Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1C O N TE M P O R A N E I T Y AND SELFSTYLE Since 1990, the company Ofifran S.L. designs, manufactures and commercializes of ce furniture in more than 50 countries. Developing and improving its product range constantly giving a lot of importance to the general concept and the diversity of the design by means of looking at every individual detail. For that reason Ofifran has a way of see and understand every collection, in response to an own image, special and unique that helps to express the individuality and originality of our clients. Contemporaneidad y estilo propio. Desde 1990 Ofifran...
Open the catalog to page 2TOLA COLLECTION BY DORIGO DESIGN TOLA is born from design and handcrafted wood, it is a furniture piece that shows our identity. TOLA nace del diseño y de la madera trabajada de forma artesanal, es una pieza icónica para Ofifran.
Open the catalog to page 3The Dorigo Design studio has created this collection composed of executive tables with credenza and meeting tables with a thickness of 80mm on the countertops, American Walnut veneered by our artisan marquetry maker. Tables have 4 robust 110mm inclined columns and plated with radius 100mm interior curved. El estudio Dorigo Design ha creado esta colección compuesta por mesas de dirección con credenza y de juntas con un espesor de 80mm en las encimeras, trabajadas en Nogal Americano y chapadas por nuestro marquetero de manera artesanal con 4 columnas robustas de 110mm inclinadas y chapadas...
Open the catalog to page 9Tola è vibrazione (pretende ser “emoción”) dall’anima spontanea, per la sua forza, per il suo rigore, per la sua contemporaneità. E’ un tavolo gagliardo dal sapore antico Fatto per lavorare, incontrare, mangiare e batterci i pugni! Fiorenz
Open the catalog to page 12The table is prepared with a practical cable access placed on the top , and the cables can pass though the wooden leg, accessible with a section that can be removed with small magnets. La mesa está preparada para mecanizar la parte superior con un práctico acceso de cables y la bajada por una de sus columnas a través de una canal maciza y colocada mediante pequeños imanes
Open the catalog to page 14TOLA is born from design and handcrafted wood, it is a furniture piece that shows our identity. A collection for executive areas, TOLA represents a design icon, capable of enhancing the values of executive furniture both on desks and meeting tables. TOLA nace del diseño y de la madera trabajada de forma artesanal, es una pieza icónica para Ofifran. Una colección para áreas ejecutivas, TOLA representa un ícono de diseño, capaz de realzar los valores del mobiliario ejecutivo tanto en escritorios como en mesas de reunion
Open the catalog to page 16WOOD FINISHINGS NOIR WA LNUT MA R QUETRY (NT)
Open the catalog to page 19LACQUERED FINISHINGS
Open the catalog to page 20Within Ofifran Group, Operational Excellence means increasing our customer´s satisfaction, our market position and financial results by ensuring continual quality and cost improvement in our processes, products and services. Deployment of Operational Excellence enables us to meet the commitments within our Quality Policy. Dentro del Grupo Ofifran, la excelencia en nuestras operaciones significa aumentar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes, nuestra posición en el mercado así como los resultados económicos, mediante la garantía de una mejora continua en la calidad y coste de nuestros...
Open the catalog to page 22All Ofifran catalogs and technical brochures
25 Pages
Global catalogue
56 Pages
45 Pages
43 Pages
Seating Collection
23 Pages
Office Collections
81 Pages
Classic Tailor made
48 Pages
52 Pages
Concepto Free
17 Pages
14 Pages
19 Pages
24 Pages
54 Pages
13 Pages