

Catalog excerpts


FOAMULAR®INSULPINK® Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Rigid Foam Insulation Product Data Sheet Key Features Helps reduce job site labor costs while you install premium insulation 蕕 Available in a thickness of V/i with slotted edges to accornrnodate furring Excellent long-term stable insulating performance with an R-value ofR-751 Օ Exceptional moisture rsistance long-term durability Limited lifetime warranty2镗 maintains 90% of R-value and covers ail ASTM C578 properties The only XPS foam to be GREENGUARD Children & Schools CertifiedSM Technicai Information This product is combustible. A protective barrier or thermal barrier is required as specified in the appropriate building code. For additional information» consult MSDS or contact Owens Corning World Headquarters at l-800-GET-PINK®. Ail construction should be evaluated for the necessity to provide vapor retarders. See current ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. FOAMULAR* XPS Insulation is a non-structural material and must be installed on framing which is independentiy braced and structurally adթquate to meet required construction and service loading conditions. FOAMULAR® insulation can be exposed to the exterior during normal construction cydes. During that time some fading of color may begin due to UV exposure, and, if exposed for extended periods of time, some dgradation or "dusting" of the polystyrne surface may begin. It is best if the product is covered within 60 daysto minimize d騩gradation. Once covered, the dtrioration stops, and damage is limited to the thin top surface layers of cells. Cells below are generally unharmed and still useful insulation, Energy-Saving» Moisture-Resistant XPS Insulation Reccssed Furring-Ready Insulation ASTM C578TypeX, 15 psi minimum Description INSULPINK® extruded polystyr驨ne (XPS) insulation is extremely light-weight for easy handling and provides a high R-value of 75 of product thickness, exceptional rsistance to moisture, and pre-cut slotted edges ready to accornrnodate 1x3 wood furring for easy installation. INSULPINK* insulation is produced by Owens Corning s patented Hydrovac® process technology under conditions of strict quality control. Used to insulate the interior of basement or other concrte or block walls, INSULPINK* insulation accommod騢tes a nailing strip which is used to attach the foam boards to the wall and The only XPS foam with certified recyded content certified by Scientifc Certification Systems (SCS) to contain a minimum 20% recycled content Will not corrode, rot or support mold growth » Zro ozone depletion potential with 70% less global warming potential than our previous formula » Reusabte Lightweight durable rigid foam panels are easy to handle and install Օ Easy to saw, eut or score saves space

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FOAMULAR® INSULPINK® Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Rigid Foam Insulation Owens Corning INNOUTIOK FOt IMRG* Product Data Sheet Standards, Codes Compliance Meets ASTM C578TypeX Typical Physical Properties Propcrty Thermal RcUiunce1. rVVakje (180darf mn蕮mum, hr-ft'-'F/Btu (RSI, *Ofl*W0Q 75*F (24*C) mon temprature, li* Thfckneu Q 40*F <4.4*CI) mean temprature. LS" Thtckncu TcstMethod* ASTM CS18 Value 75<IJ2) s.l (U3) Lonf Term Thermal Retlitance. iTT驏VVaJuV mirwnum hr*ft*'*F/Btu (RSIH #C*mJ/W) G 75'f (4*Q mea-i tem^eraut? 1 S" Thtckre» CAN/ULCS7?a03 78(137) Compf*»iTv« Strength'. mnimurn p$i (kPa)...

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FOAMULAR®INSULPINK® Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Rigid Foam Insulation I Product Data Sheet Product and Packaging Data Mate ri al Extruted polystyrne dosed-ceO foam panel Product Dimensions Thkknes* Thkkness (in) x Width (in) (in) x Length (in) m lix 24x96 (Mal. unrt) Pallet (Unit) Dimensions (typkal) Width (ft)x Length (ft) x Hcight(ft) 4xflx4 Packaging Shpped m por/>wrapped trifts vrtth tfdtvtiualfy wrapped or banded tK/x3te Square Board Bundles Pi訨ces Pices (cet per feet per per per per Pallet Pallet Pallet Bundle Pallet Edges 1.034 1.536 4 16 64 Stottndto accommodt 9 brrfniffefai Product...

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FOAMULAR®INSULPINK® Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Rigid Foam Insulation Owens Corning INNOUTIOK FOt IMRG* Product Data Sheet Disclaimer of Llabllty Tecnnt:al ntorrrotion contained heren is fumished wilhout charge or oblgaton and g given and accepied ai recptent** lole ri\Jt Bocaux contJtiorfl of uu mjy vary and arc- bcyond our control, Owens Ccrning m^c% r:: rr t^r T.j'i:r jfjout. jr :: r. ">nt rc*p误>T:'.hlr --" labla for tho acoxacy or reliafcdrty of data awcciatsd with partie ubr uses of any product detcrtoed herein Nothmg comained in this buletn shall be considered a recommandation. The...

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