Catalog excerpts

POLYGAL Inc., P.O.Box 410592, Charlotte, NC 28241 USATel: 1 704 588 3800, Fax: 1 704 588 7400, E-mail: usasales@polygal.com www.polygal.comTECHNICAL SUPPORT Ɔ E-mail: techsupport@polygal.com >
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POLYGAL Plastics Industries Ltd., Ramat Hashofet 19238, ISRAELTel: 972 4 959 6222, Fax: 972 4 959 6284, E-mail: sales@poly g al.co.ilwww.poly g al.comwww.poly g al.comPOLYGAL Inc., P.O.Box 410592, Charlotte, NC 28241 USATel: 1 704 588 3800, Fax: 1 704 588 7400, E-mail: usasales@poly g al.comTECHNICAL SUPPORT Ɔ E-mail: techsupport@poly g al.com >
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Open the catalog to page 7
The data in this advertismentare provided in good faithand constitute generalinformation withoutcommitment, and nowarranty is given or implied. Polycarbonate is acombustiblethermoplastic that complieswith various internationalstandards, as customary in each country. Avoidexposure to excessive heator aromatic cleaningsolvents. Normal fireprecautions should be taken to protect againstcombustion. > POLYGAL Plastics Industries Ltd. Ramat Hashofet 19238, IsraelTel: 972-4-9596222, Fax: 972-4-9596284, E-mail: sales@polygal.co.ilWeb site: www.polygal.comPOLYGAL Inc., P.O.Box 410592, Charlotte, NC...
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BRINGS NATURE IN ProtectedVerandas >
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g htwei g ht UV Blockin g LayerՕ Environmentally Friendly Excellent Insulation Օ Controlled Dayli g ht Transmission Virtually Unbreakable Օ Flame Retardant Flexible and Easy to Install Օ Li Poly g al Primalite - Novel sheet selectively reflects alar g e portion of the Near Infra-Red solar radiation, whiletransmittin Poly g al Standard Sheets double and triple layered,manufactured in various colors and de > e t s a n d a n s h e t i - f o g more of the visible li g ht radiation. g rees of transparency,are desi > r g f o c g ned for use in most conventional roofin > o a Y t i E n g A R g and...
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BRINGS NATURE IN ProtectedPools >
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Sky playin g with the water, bri g ht li g ht, sun and air: Nature creates the atmosphere around a swimmin g pool.Poly g al products allow users to benefit from Natures advanta g es while g ivin g the best protection from weather's elements.Poly g al products The perfect solution for Swimmin g Pool Enclosures. Anti-Fo g coatin g - factory applied inner coatin g combines lon g ood rub-off and wash off resistance. g lastin g anti-fo gg in g properties with excellentadhesion and stability in environmental chemicals. Very > s a n d h e e t a n t i - r s f o g f o c o a Y t i E n g A R W A Y R N...
Open the catalog to page 14
Wise men look before they leap This ancient adage is certainly very apt in the case of long life construction elements such as air vents; shade roofing, covered car parking, greenhouses, warehouses, interior partitions, skylights and more... These installation instructions will allow you to install Polygal sheets correctly, using the companyŒs 35 years of accumulated experience in the field of lightweight roofing in Israel and around the world. To assist you with any questions you may have, Polygals Technical Support Department is at your service at all times. (E-mail:...
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main beam Install the sheets with the ribs parallel to rain flow and with a slope of at least 10պ 1 Supporting beams must be at least 1" wide 2 to ensure good anchorage of sheets and fastening accessories. > min 10% Purlin structure Main beam structure Sheet Type and Thickness ( inch ) Distance (inch) Between Supporting Structure Main Beams (sheet width) Distance Between Purlins According to Sheet Width Standard 5/16" - 3/8" Standard 5/8" / Titan 5/8" Up to 27.6" Up to 39.4" Up to 49.2" 29.5" 47.2" 45.3" 35.4" 41.4" / 47.2" 59" 49.2" 47.2" > Sheet Type and Thickness (inch) Standard 5/16" -...
Open the catalog to page 16
4b 4a Remove the grey protective film 2 . Օ Fold back the printed sheet protection film10 cm on each side 3 . Attach ventilating edge tape 4a to the lower edge and sealed edge tape 4b to the upper edge. > Օ Use a metal saw to cut the aluminum edge profiles (see: Accessories Table) into pieces matching the width of sheets to which they will be attached. Drill drainage channels to allow for the flow of condensed water along the profiles used for the bottom section of the buildingՒs roof. Attach the edge profile to the sheet with the short side on top of the sheet. > Cut the base profile (207)...
Open the catalog to page 17
Steps 6 Attach the base to the roofline purlins. and 7 ֖ Continue to add sheets, (step 6) and caps (step 7) until reaching the end of the building. After completing installation, remove all the printed protective film from the sheets. Step 4 Match sheet size to the distance between the bases. Step 5 ֖ Position the side spacer profile in place (see: Accessories Table for ּ" sheets, use a 1" wide piece of sheet as the side spacer). Position the connecting profile cap in place and, with a shock-absorbing support under the sheet, use a rubber mallet to connect it to the base. Step 3 > Step 1...
Open the catalog to page 18
Wise men look before they leap This ancient adage is certainly very apt in the case of long life construction elements such as air vents; shade roofing, covered car parking, greenhouses, warehouses, interior partitions, skylights and more... These installation instructions will allow you to install Polygal sheets correctly, using the companyŒs 35 years of accumulated experience in the field of lightweight roofing in Israel and around the world. To assist you with any questions you may have, Polygals Technical Support Department is at your service at all times. (E-mail:...
Open the catalog to page 19
main beam Install the sheets with the ribs parallel to rain flow and with a slope of at least 10% 1 Օ Supporting beams must be at least 1" wide 2 to ensure good anchorage of sheets and fastening accessories. > min 10% Purlin structure Main beam structure Sheet Type and Thickness ( inch )Distance (inch) Between Supporting Structure Main Beams (sheet width) Distance Between Purlins According to Sheet Width Standard 5/16" - 3/8" Standard 5/8" / Titan 5/8" Up to 27.6" Up to 39.4" Up to 49.2" 29.5" 47.2" 45.3" 35.4" 41.4" / 47.2" 59" 49.2" 47.2" > Sheet Type and Thickness (inch)Standard 5/16" -...
Open the catalog to page 20All POLYGAL catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
Protected Veranda
2 Pages
Hurricane Protection
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Light Processor
2 Pages
Aluminium Systems
2 Pages
Polycarbonate Profiles
2 Pages
Swimming Pools Covering
2 Pages
Interior design
4 Pages
Architecture Design
8 Pages
Triple Clip
2 Pages
1 Pages
Titan Sky brochure
2 Pages