Catalog 2012


Catalog excerpts

Catalog 2012 - 2

the “stone planet” Natural materials have always been used for the development of humanity. Marble belongs to the category of the most used and important materials; has followed the social and cultural evolution of humankind, characterizing its architecture and outlining its artistic canons. Its durability allowed us to inherit very precious vestiges of our past; its processability has allowed men to produce outstanding masterpieces. In Ancient Rome, after have being used as a structural element, it was used as a covering material and as an ornamental element for the splendid interior of...

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Catalog 2012 - 3

Someone may say it was chance, we prefer to call it destiny. The beginning of our dream was unexpected and passionate. Two young coming from different continents and a friend have been the starting point of these wonderful years of dreams, challenge and success. We chose Verona, the productive area of the stone business, as our town, our house and the center of our lives. The pillars of our company whose unquestionable strength lies in the heterogeneity of cultures, were erected through difficult and brave choices which have led us to travel across the whole world. International and...

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Catalog 2012 - 4

(Text by Paolo Grugni) Products index "Tenero come il marmo " 34 (Testo di Paolo Grugni)

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Catalog 2012 - 6

Stone is shape and substance: it is long lasting, natural, like the earth. It is malleable, easy to transform, it is inclined to age perfectly and degrade smoothly. It offers to several interpretations, and, shaped by expert hands becomes poetry, art. The art that becomes design and the expression of an idea that challenges reality. This is the spirit of Payanini. The natural formation of stone marks the simplicity of our working processes – traits that belong to us and lead us towards, in a universe of interpretations and applications typical of a material, rich in history, naturally...

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Catalog 2012 - 7

We are a young, dynamic and constantly evolving company. We can be defined as a global company covering the markets of the seven continents, stretching from Canada to Brazil, from Russia to Australia. We speak a new language and have developed a multifaceted expression approach, able to match any requirement in the stone industry. È il ritratto di un’azienda giovane, dinamica, in continua crescita, che oggi si può definire globale, che raggiunge tutti e sette i continenti, dal Canada al Brasile, dalla Russia all’Australia. Una realtà che parla una lingua nuova che possiede un modo di...

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Catalog 2012 - 8

Different professionals working synergistically to satisfy the customer. Production Area Architectural Division Figure professionali diverse lavorano sinergicamente insieme per soddisfare il cliente. Sales Department

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Catalog 2012 - 9

Our home is in the heart of Valpolicella, a strategic and historic city for the stone industry. A large glass structure, a functional and modern space where marble is the absolute protagonist. It is a dimension where people can feel a wide variety of natural materials and chose from among marble, granite, stone and limestone, travertine, onyx and semiprecious stone slabs, observe their processing and combine them with other materials. La nostra casa è nel cuore della Valpolicella, un sito strategico e storico per il mercato dei marmi e dei graniti. Un grande contenitore in vetro, uno spazio...

Open the catalog to page 9
Catalog 2012 - 11

our goal To reach new horizons that are inaccessible to others, by enhancing the “Made in Italy” style. To present natural stones in their several forms, uniqueness and finishing, so as to become the essence of contemporary design. Arrivare dove altri non riescono, valorizzando lo stile “Made in Italy”. Presentare la pietra naturale nelle sue varie forme, unicità e lavorazioni, così da poter diventare essenza del design e della progettazione contemporanea.

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Catalog 2012 - 12

TRADITION merges with a KNOW-how OF MATERIALS as well as with EXPERTISE in stone processing. La TRADIZIONE si unisce ad un’approfondita CULTURA DEI MATERIALI e ad una grande ESPERIENZA nella lavorazione della pietra.

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Catalog 2012 - 13

Through our passion we express the purity and strength of a material we love. Esprimiamo, attraverso la nostra passione, la purezza e la forza di un materiale che amiamo.

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Catalog 2012 - 14

Time has allowed us to create a reputed and recognizable brand worldwide. Il tempo ha permesso di creare una realtà concreta con una forte riconoscibilità e con un grande Prestigio in tutto il mondo. | David, Galleria dell’Accademia | Soprintendenza speciale per il Patrimonio storico, artistico ed etnoantropologico e per il Polo museale della città di Firenze.

Open the catalog to page 14
Catalog 2012 - 15

Through innovation and technology we shape unseen solutions with extraordinary Effect. Attraverso l’innovazione e la tecnologia diamo vita a soluzioni inedite e di straordinario Effetto.

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Catalog 2012 - 17

The material offered by nature with various polychrome effects is the starting point of our work... La materia, offerta dalla natura in miriadi di varianti, è per noi il punto di partenza del nostro lavoro...

Open the catalog to page 17
Catalog 2012 - 18

text by Paolo Grugni / testo cli Paolo Grugni s>1& to inthodu<d& ^rySeJ-f'- X Of*! t/l& Mat~A/& . Xf X aspect you " uj/iat do you t/iin^ X am? , you wi^ht h&p/y that X aw nothing Aut da/djuw dat£onat&. /riOy not />& ujr-orK^, Aut t/j'\$ ajou/d />& a d-o/d and So/yi&&ody &/<5& /yjay r-&p/y that X O/yj t/i& cohit& ^o/d arid t/ii<5 a/rSuj&h djou/d a/<So dor-r-&dt. s//ouj&v&h) d&^jpit& ha/in^ djontr-iAut&d to th& eAj&aJth of wany yp&op/A) X ujou/d af-fthfy? you haV& on/y -FodU<5&d on Sis /p&h/>7&'tt&t&) />7i Vohhej y?h&<S&ntat& : Sono /'/ /riat/rio. Ma <5& vi Vo/&<s<si CL/ii&d&hA djoSa y?&nSat&...

Open the catalog to page 18
Catalog 2012 - 19

Actually, X am histo/y, civilization and du/tuh&: X aw this and /y?or-& than this. X aw art and dr&ativity. X a/>7 /i/& a/id syj&woty. X am design and d&djohation. X a/>7 cLo/oh a/id natur&. X aw Vein and wajwa^ Sophistication and &J&<yt/riA. X aw how&> th& p/adA you jo />adJz to} a/id ujh&r& you -P&&J hapjpy />&daus& Xn r&a/ta io Sono stoz-ia, divi/ta, au/tur-a. Sono tutto ^u&sto & wo/to a/tro a/rijora. Sono art& & cr&ativita. Sono vita & w&wot-ia. Sono arr&daw&nto & d&djOhOZion& . Sono djo/oh& & natuha. Sono Vesia & wajwa. Sono ta/¥i nat&zza &d eJ&^s/iza. Sono dasa} ^u&J/a in cxti si...

Open the catalog to page 19

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