Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Conceiving, designing and constructing are our experience. Being different in responding to the customer’s needs through design and quality is our history. Producing equipment and furnishings and seeking the uniquess of the product and the salons, without neglecting concreteness, is our « mission « . The passion that drives us day by day in our work makes us the ideal partner for the professional hair stylist. A Pietranera salon has always represented worldwide an «objective of efficiency and prestige achieved». Concevoir, étudier, fabriquer, telle est notre expérience. Être différents dans...
Open the catalog to page 2Ideare, progettare e costruire sono la nostra esperienza. Essere diversi nel rispondere alle esigenze del cliente attraverso il design e la qualità, la nostra storia. Produrre attrezzature ed arredamenti e ricercare, senza mai prescindere dalla concretezza, l’unicità del prodotto e dei saloni, sono la nostra «mission». La passione che ci spinge quotidianamente nel nostro lavoro fa di noi il partner ideale dell’acconciatore professionale. Il salone Pietranera rappresenta da sempre nel mondo un «obbiettivo di efficienza e prestigio raggiunto».
Open the catalog to page 3“Performance design” for your salon
Open the catalog to page 4Poltrone Chairs Fauteuils Stühle Butacas
Open the catalog to page 5Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 6Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 9Londra Optima Art. 115B.56 (^) E 6 Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 10Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 13ComfortArt. 105.19L Completamente sfoderabile Totally removable cover
Open the catalog to page 14“Performance design” for your salon 1
Open the catalog to page 16Poltrone uomo e unisex Gentlemen’s and unisex chairs Fauteuils messieurs et unisex Herren -und unisex-Stühle Butacas caballeros y unisex 17
Open the catalog to page 17€ P 8 Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 18Backwash units Bacs de lavage Waschanlage Lavacabezas Column backwash units Bacs de lavage à colonne Wasch-Säulen Columnas lavacabezas
Open the catalog to page 25Zone Wash classic Art. 531 Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 28Modello depositato - Registered design
Open the catalog to page 29Modello depositato - Registered design 30
Open the catalog to page 30Arco-All Wash
Open the catalog to page 35Art. 459 Gruppo miscelatore monocomando con forcella di tenuta Impedisce lo sgocciolamento dell’acqua all’esterno del lavabo. Di serie con Zone Wash, Wen, Sesto Senso Pro, Versux Pro, Pashà. Optional per tutti gli altri modelli. Non disponibile per Washmaster. Einhebel-Mischbatterie mit Anti-TropfSystem Verhindert, dass Wasser außerhalb des Beckenrands tropft .Serienmaßig bei Zone Wash, Wen, Sesto Senso Pro, Versux Pro, Pashà.Option mit allen anderen Modellen. Nicht verfügbar für Washmaster. Grifería con mezclador monomando y horquilla de sujeción Impide que el agua gotee al exterior de la...
Open the catalog to page 40Foot control UP/DOWN Allows you to raise and lower the footrest with your foot. It leaves the operator’s hands completely free, making it easier to work and offering clients greater comfort and service. Optional for relax washunits with motorized footrest. Fußbediengung UP/DOWN Ermöglicht die Betätigung der Beinstütze mit dem Fuß. Der Benutzer hat so die Hände frei, womit die Arbeit erleichtert wird und der Kunde besser bedient werden kann. Option mit allen Relax Waschanlagen mit elektrische Fußstütze. Pedaliera UP/DOWN Consente di azionare con il piede il sollevamento e l’abbassamento del...
Open the catalog to page 41Di serie per tutti i modelli tranne Shark e Memphis. Standard specification with all models, except for Shark and Memphis. Standard avec tous les modèles, non disponible pour Shark et Memphis. Serienmäßig bei allen Modellen, nicht verfügbar für Shark und Memphis. De serie con todos los modelos, no disponible por Shark y Memphis. Disponibile solo per colonna Shark. Suitable only for Shark column. Disponible seulement pour colonne Shark. Verfügbar nur für Wasch-Saüle Shark. Disponible solo para columna Shark. Disponibile solo per Memphis. Suitable only for Memphis. Disponible seulement pour...
