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Catalog excerpts
![Panorama - 1](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_1m.jpg)
We change the face of hard ood-flooring. w Wir verändern die Welt der Holzfußböden. Transformamos el mundo de los suelos de madera
Open the catalog to page 1![Panorama - 2](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_2m.jpg)
philosophie tradition technologie ökologie Massive Dielenböden, oft mehr als 500 Jahre alt, finden wir heute noch in ausgezeichnetem, gebrauchsfähigem Zustand. Diese alten Kunstwerke zu imitieren ist unsere große Leidenschaft. Seit 1890 erzeugt die Familie Meyer Hartholzprodukte. Das spezielle Wissen wurde von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben. Aus mehr als hundert Jahren Erfahrung in Verbindung mit modernster Technik entsteht das Besondere – Serenzo®. Serenzo® ist massiv, wo wie Dielenböden seit jeher gemacht wurden. In teils aufwendiger Handarbeit beschleunigen wir den natürlichen...
Open the catalog to page 2![Panorama - 3](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_3m.jpg)
philosophy tradition technology economy We can still find today solid plank flooring dating back more than 500 years being in an excellent, useable state. Our big passion is to imitate these old pieces of art. The Meyer family has been producing hardwood products since 1890. The special know-how was passed on from generation to generation. More than one hundred years of experience combined with state-of-the-art technology create something really special – Serenzo® Serenzo® is made of solid timber, just like plank floors have always been made. Through intricate handwork we accelerate the...
Open the catalog to page 3![Panorama - 6](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_6m.jpg)
8 Oak Country Classico Olio 9 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Diamante Matt 10 Oak Country Classico Raw Olio 19 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Terra di Siena Olio 20 Oak Country Classico Argento Olio 21 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Pisa Diamante Matt 31 Oak Country Epoca 1700 Tabacco Diamante 32 Oak Country Epoca 1700 Terra d‘Ombra Olio 42 Walnut Country Classico Diamante 43 Oak Country Classico Doppio Fumo Diamante 12 Oak Country Classico Neve Diamante 22 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Fumo Provence Olio 23 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Sepia 24 Oak Country Epoca 1900 Sepia Grigio Olio 33 Oak Country Epoca 1700 Fumo Olio 34...
Open the catalog to page 6![Panorama - 7](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_7m.jpg)
Oak Country Oak Country Oak Country Oak Country Oak Country Oak Noblesse Epocaipoo Epoca 1900 Epoca 1900 Epoca 1200 Epoca 1900 Classico Extra Avorio Diamante Carrara Diamante Marmore Artico Diamante Sepia Extra Neve Neve Olio Matt Matt Diamante Olio Fumo Provence Fumo Diamante Caramello Olio Cognac Olio Fumo Olio Fumo Olio Roma Olio Walnut Country Sepia Diamante Sepia Diamante Nero Diamante Platino Olio Nero Alluminio
Open the catalog to page 7![Panorama - 8](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_8m.jpg)
Oak Country Classico Olio Eiche geschliffen, geölt Oak sanded, oiled Roble lijado al aceite Chêne poncé huilé Rovere levigato oliato Eik oljet Δρῦς Προλαδωμένο με διαφανές χρώμα ш
Open the catalog to page 8![Panorama - 9](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_9m.jpg)
Oak brushed, mattlacquered Roble cepillado, barnizado mate Chêne brossé teinte noire vernis matt Rovere spazzolato verniciato opaco Eik tallet, børstet mattlakk Δρῦς Bουρτσισμένo με ματ διαφανές βερνίκι брашированный, матовый, лакированный
Open the catalog to page 9![Panorama - 10](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_10m.jpg)
Oak Country Classico Raw Olio Eiche geschliffen, raw-farbgeölt Oak sanded, raw colour oiled Roble lijado al aceite de color raw Chêne poncé huilé couleur raw Rovere levigato oliato raw Eik rå oljet Δρῦς Προλαδωμένο με χρώμα Raw шлифован
Open the catalog to page 10![Panorama - 11](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_11m.jpg)
Oak sanded, white oiled Roble lijado al aceite de color blanco Chêne poncé huilé blanc Rovere levigato oliato bianco Eik Eik Country, hvit oljet Δρῦς Προλαδωμένο με χρώμα λευκό шлифованный, белый, обработанный маслом
Open the catalog to page 11![Panorama - 12](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_12m.jpg)
Oak Country Classico Neve Diamante Eiche geschliffen, weiß lackiert Oak sanded, white lacquered Roble lijado, barniz blanco Chêne poncé teinte blanche vernis Rovere levigato tinto bianco verniciato Eik hvitpigmentert lakkert Δρῦς Λευκό βερνίκι шлифованный, белы
Open the catalog to page 12![Panorama - 13](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_13m.jpg)
Oak brushed, avorio stained, mattlacquered Roble cepillado, tinte avorio, barnizado mate Chêne brossé teinte avorio vernis matt Rovere spazzolato avorio tinto verniciato opaco Eik tallet, Avorio, børstet, lakkert Δρῦς Βουρτσισμένο προβερνικωμένο με χρώμα Avorio брашированный, аворио, бейцованный, матовый, лакированный
Open the catalog to page 13![Panorama - 14](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_14m.jpg)
Oak Country Epoca 1900 Carrara Diamante Matt Eiche gebürstet, gekalkt, matt lackiert Oak brushed, chalked, matt-lacquered Roble cepillado, calado, barnizado mate Chêne brossé cérusé vernis matt Rovere spazzolato decapato bianco verniciato opaco Eik tallet, Carrara børstet, matt lakkert Δρῦς Βουρτσισμένο με λευκές ανταύγειες και ματ βερνίκι брашир
Open the catalog to page 14![Panorama - 15](https://img.archiexpo.com/pdf/repository_ae/150146/panorama-273911_15m.jpg)
Oak brushed, fumed, chalked, lacquered Roble cepillado, fumé, calado, barnizado Chêne brossé fumé cérusé vernis Rovere spazzolato affumicato sbiancato verniciato Eik tallet, Marmore, børstet, røkt, lakkert Δρῦς Βουρτσισμένο με κάπνισμα, λευκές - γκρι ανταύγειες και ματ βερνίκι брашированный, копченый обработанный известью,
Open the catalog to page 15All The Oak Factory catalogs and technical brochures
Serenzo Panorama
56 Pages
Serenzo DUO-x
4 Pages
Serenzo Castello
24 Pages
72 Pages
24 Pages
4 Pages