzante e colorata; seduta che con la sua vasta gamma di finiture e colori si presta ad un utilizzo nello spazio temporaneo, ai tavolini ristoro-bar e alle attese su barra.
Open the catalog to page 50CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 51From the meeting room to the cafeteria: a versatile chair suitable for multi-purpose areas. Dalle riunioni alla caffetteria; una seduta poliedrica, abita ogni spazio dedicato alla polifunzionalita. CONTRACT SEATING
Open the catalog to page 52All Quadrifoglio Sistemi d'Arredo catalogs and technical brochures
9 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Brochure Algodue 2019
8 Pages
Fabrics And Leathers
10 Pages
Decorative Lighting
138 Pages
Office Lighting, Acoustic Panels
45 Pages
Partitioning and Storage Walls
69 Pages
Desking, Benching, Meeting Tables
101 Pages
2 Pages
13 Pages
11 Pages
18 Pages
22 Pages
23 Pages
95 Pages
27 Pages
13 Pages
76 Pages
156 Pages
64 Pages
19 Pages
Xtime work
84 Pages
128 Pages
44 Pages
32 Pages
reception glass
48 Pages