

Catalog excerpts

horizon - 1

horizon ombrellone a braccio laterale orientabile in alluminio verniciato grigio antracite aluminium lateral orientable arm parasol anthracite varnished CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECHNICAL DATA possibilità di fissaggio al suolo possibility of fixing on the ground parti metalliche prima zincate, poi verniciate metal parts galvanized and varnished OPTIONALS carter copribase coverbase carter finitura pendente: flounce finishing: merletti crenelation con stecca antivento tra palo verticale e ragno anti-wind rib between vertical pole and frame stecche intercambiabili interchangeable ribs ombrellone standard fornito senza pendente standard version without flounce girevole 360° 360° rotating onde wave impianto luci a led bianche (a luce calda su richiesta) natural white led lighting system (on demand 3000 K°) fioriera in alluminio aluminium planter DIMENSIONE / SIZE PALO (cm) / POLE STECCHE (NR.) / RIBS TESSUTO / FABRIC Acrilico - Tempotest® Parà Ombrelloni - PVC Acrylic - Tempotest® Parà Parasols - PVC

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All Ombrellificio Veneto catalogs and technical brochures

  1. city

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  2. laguna

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  3. eclisse

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    2 Pages

  6. Catalogo_2022

    136 Pages