Road Blocker
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Catalog excerpts

Road Blocker - 1

Road Blocker Pedane motorizzate con pompa oleodinamica Motorized platforms with hydraulic pump

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Road Blocker - 2

Road Blocker Pedane motorizzate con pompa oleodinamica Le pedane motorizzate “road blocker” sono state progettate per la protezione di varchi fino a 6m di larghezza, consigliate per aree sensibili come aeroporti, ambasciate, consolati, etc.. Disponibili in due varianti con dimensioni differenti per rispondere ad ogni esigenza: • RBS500 e RBS1000 vengono fissate “in superficie”; la stazione di gestione e la pompa oleodinamica integrate nelle colonne laterali conferiscono a questo prodotto un design compatto. RB500 e RB1000 a “basso profilo” di posa per limitare la profondità di scavo; la...

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Road Blocker - 3

Road Blocker Road blocker with hydraulic pump Road blocker have been designed for the protection of passages up to 6m wide, recommended for sensitive areas such as airports, embassies, consulates, etc. Available in two variants with different dimensions to meet the any needs: • RBS500 and RBS1000 are mounted “at surface level”; the control unit and the hydraulic pump are integrated in the side columns and give this product a compact design. RB500 and RB1000 are built with “shallow foundation” to limit the digging depth; the hydraulic pump and the control unit are contained in an external...

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Road Blocker - 4

Road Blocker Crash tests Road blocker Brochure

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