Catalog excerpts
Ondulit Italiana Ventilated panel with multilayer protection
Open the catalog to page 1COVERPItT - ventilated panel wilh multilayer protection VENTILATED PANEL WITH MULTILAYER PROTECTION Coverpiu* is a monolilhic panel consisting, in the insulating part, of sintered expanded polystyrne with graphile and not ol polyurethane as thc normal panels ; it is in lact their innovative volution, Between the roofing 詩lment and the insulating layer there are ventilating channels allowing the free circulation ol air. The micro ventilation reduces the thermal load of the upper side of the insulation improving the indoors environmental comfort; furthermore it avoids the excessive...
Open the catalog to page 2COMPOSING ELEMENTS U) Roofing lment: - Multilayer protected steel sheet Covenb 1000 steel thickness 0.40 or 0.50 mm [2) Insolation: - Sinlc : cxpanded polystyr驨ne with closed-cells graphite EPS 100. thickness 40 - 50 - 60 - 85 - 100 - 110 - 125 - 135 - 140 - 150 mm 131 Lower shoct: : prepainted steel thickness 040 mm Ught grey colour (RAL 900?) or aluminium (oil (as va pour barner] or libreglass sheet Reaction to lire class - B,$2-d0 (EN 13823. EN ISO 11925 21 PANELS SECTION - COMPONENTS \4, Wriftirmi chimie WNELS SECTION - RANGE OF THICKNESSES AND WEIGHTS Coverpiu* -vith upper sheet 0,4 mm...
Open the catalog to page 3COVERPIU* - ventilated panel with multtlayer protection DRAFT OF SPECIFICATIONS Venlilated panel with multflayer protection constituted of (from the top to the bottoml: 11 Multilayer protected steel sheet with 4 ribs marked CE according to EN 14782, consisting ot a gah/anized steel sheet (UNI EN 103461 0.40 or 0.50 mm thick prolected on its external side by an anticorrosion & sound prooling stabilized plastic bituminouscoat (thickness 1,5 mm approx.) and by a natural aluminium fol: and on its reverse side by a biturninous primer and by a natural aluminium foil. The roof sheet, in...
Open the catalog to page 4The spcifie characteristics ol the individual components of the proteetwe System, which perfectly intgrale together, d驩termine an overall protection of the sheet that is virtually unlirnted jn time e«n in the harshest environmental conditions. Multitayer protected sheet marked Q with durability for 20 years in corrosive atmosphres, certifiod by ITC - CNR Naturel aluminium Reflects over 90% ol the surfs thermal radiations Mfcfng harmful overheating and contributing to increase the producibility of Photo VoltaJc panels. Bituminous compound The bituminous compound isan anticorrosive barrier...
Open the catalog to page 5COVERPItT - ventilated panel wilh multilayer protection REDUCTION OF THERMAL LOAD In two campaigns of thermal tests were compared diffrent kinds ol roofmg, as Polyurethanc sandwich panel [40 mm thick) with double mtal sheet - Cwerpiu" Polystyr驨ne panel \A0 mrn thickl with double mtal sheet (upperwith multilayer protection) The tests were carried oui on mois with both light and dark extericr colour in order to evaluate the eflect ol heat absorption by radiation. The various types of roofing were installed simultaneously on identical thermally insulated test boxes under the same conditions of...
Open the catalog to page 6THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE VALUES d u Yta M V Insulation Thermal Periodical Dcrment Time thickness transmit tance thermal lactor shift (mm) tW/m'KI transmittance i-) Ihl (W/m'KJ 40 0.81 0.80 0,992 0,41 50 0.66 0.992 0.50 60 _t_J 0,55 ,_w._J 0.54 0,992 H- _ 0,61 1 85 0,38 !____^_____] 0,37 0.986 0,96 100 0.32 0.31 0.980 1.24 _ 110 0.30 0.29 _ 0.973 _I 1,44 125 0.26 0.25 0.961 T 177 13S 0.24 0.23 0.949 j 2.02 _up_ 0.23_ 0.22 _ 0.945 _ 2.15_ 150 0.22 0.20 0,932 2.37 SOUND DEADENING Values c驢icutetcd occordmg to the UNI N 14509 and UNI EN 137S6 The products tested were: - Polyurethane sanchvich...
Open the catalog to page 7COVERPIU' - ventilated panel wilh multilayer protection COVERPIU4 FOR PHOTO-VOLTAIC Ondulit, thanks to the exprience gained in mer 50 yearsP has palented a very reliable System of support for the crystalline modules. In the field of investment for a PV System, the spending on the roofing material is a very small item. The roof and fastening components for photcwoltaic modules instead, may put at risk the investment. In facl, once the photovoltaic modules are installed, any type of maintenance work on the underlying roofing becomes extremely complicated and costly Is therefore very important...
Open the catalog to page 8COVERPIU* WITH EASYFIX Fastenmg System of cryslalline modules on Coverpi The System o( support and fastening of Ihe rigid photovoltaic modules on a roof is a very important componenl. In addition to ensuring adquate mechanical r驩sistance, especially to the power of the wind, the System should not put at risk the water-tightness ol the roofing with holes or obstructions to drainage. For this reason Ondulit, thanks to the exprience gamed in cver 50 years. has created EasyFx applicable on Ondutit-Coverib sheets and Coverpi鯹 panels. The Ondulit-Covehb roofing is tixed by the normal screws...
Open the catalog to page 9COVERPItT - ventilated panel wilh multilayer protection COVERPtU" MONO. Il is a product engineered (or the application on continuous supporting structures. The lower coverng with centsimal Aluminium allows Coverpj to adapt organically to the horizontal partitions. Fundamental charactenstic o( this version is the lunction of barrier to the vapeur tha is performed from the Imver aluminium loiL Since it is a monolithic blcck. the Ccverpﯹ MONO oders in a single solution what is usualty built by stratification in the roofing and PANELS SECTION COMPONENTS Ml|<iUl41t| PANELS SECTION - RANGF OF...
Open the catalog to page 10Ondulit Italiana spa Coverpl Head and Commercial Office I - 00153 Roma 95/e. Via Porluense Tel. +39- Fax .39-,26 Milan Sales Office I - ?01?3 Miano 8, Via Vincenzo Monti Tel. +39-02.4671.23.06 Fax +39- ondulit. rnilano^ondulitit Factories I - 04012 CistemadiLatina Via Appia Km 49,300 I - 00148 Roma 38, Via di Vigna Girelli I - 05027 Narni |TR) Z.l. San Liberato France Sales Office F-751H Paris 33, Rue Galil鯩e Tel. +33-10) Fax +33-(0| vAVW.onduUtcom Fhe suggestion and data reported in Ihia...
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13 Pages