Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment
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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 1

Phototherapy treatment

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 2

Philips UVB Narrowband (/Ol) Phototherapy lamps page 5 Philips UVB Broadband (/12) Phototherapy lamps page 6 Philips UVA (/09) and UVA-1 (/1 0) Phototherapy lamps page 7 Philips Jaundice (/52) Phototherapy lamps page 9 Safety measures, burning-in time and operating conditions page I 0 Product dimensions page I Contact details page I 2

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 3

Proven technology for Phototherapy Clinical studies around the world have proven that Philips UV lamps are the most effective lamps currently available for the treatment of Psoriasis and Vitiligo, as well as other less common skin diseases. As the world’s largest manufacturer of lighting products, Philips has applied its knowledge and experience to design a comprehensive range of highly effective Phototherapy lamps. These have been developed, tested and proven in close cooperation with universities and clinics around the world. Don’t settle for poor imitations that could be harmful to...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 5

Philips UVB Narrowband (/01) Phototherapy lamps The UVB Narrowband (/01) low-pressure fluorescent Phototherapy lamps are proven to be the most effective lamps for the treatment of skin diseases compared with other lamps in their class. Not only did we introduce the very first UVB lamps, we’ve also continued to develop and improve them for the last 20 years. Our application laboratory carries out research in close cooperation with universities all over the world. More than 400 independent clinical studies* have proven that Philips UVB Narrowband Phototherapy lamps are the most effective...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 6

Philips UVB Broadband (/12) Phototherapy lamps Philips (/12) low-pressure fluorescent lamps are Broadband UVB lamps (290–320 nm) commonly used to treat many skin conditions and other inflammantory skin disorders. Phototherapy treatment with Broadband UVB may be administered with or without medications. Philips TL with RDC cap Philips TL with bi-pin cap Can be used for the treatment of: • Psoriasis • Parapsoriasis • Vitiligo • Atopic Dermatitis • Other skin diseases Philips UVB Broadband (/12) Phototherapy lamps Lamp type Product code Lamp Lamp Cap/ Voltage Current base Packaging Order code...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 7

Philips UVA (/09) and UVA-1 (/10) Phototherapy lamps Philips UVA (/09) lamps emit radiation over the whole UVA part of the spectrum (315-400 nm). Philips UVA-1 (/10) lamps emit radiation in a limited part of the UVA range. In PUVA-therapy these lamps are used in combination with Photosensitizers (for example Psoralenes) for the treatment of Psoriasis. Treatment with PUVA remains the standard for patients with high PASI scores who do not respond or whose psoriasis cannot be controlled adequately by UVB. Philips TL with bi-pin cap graph 1 Can be used for the treatment of: • Psoriasis and...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 9

Philips Jaundice (/52) Phototherapy lamps Philips Jaundice (/52) low-pressure fluorescent lamps emit light in the blue part of the visible spectrum. Jaundice (/52) lamps are used in incubators to eliminate bilirubin in the blood of newborn babies. Can be used for the treatment of: • Hyperbilirubineamia (Neonatal Jaundice) • Crigler - Najjar (CN) syndrome Philips TL with bi-pin cap Philips Jaundice (/52) Phototherapy lamps Lamp type Product code Lamp Lamp Cap/ Voltage Current base Packaging Order code Configuration (Europe) MOQ 8711500...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 10

Safety measures As with natural sunlight, UV-therapy increases the risk of skin cancer, can cause erythema (sunburn), conjunctivitis (snow blindness) and cataract of the eye. Philips UVB therapy lamps (/01 and /12) are only supplied to qualified customers. The lamps should only be used for medical purposes under doctor supervision. Chronic blue light exposure can damage the retina. Patients should always wear appropriate eye-wear. Therapy equipment must be screened off to ensure safe operation by service personnel.* Equipment must be provided with a timer in order to control the dose. F or...

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 11

Product dimensions Dimensions in mm C max Philips TL with bi-pin cap UVB Narrowband (/01) Phototherapy lamps Philips TL 20W/01 UVB Broadband (/12) Phototherapy lamps 589.8 Jaundice (/52) Phototherapy lamps UVA-1 (/10) Phototherapy lamps Philips TLK 40W/10 R Note: For (/09) and (/10), Philips also has other lamp wattages commercially available and can Dimensions with bi-pin cap (G13) be provided on request for manufacturers or for trial purposes. 11

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Philips lamps for Phototherapy treatment - 12

Asia Pacific Level 6, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel +86 21 5910 7475 Fax +86 21 5915 4024 Shanghai,China 1805 Hu Yi Road,MaLu Town, Jiading District Shanghai,China 201801 Tel: +86 21 5910 7047 Fax: +86 21 5915 4024 India Philips Electronics India Ltd 9th Floor, Ashoka Estate 24, Barakhamba Road New Delhi 110 001 India Tel +91 11 43529800 Fax +91 11 41515221 Japan-domestic Philips Electronics Japan, Ltd. 13-37, Kohnan 2-chome Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8507 Tel +81 3 3740 4429 Fax +81 3 3740 5163 Korea Philips House P.O. Box 3680 260-199, Itaewon-Dong Yougsan-Ku...

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