

Catalog excerpts


PIZ un sistema innovativo per il ri-vestimento di edifici civili ed indu- striali. La struttura posta in opera me- diante fissaggio meccanico di guide in lega leggera su cui 訨 impegnato il pannello isolante Zecca. Il pannello costituito da un para- mento in malta cementizia fibrorin- forzata modificata accoppiata ad un lastra di materiale isolante. Lelemento cementizio presenta sui bordi superiori ed inferiori una sca-nalatura idonea ad accogliere i pro- fili di montaggio. PIZ 蒨 stato sviluppato per soddi- sfare le crescenti esigenze del mer- cato delle costruzioni in termini di risparmio energetico e di qualifica- zione architettonica degli edifici. Il sistema destinato al rivestimen- to di tutte le tipologie di edifici sia per gli interventi di ristrutturazione sia per le nuove costruzioni. >

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PIZ is an innovative system forfacing civil and industrial buildings. The structure is installed by securing light alloy guides on which the insulating Zecca panel is fixed. The panel is made from a modified fiber-reinforced cement mortar face coupled with a slab of insulating material. The cement member has a groove on the upper and lower edges suitable for housing the assembly sections.PIZ was developed to satisfy the growing needs of the construction market in terms of energy savings and architectural improvement of buildings. The system is designed for facing all types of buildings,...

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installation PIZ PANELBUGNATO Economy. Reasonable cost, energy consumptionsavings, no maintenance expenses, direct application on all surfaces without requiring preventive measures (no need for plastering or replastering). The PIZ system can be mountedon any surface (reinforced cement, brick, metal structure, etc.). In case of restructuring, no special preparation or cleaning of the support wall is necessary. Installation consists in binding to the wall by means of an anchoring system with special sections in which the Zecca insulating panels are used. Construction is performed with simple...

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PIZ standard is qualitativelycertified with "Product Certification" n. P028 as per ICMQ. An additional guarantee for the PIZ system is provided by the Reale Mutua insurance policy n.12854. Raw materials, finished product, and components are always laboratory tested to ensure the quality of their performance and duration. Mechanical fastening guarantees the bestperformance againsttemperature changes, the fiber-reinforced cement facing, colored in series with mineral oxides, ensures the maximum chromatic stability. > PIZ Standard un prodotto certificato PIZ un sistema certificato CSTB AVIS...

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All PIZ catalogs and technical brochures


    2 Pages

  2. PIZ IS

    2 Pages

  3. PIZ 2008

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. PIZ I.S

    4 Pages

  2. ESSENTIAL 2009

    52 Pages