Malmö 298
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Catalog excerpts

Malmö 298 - 1

EN: Lounge armchair with high backrest, upholstered shell, solid ash wood frame and armrests IT: Poltrona lounge con schienale alto, scocca imbottita, struttura e braccioli in massello di frassino DE: Lounge-Armlehnstuhl mit hohem Rücken, gepolsterter Sitzschale, Struktur und Armlehnen aus massivem Eschenholz FR: Fauteuil avec dossier haut, coque rembourrée, structure et accoudoirs en frêne massif ES: Sillón de salón con respaldo alto, carcasa tapizada, estructura de fresno macizo y reposabrazos • SEAT - SEDUTA - SITZ - ASSISE - ASIENTO EN: Beech plywood shell padded with expanded, flexilble polyurethane (density 40kg/m3), fire-retardant (class 1 IM, Crib 5), covered with fabric IT: Scocca in multistrato di faggio imbottita con poliuretano espanso flessibile ( densità 40 kg/m³), ignifugo (classe 1 IM, Crib 5), rivestita in tessuto DE: Schale aus Buchen-Multiplex gepolstert mit flexiblem Polyurethan (Dichte 40 kg/m³), feuerfest (Klasse 1 IM, Crib 5), mit Kernleder bezogen FR: Coque en multiplis de hêtre rembourrée en polyuréthane expansé flexible (densité 40 kg/m³), ignifuge (classe 1 IM, Crib 5), recouverts de cuir naturel ES: Carcasa de contrachapado de haya tapizado de espuma de poliuretano flexible (densidad 40 kg/m³), ignífugo (clase 1IM, Crib5), forrado de tela FABRIC - TESSUTO - STOFF - TISSU - TEJIDO Cat. C (excluding C36÷C39) - D40÷D44 - D120÷D123 - G - H - P EN: For more information see finishing legend on the website IT: Per maggiori informazioni vedere legenda finiture sul sito web • FRAME - TELAIO - STRUKTUR - STRUCTURE - ARMAZÓN EN : Solid ash IT: Massello di frassino DE: Eschen-Massivholz FR: Fréne massif ES: Fresno macizo EN: Wooden parts have jointed components IT: Le parti in legno presentano componenti giuntati WOOD FINISH - FINITURA LEGNO - HOLZ AUSFÜHRUNG - FINITION BOIS - ACABADO MADERA EN: Water-based paint, matt finish (5 gloss), anti-scratch IT: Verniciatura a base acqua, finitura opaca (5gloss), antigraffio DE:Lack auf Wasserbasis, Ausführung matt (5 gloss), kratzfes FR: Peinture à base d’eau, finition mate (5 gloss), anti-rayures ES:Pintura a base de agua, acabado mate (brillo 5), anti-arañazos EN: Lacquered visible grains IT: Laccato poro aperto DE: Laqué pore ouvert FR: Offenporig lackiert ES: Lacado poro abierto Materiali Materialien Matériaux Materiales Reproduction of this document is strictly prohibited without prior written authorisation from Pedrali Spa. Sizes, weights and finishes may change without previous notice. È vietata la riproduzione del seguente documento senza previa autorizzazione scritta da parte di Pedrali Spa. Dimensioni, pesi e finiture possono variare

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Malmö 298 - 2

CMP DesignFEET - PIEDINI - GLEITER- PATINS - TACOS EN: Feet with interchangeable insert in felt type “15”, suitable for delicate and sensitive floors (wood, ceramic, marble) on request feet with interchangeable insert type “17” in plastic material, suitable for soft floors (carpet, rugs) or rough (concrete, metal) IT: Piedini con inserto intercambiabile in feltro tipo “15”, adatti per pavimenti delicati e sensibili (legno, ceramica, marmo), a richiesta piedino con inserto intercambiabile in materiale plastico tipo “17”, adatti per pavimenti morbidi (moquette, tappeti) o ruvidi (cemento,...

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