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Catalog excerpts

Classic - 1

Pella’s Classic Collection adds historical charm and elegance to your home. With true- divided-light grilles and beveled glass, these doors are always in style. They draw out and complement other classic features in your home — such as windows with decorative glass and artistic woodwork. Pella’s Classic Collection is the choice for homeowners who desire authenticity down to the finest detail.

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Classic - 2

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles Cross Buck smooth-panel door grooved-panel door Also available: Also available:

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Classic - 3

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles Cross Buck smooth-panel doors grooved-panel doors

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Classic - 4

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles Cross Buck Used with 36" x 96" x 1¾" grooved- and smooth-panel doors Also available: Also available:

Open the catalog to page 4
Classic - 5

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles Cross Buck smooth-panel door grooved-panel door

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Classic - 7

Insulated Beveled Glass Cross Buck True-Divided-Light Grilles Rustic Walnut • 36" x 96" x 1¾" smooth-panel doors Also available: Also available: 4-lite doors (MARFL4)

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Classic - 8

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass Cross Buck True-Divided-Light Grilles See page 54 for sidelight options. smooth-panel door grooved-panel door Also available: Also available:

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Classic - 9

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass Cross Buck True-Divided-Light Grilles See page 54 for sidelight options. smooth-panel door grooved-panel door smooth-panel door grooved-panel door

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Classic - 10

Rustic Walnut Insulated Beveled Glass Cross Buck True-Divided-Light Grilles See page 54 for sidelight options. smooth-panel door grooved-panel door Also available: Also available:

Open the catalog to page 10
Classic - 11

Beveled Insulated Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles All sidelights shown are available in a grooved-panel option.

Open the catalog to page 11
Classic - 12

True-Divided-Light Grilles Beveled Insulated Glass DD6L Double Door Unit Rustic Walnut • 36" x 96" x 1¾" grooved-panel doors Mahogany • 36" x 80" x 1¾" smooth-panel doors Mahogany • 36" x 96" x 1¾" smooth-panel door Also available: Also available: Also available: 36" x 96" x 1¾" double doors 14"-high transom over single with 12" sidelights ( H I ST) 14"-high transom over single with 14" sidelights ( H I 5ST)

Open the catalog to page 12
Classic - 13

Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights ( MA R T I G) Also available: Also available: 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights ( MA R S T I G) Also available:

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Classic - 14

Insulated Beveled Glass True-Divided-Light Grilles smooth-panel door smooth-panel sidelight DM89L 36" x 96" x 1¾" smooth-panel door 12" or 14" x 96" smooth-panel sidelights ( DM 89LS) 14"-high transom over 12" sidelights ( DM 3T1) 14"-high transom over 14" sidelights (DM3T2)

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Classic - 15

When combined with the natural beauty of Rustic Walnut wood, these options enhance the unique elegance of your entry door system. They not only provide increased curb appeal — they allow you to express yourself by creating the exact entry door you want. Square or Round Clavos Speakeasy Grille Fixed Insulated Glass Styles Cross Buck with and without Clavos Fixed Insulated Glass Shapes Pella offers beautifully crafted features and options so you can add the special details you want. Our collection includes choices that are as St. Charles Eyebrow Radius Full Radius decorative as they are...

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Classic - 16

When combined with the natural beauty of Rustic Walnut wood, these options enhance the unique elegance of your entry door system. They not only provide increased curb appeal — they allow you to express yourself by creating the exact entry door you want. Square or Round Clavos Speakeasy Grille Fixed Insulated Glass Styles Cross Buck with and without Clavos Fixed Insulated Glass Shapes Pella offers beautifully crafted features and options so you can add the special details you want. Our collection includes choices that are as St. Charles Eyebrow Radius decorative as they are functional, as...

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Classic - 17

Pella’s entry door systems not only look beautiful; they perform beautifully. With just Double doors also feature the multipoint option. Three deadbolts secure the active one twist of the thumb turn, the multipoint lock system secures the door in the top, door at the top, middle and bottom into the inactive panel. The inactive panel offers middle and bottom — for superior durability, performance and added security. two options: you can choose a multipoint mechanism that secures the inactive door at Draw-in latch bolts seal the door tightly against wind and water. the head and sill with the...

Open the catalog to page 17
Classic - 18

Pella’s entry door systems not only look beautiful; they perform beautifully. With just Double doors also feature the multipoint option. Three deadbolts secure the active one twist of the thumb turn, the multipoint lock system secures the door in the top, door at the top, middle and bottom into the inactive panel. The inactive panel offers middle and bottom — for superior durability, performance and added security. two options: you can choose a multipoint mechanism that secures the inactive door at Draw-in latch bolts seal the door tightly against wind and water. the head and sill with the...

Open the catalog to page 18
Classic - 19

Sill Options Anodized Bronze Anodized Brass Aluminum Mill Standard Sill Standard Bumper Sill 1" x 4" x 108" (Demesne Cherr y only) Hinge Options Bright Brass Satin Chrome Oil-Rubbed Bronze Jana West Client: Pella Job #: PELLED08011 Job Name: Wood ED Catalog File Name: PELLED08011_WoodEDCatalog.indd Date: 10-29-2008 11:41 AM To Printer: 10/02/08 Trim: 10.875" x 8.375" Bleed: 11.125" x 8.625" Print Scale: None FINAL TO PRINTER (BLUE) Colors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Links: 5561B_A81_Strip_Horz.EPS (CMYK; 300 ppi, -294 ppi; 100%, -100%), sweeps.eps, CASING lg_PC.eps, CASING2_ PC.eps, c22.eps,...

Open the catalog to page 19

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  1. Craftsman

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