Tables, Chairs, Sideboards


Catalog excerpts

Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 1

■ft* n jail *r™ M»Mf Jlrahfif* *»i uWi <m oMgjfr ■f^"^ wn«*r *f tmtTffri *%*ry wylr apirt. w«j ana jnuafcon cf * aivvf wwopf.

Open the catalog to page 1
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 3

H£C* node nctkfxu total* ttvti <i (MimaAfc 7T»c argute* o/Ac ciMLMqxrtry faafnoi ftUcs. CHCCSE YOUft STYLE TECHMCAL DATA VALENTINA LXJE TECHMCAL DATA CHCOSEYOUR STYLE TECHMCAL DATA

Open the catalog to page 3
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 6

uru> tttf Juan tioi t&npi>> at prmn nxalmttjld «m «i tro- fr+ia amrifu style* fuU (tttmOy v*to trfidttt £wl > C^nra^r con ffrirfjUKi roc«v y^ai t pta*> m manna, $KticCtacctmu*nr rooker- in p»V*V <Lmg& Emmanuel Ca&xa In alb.* a Crt#iL GxitcttU <D/I stfruJ«*.rn G fotk nt*n Kfrurturr m jpPBart omirvrtein marMt CtCtc dt<Otf m lift* mfii arm*. rtirturt in iprai/f <wA arte tcvthrr cocmng, <I*Xgn Enmamd £aJina /ftoic cn ghcrtjfltf: GmWf taW* utfA tfnn> lure in Kninul c nj*J tpp ui CamYd mnrWr

Open the catalog to page 6
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 8

cnto U™^. maun Gtffe Cjljmfc* /ow <W GJW*> jraefomi flssiimtfTt inauo (™. thcaaranta* u aU? f IMUJUW £*rtv c^cpc- o.nV r-aran^v J

Open the catalog to page 8
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 10

CHOOOe YOUft STVI£ frn (at QL> ill Cdrfo ( AUWIAC <Av Ji^Trrrffi 0*0 t^cif o jfca^o jxcio in pete crara I &E£C BB rmSiixtc Ui ruMo. obxgn Bkivur 4 wu? ™ diWf JrtaiJ afotr Oh i he kfi: Lk+ Jure andtoptii pctii p'cml. BB diairs rcalaca ci fN^a/t eafc opai i.Wro mired attfrA U ckfi£i Afaffco JYIMTKSI. In At Dobm Dut taUc utth ftfnrturr in

Open the catalog to page 10
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 11

In msftapafpna: fflrow d/ljqgatut- Master n note J a™^sr n leather, deRsdnfp

Open the catalog to page 11
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 13

J>Jiiipo&nu/*«m&nfe € sepra: tatvio Q*pptT Ptmou*pc#c anc afar*: ihpptr [alk tttih in m&Q$c> bfotaalo cptcno w n>* anttiuTc m wanted mttai ana ftp in uraort1 Sake liUtD^mmvtmmo oak Duahan m*hnm*iabtrfij*tt<xr m tnstd0 jftdtTtfiJc con fcnJopegQ. taring KifA s&panxr. In oJfci a < if«r n^hi i<crifcw rrcm^ftO- ,-&orc <H the n£?U; Chppcr in thr imxuxJvome nufaa «m tfrutiarj cpano la*cal& tytaro im™ uvfA JJrudu/c one/ ftp inuin> n*i/ Joe* taatjoj orttagbo a tfrjftm akrofnml&cn. au*tcc< Dclau on the r \$\L onotktr mtm nh*h

Open the catalog to page 13
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 15

jVtiia paaaa prceerfmie e n quota: fctrvlo Z*V* inifitutura Scute Vclirt ttmtuc IfJlvf lal/l iffuriurc M avrttfc fl*/ <W*T in IMMBH ftAtit, Above; a artmi th* fpp oharccteTttea by tiatn On the right: <feuat of the Qpam m uv£m* c.finisfcng uJsrh ht* fhhghte the pnmnrv dajpi ofthctabt*. GHOO&CYCUtt ilUt [mjxFioJ /jr/JoZfu. i£»^?t4*0 tfa JWrnf Km fto?ra fra mcjsorta e ato;i*.<i <B <4c»gn. una scJc Itrized by hna *nmg thukaeta ami jLwfowWai gcomctnc* firtimn mrmori n one datglt <f tMO» a

Open the catalog to page 15
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 16

Thu page: Master Dur lobl* at jcrn^r j£»iu/un£. Fip <h:urs in rAf ivn»e4u uiih fiid mi)*>htanni. uvjig*

Open the catalog to page 16
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 18

