Catalog excerpts
colori basic instinct_BI01_BI02 metallic mood_MM01_MM02_MM03 informal perfection_IP01_IP02 mysterious touch_MT01_MT02 soft harmony_SA01_SA02 natural energy_NE01_NE02 descrizione piastrella in vetro smaltato materiale di base vetro float secondo norma UNI EN 572-2 decori barcode, structure, tree, diamond spessori disponibili 6 mm dimensioni piastrelle h. 14 x 20/50/75/100 cm h. 21 x 20/50/75/100 cm h. 46 x 50/100/150 cm h. 74 x 39/78/117 cm possibilità dimensioni personalizzate per tutte le finiture disponibili peso 2.5kg/m2 per mm di spessore resistenza alla corrosione secondo la norma UNI ISO 9227/93 lavorazioni possibili foratura e taglio colours basic instinct_BI01_BI02 metallic mood_MM01_MM02_MM03 informal perfection_IP01_IP02 mysterious touch_MT01_MT02 soft harmony_SA01_SA02 natural energy_NE01_NE02 description glass tile satin-finished basic material float glass UNI EN 572-2 compliant design barcode, structure, tree, diamond thickness 6 mm tile size h. 14 x 20/50/75/100 cm h. 21 x 20/50/75/100 cm h. 46 x 50/100/150 cm h. 74 x 39/78/117 cm custom size available upon request weight 2.5kg/m2 per mm thickness corrosion resistance UNI ISO 9227/93 compliant possible processing boring and cutting OmniDecor® s.p.a._via del Lavoro, 1_22036 Erba CO_Italia metallic mood colour palette BI01 MM02 basic instinct tree barcode structure diamond BI02 MM01 MM03 informal perfection IP01 SH01 mysterious touch MT01 MT02 IP02 natural energy NE01 NE02 soft harmony SH02 elettra collection elettra collection
Open the catalog to page 1diamond barcode structure tree elettra collection elettra collection
Open the catalog to page 2All OmniDecor catalogs and technical brochures
OmniDecor 2018 SUMMARY
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Archived catalogs
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Decorflou Mirror
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