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With Pella’s Traditional Collection, you can find an entry door that’s perfect for you. From trendy to timeless, understated to elaborate and regional to international, these doors provide the solution you’ve been looking for. Offering a warm welcome with sparkling glass and richly detailed wood, Pella’s Traditional Collection is right at home in any home.

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Demesne Cherry Insulated Beveled Glass 14" x 96" x 1¾" leaded glass sidelights ( BE8845S- ER ) Also available: 36" x 96" x 1¾" door ( BE8836- ER ) Traditional square-top door ( BE8836) • ( BE8842) Traditional square-top sidelights ( BE8814S)

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STATEMENT DOORS Demesne Cherry Insulated Beveled Glass Insulated Beveled Glass Additional size: 36" x 96" x 1%" door (BE8536) Also available: ,

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Demesne Cherry Insulated Seeded Glass

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36" x 80" x P/4" door 36" x 96" x 134" door 36" x 80" x m" door 36" x 96" x m" door Serenade Glass with Serenade Glass with Sterling Zinc Caming (shown) Sterling Zinc Caming (shown) Seepage 11 for glass options. See page 11 for glass options.

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Insulated Beveled Glass with Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Beveled Glass with Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Beveled Glass with Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Clear and Beveled Glue Chip Glass with Dark Patina Caming Insulated Clear and Beveled Glue Chip Glass with Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass with Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass with Sterling Zinc Caming (shown) or Brass Caming Insulated Glass with Sterling Zinc Caming Insulated Glass with Sterling Zinc Caming (shown) or Brass Caming Glass Collections

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Also available: Also available: 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights ( H I5 T ) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights ( H I5 S T ) Also available: 32" x 80" x 1¾" door ( M C1 0 A P - 3 2 )

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SQUARE-TOP SOLID PANEL 36" x 80" x IVi" door 36" x 80" x 1%" door 36" x 80" x V>/C door 36" x 80" x 1%" door Also available: * Available with sidelights and/or transom.

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14"-high transom over 12" sidelights ( H I5 T ) Also available: Also available: 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights ( H I5 S T ) Also available:

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D LT 8 2 3 AP * 36" x 96" x 1¾" door Also available: 42" x 96" x 2¼" door (DLT823A P - 42 ) * Available with sidelights and/or transom.

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Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass Arca di a Gl a ss Op t i o n Door: 36" x 80" ( SC238) • 36" x 96" ( SC8238) 42" x 96" (SC8238-42) Sidelights: 80" ( SC218S) • 96" ( SC8218S) 80" full-light sidelight option available. Transom: ( SC218T) Also available: 80" full-light sidelight option available.

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Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass 80" full-light sidelight option available. Also available: 80" full-light sidelight option available.

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Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass Also available:

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Forged Iron and Dark Patina Caming Insulated Glass Arabe lla Op t ion: Half-Circle Transom Arcadia Opt ion: Half-Circle Transom Elliptical Transom Elliptical Transom SC237 Ara b el l a Gl a ss 36" x 80" x 1¾" door 12 5/8" or 14" x 80" sidelights ( S C2 3 7 S ) Arabella half-circle transom (shown) Bonnabe l Opt ion: Half-Circle Transom Elliptical Transom Half-circle and elliptical transoms are shipped with doors to be mulled prior to installation.

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Dark Patina Caming with Clear Bevel and Glue Chip Insulated Glass (Lone Star) Forged Iron (Menger) Also available: Also available:

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Dark Patina Caming with Clear Bevel and Glue Chip Insulated Glass (Lone Star) Forged Iron (Menger) 80" full-light sidelight option available. Also available:

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Dark Patina Caming with Clear Bevel and Glue Chip Insulated Glass (Lone Star) Forged Iron (Menger) 80" full-light sidelight option available. Also available: 80" full-light sidelight option available.

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Dark Patina Caming with Clear Bevel and Glue Chip Insulated Glass (Lone Star) Forged Iron (Menger) Lone St ar Op t ion: Half-Circle Transom Elliptical Transom Elliptical Transom Half-circle and elliptical transoms are shipped with doors to be mulled prior to installation. SC 239 Meng er Gl a ss 36" x 80" x 1¾" door 12 5/8" or 14" x 80" sidelights ( S C2 1 9 S ) Menger half-circle transom (shown)

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Sonnet (Brass or Zinc) Serena de (Brass or Zinc) Symphony (Zinc) Serenade elliptical transom Also available: Also available:

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Insulated Glass Gl a ss Op t i o n s Serena de (Brass or Zinc) Sonnet (Brass or Zinc) 80" full-light sidelight option available. Symphony (Zinc) Also available: Also available: Both 32" and 42" option available (par t#-32 or par t#-42). Sara s ota (Dark Patina)

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Serena de (Brass or Zinc) Sonnet (Brass or Zinc) Symphony (Zinc)

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Insulated Glass Ha l f- Ci rcl e Tra n so m Op t i o n s Sonnet glass • Symphony glass (shown) • Serenade glass El l i p t i ca l Tra n so m Op t i o n s Sonnet glass • Symphony glass (shown) • Serenade glass 14"-high transom (D LT 2 2 1 T ) Also available with Sonnet glass: Door (D LT 8 1 1 2 ) • Sidelights (D LT 8 2 1 3 S) Transom (D LT 2 2 3 T ) Half-circle and elliptical transoms are shipped with doors to be mulled prior to installation.

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Brass Caming (shown) or Sterling Zinc Caming Insulated Glass Queen Anne elliptical transom 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 T ) 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights (QA206T) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 ST ) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (QA206ST)

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Brass Caming (shown) or Sterling Zinc Caming Insulated Glass 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 T ) 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 T ) 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights (QA206T) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 S T ) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (QA 2 0 6 ST ) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (QA206ST)

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