Catalog excerpts

Eco-sustainable building materials PHOMI MCM using MAPEI building products
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Recommended MAPEI adhesives for the PHOMI Modified Clay Materials, according to the product typology, for application as wall and floor tiles. Interior Cladding type Substrate type Planipatch PHOMI MCM (thickness 2 - 5 mm)* Cement plaster Ultralite S1 Quick Ultralite S1 Quick Ultralite S1 Quick Planipatch PHOMI MCM (thickness 1 - 2 mm)** Ultralite S1 Quick Ultralite S1 Quick Ultralite S1 Quick Aerated concrete /plasterboard Ultralite S1 Ultralite S1 Quick Ultralite S1 Ultralite S1 Quick Substrate type Cladding type Cement plaster Aerated concrete blocks Ultrabond ECO PU 2K Ultralite S1...
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ULTRALITE S1 One-component, high-performance, deformable, lightweight cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip, long open time, Low Dust technology and extremely high yield easy to apply by trowel, for ceramic tiles and stone material Colour: grey and white. Application: N° 4, 5, 6 or 10 notched trowel. EMICODE: EC1 R Plus - very low emission. Storage: 12 months. Consumption: 1.5-2.5 kg/m². Packaging: 15 kg bags. IN COM PLI Pot life of mix: more than 8 hours. Open time:> 30 minutes. Waiting time before grouting: – on walls: 4-8 hours; – on floors: 24 hours. Set to light foot traffic:...
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ULTRABOND ECO PU 2K Two-component, solvent-free, high performance, non-slip polyurethane adhesive with very low emission level of volatile organic compounds (VOC) for ceramic and stone tiles Consumption: 2.5 -5 kg/m². Packaging: 10 kg kit (A:B = 88:12 parts in weight). Open time: 20 minutes. Waiting time before grouting: 12 hours, Set to foot traffic: approx. 12 hours. Ready for service: approx. 7 days. Deformability: good. Colours: grey and white. Application: N° 4 or 5 notched spreader. EMICODE: EC1 R Plus - very low emission. Storage: 12 months. KERALASTIC Two-component, high-performance...
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Important Notice: All surfaces must be cured, dry, cohesive, free of dust, grease, oils, corrosion, paint, glue residues and gypsum at the time of application. The substrate moisture must not exceed 3%, for gypsum substrates must not exceed 0.5%. Expansion field recommended size: 9-16m² for the exterior, 25m² for the interior application. In exterior the expansion joint should be filled with Mapesil LM, neutral silicone sealant. Cement plaster must be cured and dry (curing time min. 1 week / 1cm layer thickness), min. surface layer adhesion 1.0 N/mm². Monolithic reinforced concrete...
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PHOMI MCM, s. r. o. EMEA Headquarters HQ, warehouse & showroom: Dlouhá 888/15 370 01 České Budějovice Phone: + 420 774 324 969 www.phomi.eu MAPEI, spol. s r. o. HEADQUARTERS AND WAREHOUSE Smetanova 192/33 779 00 Olomouc Phone: +420 585 201 151 Fax: +420 585 207 229 www.mapei.cz e-mail: info@mapei.c
Open the catalog to page 6All PHOMI catalogs and technical brochures
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