Catalog excerpts

Today Pilomat is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automated retractable access control technologies. Company’s first commitment is the continuous development and expansion of the product range. We have made the guarantee of reliability and durability over time our mission, developing continuously the quality improvement cycle. Our philosophy is a production with ever higher quality standards, at competitive costs and with fast and planned delivery times. Pilomat’s strength is its wide product range: whatever needs, from the residential installation to the highest level of...
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AUTOMATIC BOLLARDS Dissuasori automatici Automatische Poller Bornes automatiques Bolardos automуticos Automatic bollards with integrated electromechanical operator Dissuasori automatici con attuatore elettromeccanico integrato Automatische Poller mit integriertem elektromechanischen Antireb Bornes automatiques C motorisation lectromɃcanique integrɃe Bolardos automɃticos con automatismo electromecCnico integrado Height Breakout resistance Impact resistance Impact resistance 20,000 J Breakout resistance 150,000 J RANGE URIT
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AUTOMATIC BOLLARDS Dissuasori automatici Automatische Poller Bornes automatiques Bolardos automáticos Automatic bollards with built–in hydraulic pump Dissuasori automatici oleodinamici con centralina incorporata Automatische Poller mit integriertem hydraulischen Antrieb Bornes automatiques avec unité hydraulique incorporée Bolardos automáticos con unidad oleodinámica incorporada Diameter Height Breakout resistance Impact resistance Automatic hydraulic bollards with reinforced cylinder (10mm) Dissuasori automatici oleodinamici con cilindro rinforzato Automatische Poller mit verstärktes...
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SEMIAUTOMATIC BOLLARDS Dissuasori semiautomatici Halbautomatischen Poller Bornes semiautomatiques Bolardos semiautomáticos Semiautomatic bollards with integrated gas spring Dissuasori semiautomatici con attuatore a gas integrato Halbautomatische Poller mit integrierter Gasdruckfeder Bornes semiautomatiques avec ressort à gaz intégré Bolardos semiautomáticos con accionador de gas integrado 127/P 500SA 127/P 600SA Diameter Height Breakout resistance Impact resistance STANDARD Mechanical lock Impact resistance 40,000 J 30,000 J Breakout resistance 250,000 J 150,000 J ADDITIONAL European...
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REMOVABLE BOLLARDS Dissuasori removibili Entnehmbaren Poller Bornes amovibles Bolardos extraíbles Removable bollards Dissuasori removibili Entnehmbaren Poller Bornes amovibles Bolardos extraíbles 127/RM 600 127/RM 800 Diameter Height Breakout resistance Impact resistance HANDLE Retractable handle Impact resistance 40,000 J 30,000 J 20,000 J Breakout resistance 200,000 J 150,000 J LOCK European profile half cylinder DIN18252 SECUR ITY RAN GE DIMENSIONS / DIMENSIONI / GRÖSSE/ DIMENSIONS / DIMENSIONES BREAKOUT RESISTANCE / RESISTENZA ALLO SFONDAMENTO / DURCHSCHLAGFESTIGKEIT / RÉSISTANCE AU...
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FIXED BOLLARDS Dissuasori fissi Feststehende Poller Bornes fixes Bolardos fijos Fixed bollards with counterframe Dissuasori fissi con controtelaio Feststehende poller mit Bodenplatte Bornes fixes avec plaque de base Bolardos fijos con placa inferior Fixed bollards with ground anchors Dissuasori fissi con zanche Feststehende poller mit Bodenanker Bornes fixes avec ancrage au sol Bolardos fijos con anclaje de suelo Diameter Height Breakout resistance Impact resistance Impact resistance 40,000 J 30,000 J Breakout resistance 250,000 J 150,000 J
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FIXED BOLLARDS Dissuasori fissi Feststehende Poller Bornes fixes Bolardos fijos Fixed bollards with reinforced basement and cylinder (10mm) Dissuasori fissi con basamento e cilindro rinforzati Feststehende Poller mit verstärkter Zylinder und Bodenbefestigung Bornes fixes avec fondation et cylindre renforcés Bolardos fijos con fijación y cilindro reforzados Breakout resistance Impact resistance DESIGN BOLLARDS Fixed bollards in 5 versions Dissuasori fissi disponibili in 5 varianti Feststehende Poller in 5 Ausführungen Bornes fixes en 5 finitions Bolardos fijos en 5 diseños Diameter Height...
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MOTORIZED BARRIERS Barriere motorizzate SECURE PARKING Motorisierte Schranken Barrières motorisés Barreras motorizadas Automatic parking barrier Barriera motorizzata Motorisierte Sperren Barrière motorisée Barrera motorizada SECURE PARKING Lenght (moving platform) Height (lowered) Height (extended) Breakout resistance CITY GATE Planter with sliding barrier for traffic management Barriera mobile scorrevole per il controllo del traffico Schiebesperre für die Zufahrtskontrolle Barrière mobile à coulissement pour la régulation de la circulation Barrera móvil para la regulación del tráfico ONE...
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Colonne di controllo e gestione FIXED COLUMNS Totems de contrôle et gestion Columnas de control y de gestión Colonne di controllo e gestione fisse Feststehende Kontroll- und Steuersäulen Totems de contrôle et de gestion fixes Columnas de control y de gestión fijas available items control unit slot control unit slot RETRACTABLE COLUMNS Colonne di controllo e gestione sollevabili Hebbare Kontroll- und Steuersäulen Totems de contrôle et de gestion pouvant être soulevés Columnas de control y de gestión elevables available items control unit slot DIMENSIONS / DIMENSIONI / GRÖSSE/ DIMENSIONS /...
Open the catalog to page 11
AUTOMATIC BOLLARDS Dissuasori automatici Automatische Poller Bornes automatiques Bolardos automáticos Automatic bollards with electromechanical brushless motor Dissuasori automatici con motore elettromeccanico brushless Automatische Poller mit bürstenlosem, elektromechanischen Antrieb Bornes automatiques avec motorisation électroméchanique brushless ASTM rated Bolardos automáticos con motor electromecánico sin escobillas Breakout resistance Impact resistance Impact resistance 250,000 J 700,000 J Breakout resistance 750,000 J 1,200,000 J 2,000,000 J CERTIFIED / CERTIFICATO / ZERTIFIERT/...
Open the catalog to page 12All PILOMAT catalogs and technical brochures
Road Blocker
4 Pages
Pilomat - Company profile
20 Pages
worldwide references
78 Pages