Open the catalog to page 42Vaschetta di servizio bianca / nera per lavaggio Wen e Pashà White / Black link bowl for Wen and Pashà washunits. Cuve de service blanche / noir pour bacs de lavage Wen et Pashà. Servicetank in Weiß für / Schwarz Waschanlage Wen und Pashà. Envase de servicio blanco / negro por lavacabezas Wen y Pashà. Vaschetta di servizio bianca / nera per lavaggio Zone Wash. White / black link bowl for Zone Wash washunit. Cuve de service blanche / noir pour bac de lavage Zone Wash. Servicetank in Weiß / Schwarz für Waschanlage Zone Wash. Envase de servicio blanco / negro por lavacabeza Zone Wash. Carter...
Open the catalog to page 43“Performance design” for your salon 4
Open the catalog to page 44Pag. 45 - 57 Posti lavoro Styling units Coiffeuses Frisierplatze Tocadores Pag. 58 - 61 Casse - Reception Cashdesks Meubles caisse Rezeption-Kasse Recepciones Pag. 62 - 63 Attese e Portacasco Waiting and dryer chairs Attente et sechage Warte-und Trockensessel Esperas y portacasco Pag. 64 - 67 Complementi d ’arredo Furniture accessories Complements d’ameublement Einrichtungsgegenstande Complementos de decoracion Pag. 68 Caschi - Lampade - Vaporizzatori - Sterilizzatori Hair dryers - Lamps - Hair steamers - Sterilizers Casques - Lampes - Vaporisateur - Sterilizateur Haartrockner - Lampen -...
Open the catalog to page 45Ykon Tower Ykon Dual
Open the catalog to page 49Magnum Inox
Open the catalog to page 50Vedi skai collection per inserti For upholstered part see skai collection
Open the catalog to page 51Light Pral Light Aluminum
Open the catalog to page 52O White 0 Silver £ Gold 0 Black £ Red Q White
Open the catalog to page 53Charme station Art. 896B - 896N ®E 18 O# ©E 18
Open the catalog to page 55Corner centrale Corner Optima Corner Optima centr.
Open the catalog to page 58Expo-Light Image Expo-Light Image
Open the catalog to page 61Unit Vanguard Vanguard Art. 126.01 Art. 127.03 Art. 127.01
Open the catalog to page 62Hell Mett 2 Speed
Open the catalog to page 64COMUNICAZIONE E IMMAGINI / COMUNICATION AND IMAGES/ COMMUNICATION ET IMAGES / KOMMUNIKATION UND BILDE / COMUNICACIÓN Y IMAGENES Pag. 48 - 49 Posti lavoro con immagine Styling units with images Coiffeuses avec images Frisierplätze mit Bilden Tocadores con imagenes Casse - Reception con immagine Cashdesks with images Meubles caisse avec images Rezeption-Kasse mit Bilden Recepciones con imagenes Espositori con immagine Display units with images Presentoirs avec images Verkaufs-Display mit Bilden Expositores con imagenes Immagini con cornici - Tende - Insegne Frame with printed fabric - Shop...
Open the catalog to page 69All Pietranera catalogs and technical brochures
company profile
20 Pages
Catalogue 2019
143 Pages
88 Pages
134 Pages
Skai Special Pietranera
2 Pages
Metals Finishing
1 Pages
Finishing 2018
1 Pages
Collection Pictures 2018
4 Pages
Pietranera Catalogue 2018
134 Pages
Infrared 2017
16 Pages
Just Pietranera Catalogue 2016
36 Pages
Skai Special Pietranera
1 Pages
Skai Basic Pietranera
1 Pages
Time for Design MEN
8 Pages
Finishing 2016
1 Pages
Collection Pictures 2015
1 Pages
Lighting collection
24 Pages
Just Pietranera Catalogue 2015
36 Pages
5 Pages
Styling units
20 Pages
Backwash units
31 Pages
Pietranera Catalogue 2014
76 Pages
31 Pages
13 Pages
40 Pages
9 Pages
Design Collection 2011 2012
2 Pages
Time for Design BOOK
19 Pages
Time for Design Man
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
time for design
36 Pages
poltrone donna
72 Pages
Fusion & Emotion
44 Pages
Energy & Enjoy
48 Pages
Trend 100% Pietranera 2009
36 Pages
Wanted design
36 Pages
32 Pages
52 Pages
Backwash units
66 Pages
Styling Units and cashdesks
32 Pages
Furniture Accessories
37 Pages
Concept for men
16 Pages
70 Pages