

Catalog excerpts

IP-luckan® - 1

L Å SB A R T M ED M Å N G A O L IK A L Å SK O M B IN A T IO N ER LOCKABLE W ITH M ANY DIFFERENT LOCK COM BINATIONS F R O ST A D Y T A SO M F Ö R H IN D R A R IN SY N FROSTED FINISH FOR PRIVACY IP-L uckan ä r gjuten i ett sty cke av akry l i starkt och elegant utfö rande. The Acrylic single piece moulded IP-Door is of a strong and elegant design. IP-L uckan ä r enkel att montera och anpassad till 115 mm hö ga standardfack. The IP-Door is easy to assemble and is designed to t the 115 mm high standard pidgeon holes. Prima Ofce AB • Industrigatan 4A, 112 46 Stockholm Tel 08-545 87 650 • Fax 08-545 87 654 • info@primaofce.se • www.primaofce.se international

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All Prima office catalogs and technical brochures

  1. IP-cabinet

    2 Pages

  2. mirage

    6 Pages

  3. Baseline

    2 Pages

  4. snowfl ake

    6 Pages

  5. Classic

    2 Pages

  6. Playfully

    36 Pages

  7. prima office

    8 Pages

  8. baseline

    6 Pages