Catalog excerpts

*«aa»Att#« • ««e»a^w • amen • sui&ffi«&* • Product infomiation in this catalogue atot reterenco only. All dale Is subject to factory specifications The specifications of all the appliances maybe modified without prior notice. lltStoo @ WIS^*6Kfi8] W M ln <* anY Snun Hln3 Electronic Trading Co., Ltd reserves the right of final decision. Printed with environmental friendly Ink on environmental paper 0S'SSi(l»tS Customer Service Hotline : 2B33 0955 MifmSBmS! Maintenance Service Hotline: 2406 5666 A\ «»*H fKl!i!!S«R&3l Parts Sales Hotline: 2406 5555 •^•.,-U«H~O™OU. SHUN HING ELECTRONIC TRADING CO., LTD. www.panasonic.hk
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iSHH4^$Sii 4 Features of Thermo Ventilator %t n&Vim Clothes Drying Wrth Panasonic Thermo Ventilator, a warm condition can be maintained in your bathroom even in winter. You and your family can experience a real warm bath by simply switching on the heating function. J&SHfifit: Ventilation Panasonic Thermo Ventilator can exhaust odor from the bathroom. It also restricts the growth of mold, mildew & mite by removing moisture from bathroom. Even in humid days, just hang your clothes in the bathroom and then switch on the ventilator, circulated airflow will dry your clothes thoroughly. Siitttt...
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Slim Type Heating - Instantly warm up the bathroom. Clothes Drying - PTC elements can dry clothes within a short Mini Design - Enables an easy installation. Circulalion - Adjuslable air outlet grille design controls airflow direction. It also provides selection of Spot and Wide air modes to ensure the comfort. Purification - Equipped with alleru-buster filter. Installation - Operated with wireless remote controller. Pearl White flMtfWBSgui Receiver au«»fiS Heaw tbiaPSfa Adapter •umirwtnii tmimatmiKtt nwistra »»ia«i«ii'
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tngftiiStt Halogen Type Panasonic offers another type - Halogen model, which is able to heat up the bathroom in a short period of time and keep your body warm during shower. Pre-heal - Halogen heating elements can heat up the bathroom within a short period of time. Under a normal operation situation, the life time of halogen heater can be up to 7,000 hours. Clothes Drying - Performs clothes drying function well. Ventilation - Removes moisture and odor from bathroom effectively. Circulation - Maintains good air circulation. KHMBBS Halogen Heating Element ±§lSl:k$x Models Comparison Quick...
Open the catalog to page 4All PANASONIC Home Appliances catalogs and technical brochures
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Mini Sirroco Fan
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Ceiling fan
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Air Purifier standard series
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Air Purifier F-VXH50A
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hand drayer
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air purifier
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water pump
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ceiling fun
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ventilating fan
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Archived catalogs
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Dome cameras
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Home appliances
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