# 20 outdoor


Catalog excerpts

# 20 outdoor - 3

Porcelaingres presenta con #20 outdoor la sua proposta di materiali provenienti dalla natura e dalla città, per portarvi le soluzioni più eleganti e versatili per pavimentazioni esterne. Il tutto in un’unica e comoda raccolta, perfetta per ogni tipo di spazio pubblico o residenziale e declinabile con qualunque scelta stilistica di outdoor o gardening. Legno, cemento, o pietra: un’ampia scelta di stili, formati e finiture per personalizzare i tuoi spazi, con una sola cosa in comune: tutta la qualità Porcelaingres, in 20 mm di spessore. Porcelaingres présente #20 outdoor, une gamme de...

Open the catalog to page 3
# 20 outdoor - 5

#20 outdoor non offre solo una sintesi senza tempo delle tendenze contemporanee del design, ma lo fa con materiali dall’elevato rendimento tecnico capaci di adattarsi a qualunque spazio e a qualunque tecnica di posa. Il nostro gres porcellanato è ai massimi livelli di resistenza e di affidabilità, e risponde pienamente alle attuali normative di sicurezza per ambienti pubblici e privati. #20 outdoor n’offre pas seulement une synthèse atemporelle des tendances contemporaines du design, il le fait avec des matériaux à haut rendement technique, capables de s’adapter à tous les espaces et à...

Open the catalog to page 5
# 20 outdoor - 6

quartz_stone, the new Porcelaingres collection, represents the stone in its colour variations, placing strength and hardness alongside a clean and sober design. Walking, experiencing daily life on intense surfaces able to transmit positive sensations, delicate and harmonious textures that respond perfectly to the multiple requirements of contemporary architecture. quartz_stone, die neue Kollektion von Porcelaingres, stellt den Stein in all seinen Farbvarianten dar und verbindet die Kraft und Härte auf vortreffliche Weise mit einem sauberen, dezenten Design. Den Alltag auf intensiven...

Open the catalog to page 6
# 20 outdoor - 10

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 10
# 20 outdoor - 11

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 11
# 20 outdoor - 12

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 12
# 20 outdoor - 13

We live surrounded by ideas. The precision of architecture, which allows us to alter the landscape and make it our own; the power of design to create an ambience from a single point of view. The cement of secure and enduring foundations beneath our feet, on which the city rests and where our lives unfold. It is those streets, those landscapes of glass and steel, together with the character of cement and the vibrancy of the city that forged urban, the new collection by Porcelaingres. Wir leben von Ideen umgeben. Die Präzision der Architektur, dank der wir den Horizont wandeln und ihn uns...

Open the catalog to page 13
# 20 outdoor - 16

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 16
# 20 outdoor - 17

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 17
# 20 outdoor - 18

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 18
# 20 outdoor - 19

Just like the intriguing tale of beauty written between the rugged lines of bark, like the lush copses and ancient evergreens, the new in_wood by Porcelaingres has the same evocative powers of wood. Three varieties with brown or neutral tones, inviting you to a wonderful getaway under the auspices of continuity and innovation. Wie die Erzählung über die Suggestion und Schönheit, die man zwischen den Zeilen einer Rinde lesen kann, wie die üppigen Niederwälder und die alten immergrünen Bäume besitzt die neue Kollektion in_wood von Porcelaingres das Suggestionsvermögen von Holz. Drei Varianten...

Open the catalog to page 19
# 20 outdoor - 23

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 23
# 20 outdoor - 24

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 24
# 20 outdoor - 25

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos different tone unregelmäßig im Farbton ton nuancé mosso nel tono tonalidad variable

Open the catalog to page 25
# 20 outdoor - 26

Stone has always accompanied humanity over the course of its evolution, and humanity has always shaped stone to make it fit the environment. Time has then given each stone the special features that make it unique and original, that capture the indelible life of humanity in a sort of frame. Mile_stone: two variations on the theme of erosion, two symphonies engraved by time on the rocky slab that Porcelaingres brings back to life in your rooms transforming them. Das gestein begleitet die menschheit seit jeher in ihrer evolution, und der mensch bearbeitet das gestein seit jeher unter anpassung...

Open the catalog to page 26
# 20 outdoor - 27

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos carbon black V4 very variable tone mit starken Unterschieden ton très nuancé tono molto seminato tonalidad muy variable

Open the catalog to page 27
# 20 outdoor - 28

formats | formate | formats | formati | formatos rusted brown V4 very variable tone mit starken Unterschieden ton très nuancé tono molto seminato tonalidad muy variable

Open the catalog to page 28
# 20 outdoor - 29

Raised floor, on grass, gravel or screed with adhesive: the choice is yours. The numerous installation solutions possible with #20 outdoor means you can choose the style you want without having to consider how it will be fitted. Whatever the surface or ground type, whether it’s inside or out, you can always count on the same, simple and reliable installation techniques used for the most common outdoor materials. Verlegung auf Stützen, Gras, Kies oder Estrich: Sie haben die Wahl. Angesichts der zahlreichen Möglichkeiten der Verlegung von #20 outdoor können Sie sich ganz auf Ihren Stil...

Open the catalog to page 29

All PORCELAINGRES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. just H2O

    21 Pages

  2. Royal Stone

    23 Pages

  3. Native Stone

    27 Pages

  4. Loft

    26 Pages

  5. Quartz Stone

    15 Pages

  6. Just Beige

    25 Pages

  7. In Wood

    17 Pages

  8. Color Studio

    29 Pages