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Catalog excerpts

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design Daniele Lo Scalzo Moscheri EN: Armchair with solid oak frame and upholstered seat IT: Poltrona con struttura in massello di rovere e seduta imbottita DE: Sessel mit massivem Eichengestell und gepolstertem Sitz FR: Fauteuil avec structure en chêne massif et assise rembourrée ES: Sillón con estructura de roble macizo y asiento tapizado • SEAT - SEDUTA - SITZ - ASSISE - ASIENTO EN: Seat upholstered with flexible polyurethane foam (density 63 kg/m³), flame retardant (class 1 IM), birch plywood inner structure, fabric cover IT: Sedile imbottito con poliuretano espanso flessibile (densità 63 kg/m³), ignifugo (classe 1 IM), struttura interna in multistrato di betulla, rivestito in tessuto DE: Sitz gepolstert mit flexiblem Polyurethanschaum (Dichte 63 kg/m³), schwer entflammbar (Klasse 1 IM), Innenstruktur aus Birkensperrholz, mit Stoff bezogen FR: Assise garnie de mousse de polyuréthane souple (densité 63 kg/m³), ignifugée (classe 1 IM), structure interne en contreplaqué de bouleau, recouverte de tissu ES: Asiento tapizado con espuma de poliuretano flexible (densidad 63 kg/m³), ignífugo (clase 1 IM), estructura interior de madera contrachapada de abedul, cubierta de tela FABRIC - TESSUTO - STOFF - TISSU - TEJIDO CAT. A - C (excluding C36÷C39) - D120÷D123 - G - H - P EN: For more information see finishing legend on the website IT: Per maggiori informazioni vedere legenda finiture sul sito web • FRAME - TELAIO - STRUKTUR - STRUCTURE - ARMAZÓN EN: Solid oak IT: In massello di rovere DE: Eiche massiv FR: Chêne massif ES: Roble macizo EN: Wooden parts have jointed components IT: Le parti in legno presentano componenti giuntati FINISH - FINITURA - AUSFÜHRUNG - FINITIONS - ACABADO EN: Water-based paint, matt finish (5 gloss), anti-scratch IT: Verniciatura a base acqua, finitura opaca (5gloss), antigraffio DE:Lack auf Wasserbasis, Ausführung matt (5 gloss), kratzfes FR: Peinture à base d’eau, finition mate (5 gloss), anti-rayures ES:Pintura a base de agua, acabado mate (brillo 5), anti-arañazos EN: Lacquered visible grains IT: Laccato poro aperto DE: Laqué pore ouvert FR: Offenporig lackiert ES: Lacado poro abierto Materiali Materialien Matériaux Materiales Reproduction of this document is strictly prohibited without prior written authorisation from Pedrali Spa. Sizes, weights and finishes may change without previous notice. È vietata la riproduzione del seguente documento senza previa autorizzazione scritta da parte di Pedrali Spa. Dimensioni, pesi e finiture possono variare senz

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Daniele Lo Scalzo MoscheriFEET - PIEDINI - GLEITER- PATINS - TACOS EN: Felt, suitable for delicate and sensitive floors (wood, ceramics, marble) IT: Feltro, adatti per pavimenti delicati e sensibili (legno, ceramica, marmo) DE: Filz, fur sanfte und zartfuhlende Boden geeignet (Holz, Keramik, Marmor) FR: Feutre incurve , pour sols delicats et sensibles (bois, marbre, ceramique) ES: Fieltro curvado, aptos para pisos delicados y sensibles (madera, ceramica, marmol) • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - IMPATTO AMBIENTALE - UMWELTBELASTUNG - IMPACT DUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT -IMPACTO AMBIENTAL REGULATIONS AND...

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  5. Blume

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  6. New Ideas 2020

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