General catalogue_2017
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General catalogue_2017 - 1


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General catalogue_2017 - 2


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General catalogue_2017 - 3


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General catalogue_2017 - 4


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General catalogue_2017 - 5

“LA LINEA CARDIOFITNESS CHE HA FATTO INVECCHIARE DI 10 ANNI TUTTA LA CONCORRENZA. LA PIÙ COPIATA! Un nome leggendario per tutti gli amanti delle auto sportive, portavoce di uno stile inconfondibile nel mondo, firma la nuova linea di macchine Panatta. Un nuovo cardiofitness che coniuga il perfetto incontro tra forma e tecnologia, tra bellezza e funzionalità.” “THE CARDIO FITNESS LINE THAT HAS AGED THE KEEN COMPETITION OF 10 YEARS. THE MOST IMITATED! A legendary name in the world of sports cars and the envoy of an unmistakable style throughout the world has designed the new line of Panatta...

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General catalogue_2017 - 6

Elliptical - New GoldPOWERED / SELF-POWERED CARDIO Bike - New GoldPOWERED / SELF-POWERED CARDIO 1PP601 Self Pow. 1PP601A Difficulty level 1-16 Training Programs (Rapid Touch Control Machine Weight 76 kg Power Supply 100-230 VAC 50/60 Hz Warranty frame Trasmission system belt Power Consuption 40 VA Resistance system electromagnetic Horizontal Bike - New GoldPOWERED / SELF-POWERED 7 years 1PP604 Self Pow. 1PP604A 1PP602 Self Pow. 1PP602A Difficulty level 1-16 Machine Weight 164 kg Resistance max 700 W (at 140 rpm) Stride Lenght 52 cm Dimensions (LxWxH)...

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General catalogue_2017 - 7

Imperial Cullinan - Luxury Hotel Suites HONG KONG

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General catalogue_2017 - 8

Runner - Fenix “La purezza del design rinasce nell’essenza della tecnologia: forme pulite, interfaccia semplice e intuitiva con programmi d’allenamento ideali per soddisfare le esigenze di qualsiasi utente. Finalmente con Fenix il vero Made in Italy ad un rapporto qualità/prezzo che solo Panatta può offrire.” “The design purity revives into the essence of technology: clean shapes, simple and intuitive user interface with training programs suitable to satisfy the needs of every user. At last with Fenix the real Made in Italy with a quality/price ratio that only Panatta can offer.” FR La...

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General catalogue_2017 - 9

Elliptical - Fenix CARDIO Bike - Fenix CARDIO 1FX001A Self Powered Difficulty level 1-16 Training Programs Trasmission system belt Resistance system electromagnetic Power Supply Optional colours self powered Warranty frame graphite, white, yellow, red 1FX004A Self Powered 1FX002A Self Powered Difficulty level 1-16 Machine Weight 140 kg Resistance system electromagnetic Warranty frame 7 years Resistance max 700 W (at 140 rpm) Stride Lenght 52 cm Power Supply self powered Dimensions (LxWxH) 220x75x160 cm Trasmission system belt Optional colours graphite,...

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General catalogue_2017 - 10

Step - Fenix Training Programs 1FX005 Difficulty level Dimensions (LxWxH) Machine Weight Length motion Power Supply Type of effort Optional colours Hand Sensors and telemetry hydraulics graphite, white, yellow, red Warranty frame The Brando - Luxury Resort FRENCH POLYNESIA

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General catalogue_2017 - 12

DESIGNED AND MADE IN ITALY - WARRANTY: 2 YEARS 32 Machines + 10 Benches UPPER BODY Lat Pulldown Upper Abdominal Machine Deltoid Press Convergent Lower Back Rowing Machine DESIGNED AND MADE IN ITALY - WARRANTY: 10 YEARS Triceps Machine LOWER BODY Pectoral Machine Vertical Chest Press Convergent Leg Curling UPPER BODY LOWER BODY Lower Back Upper Abdominal Machine Torsion Machine Rowing Machine Convergent Abdominal Crunch 4-Station Multi Gym + Cable Station with Bar 4-Station Multi Gym + Cable Station with Bar Abductor Machine 4-Station Multi Gym + Adjustable Cable Station Adductor Machine...

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General catalogue_2017 - 16

UPPER BODY UPPER BODY “Una linea full optional, ricercata, completa e biomeccanicamente perfetta. Il design elegante rende XPlux la naturale risposta alla domanda di tutti quei Club che vogliono attrezzature esclusive. Espressione concreta del lusso.” “A full optional line, very contemporary, complete and biomechanically perfect. The elegant design makes XPlux the natural response to the demand of all clubs that require exclusive equipment. A concrete expression of luxury.” dimensions Width Lenght Height Weight Width Lenght load Height Weight Preloading Levers UPPER BODY Rowing Machine...

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General catalogue_2017 - 17

Deltoid Press UPPER BODY STRENGTH 1XPL025 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system Pectoral Machine UPPER BODY 1XPL035 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system Lateral Deltoids UPPER BODY Inclined Chest Press UPPER BODY Dips Press UPPER BODY 1XPL037 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system dimensions load Vertical Chest Press UPPER BODY Height Weight dimensions load 1XPL036 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system dimensions load Pullover Machine UPPER BODY Inclined Flight Machine UPPER BODY 1XPL039 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system dimensions...

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General catalogue_2017 - 18

UPPER BODY Triceps Machine UPPER BODY Torsion Machine CORE IB International ll Patent Abdominal Crunch CORE 1XPL053 Optional: Footrest with a slip-proof system Height Weight Height Weight Lower Back CORE Leg Extension LOWER BODY Leg Curling LOWER BODY

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General catalogue_2017 - 19

LOWER BODY Standing Leg Curling LOWER BODY Adductor Machine LOWER BODY Gluteus Machine LOWER BODY Horizontal Adjustable Leg Press LOWER BODY IB International ll Patent Abductor Machine LOWER BODY LoAD Standard 80 kg Optional 100 kg LoAD Standard 50 kg Optional 80 kg Calf Machine LOWER BODY Multi Hip LOWER BODY dimensions load DiMENsioNs LoAD LoAD Standard 80 kg Optional 100 kg

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General catalogue_2017 - 20

Jungle Machine + Cable Station with Bar MULTIFUNCTIONAL Peck Back MULTIFUNCTIONAL 4-Station Multi Gym + Cable Station with Bar MULTIFUNCTIONAL LoAD Standard 50/80 kg Optional 100 kg Jungle Machine MULTIFUNCTIONAL LoAD Standard 50/80 kg Optional 100 kg LoAD Standard 80/100 kg Optional 100 kg/na Multipurpose Chest Press MULTIFUNCTIONAL 1XPL115 Available Symmetrical Version (1XPL115S) LoAD Standard 80/100 kg Optional 100 kg/na

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