Ndla pa&m EVmhtfi c ■ ounfri; Kioto <W- tun&itU <;/tn *pc»ert. Ibid m In™ JUTO. ftxifftfa? timeti m «^ ■rift JftnAttvLua coi anf*-rat qpfnvc f^no c tofanirnto Liraito paggtt. <fr- JVa<» inner mfa f$a\'poiJ c&ivrrd mjbfoc /t»c mtiboaM'mMh leaf coon xath JfiO* oprrung, ttrurtta* a\ spetaart oak. <?oon> apett thditt and bote ptagpa mat lacquered. &c* Gntf c ui [*&gctU> <A Roberto Barken: un oUfon to* a ptqert by Puerto fW«n ki«yj* <vi {/icraf i larf o/Af ifutitajf* the structure. u*h the lap u^sch integrate \t*th the tcpt creating a pecuhar geatac

Open the catalog to page 18
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 21

GMOOfiCYCUH ilUt Hie taUr fan. ^ RJ*rto foi™.« rUr^ <3 htuyg area ch&att<ra&I mr £rWtan«i am frv At* barm Sr>it *S.'n/> con uvm in/Joshed fta IMBCK FbvfHay timtUo in taunt** Maria Lxtato hxidaUaxa. d&tgn Carlo * fVi'ipQgc and <?r4tal *m thcUrt: TrmtaHc bitmcG DUX to&quitcG ut a*i™^ ^tuik/^ &rlp rJuvs tiitt utar pi&stu sinxivte axd <V- I^XHI ui rrmoiafcur/Jirif. tL~x&i Carlo Co- k&chxrd uWi rcfJamf t cbcrj eft £*WO

Open the catalog to page 21
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 22

CHOOftC YOUR STYLE tAAKt lift UM-hHLH*t /n qwsU: papna: &JI wo £ttiy in fimiura uxnxto kajdt> ktanco. tfrattura m met a!In tromalo. Sa&c $uv*t am lurf m wDmAf outt^ Stwt cXatr* rthgaAatdh&&\ end* linker tmvrmg. xn&fijc IN thrnmec fnctai.

Open the catalog to page 22
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 23

CMOoaevcuit SITU Srwflicaa tA forme <Jar s ffajLcc v!Ia mum: A** r»cc v a xmpJc and* n^croio dVtfgn u*nm aflju* fi*

Open the catalog to page 23
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 24

£*ra£*ic nzUaTXfxa t on%W din AMI tarart /Wdfenn taih s&TAtare m (it^r, J«* and barkrttf mjbfcnr. *t n^fl Conn C***m£*>. Anmc Du* U ototAiUc M a uwte

Open the catalog to page 24
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 26

jVtiAi pagtna prcc&ftstfe; Gran* SI ntsrr tpcseart * rffwimtJito in pcIV hi o/to; JMiffuc icra^nff pcJfftm/md. <on tramc^ in row* /Villous /*^r: 'Jrar^ f.Wur in ^ttaTlock and leather totmng. /ftflcc: jfnitfiircui mjlnut c m^ar imara, ui jomf o»3 leather <w iCTinf-. Cottars* tAic in spcuan ooA ana1 lop m nurfcir design Dnmanuei GaUma.

Open the catalog to page 26
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 27

tAAKt lift UM-hHLH*t strutlutQ mt<l t jcc'iita <*\r*£r ttShjfQ nana t M&cd WantLrs interprets the ArU uvth cn CMMKJ ^CH^TI ffitfU^aVOfV JCTWJ On tfic tatf: Ul rt and Utf OTtftd m laithcr. BC^MC; iiWr rfwtffcfr

Open the catalog to page 27
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 28

GHOOfiC YOUft StYLE 7K# rc^Aq^ w a vrv angmaf one ronfawpcmr* rcTflon. 7fus afl the optima n mrriarJraTOdrc ACT aw/ Af &™WCIIVTI/(^J!IOA* c/f*xfv ami padiltd

Open the catalog to page 28
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 29

rtftaot una nttacfl ff«Bttf)a (h nlrfii-a aa «icn JfciMl rfcrciftjai'^iff:^ fJ<n^n*i^it HA' mas* A ff<%*£i spvA Kodrjcs* Terra, mcvt^ fcy thr r*w lire A c/a ntiii ^iv«fli: ,f aVs^i e/mmtfiiim thirknnr*.** tcA ^ituc; the bkvltxr fcrson inth ujxff ttrurtur* <tnj r.tfcrai/ Aorfv an£ f^scA muma/ fcffdV CiW ternc in fvsan oak A.*gu Roberto

Open the catalog to page 29
Tables, Chairs, Sideboards - 30

tAAKt lift UM-hHLH*t Fanmr teft^r^i c leggrrr per rui^imrr Jrgwi&Jd Racngo 7c*r*s ptQptMc AM Mart a ana attUnon* <h* one light ihapct hwUufil J&r tJ\tZ*thtrt unAerunedhy the rtwWc jJjJiAin^; &VTC*> thraAgh Mara* «gn# a r^krtm < in ^unfa /ugbaa, Afarwa w&a ivrsconf flii™ /* tiifafi^f a tufa VmJfxSgt : Manta m the unall artnrhcnr ivT- ■tat. t&mpicidv COMWI m b^ark leather. On tide : a detail of the cwmtg utfiKn ktgfal

Open the catalog to page 30

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