

Catalog excerpts

Gate - 3

for a better office life. >

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Gate - 4

GATE bir kpr. Bir ofisin ihtiyac漛 olan kablo ynetimini ve depolamabirimlerini gvdesi 涼zerinde dzenleyen kusursuz bir platform. Grup al짛flmas iۧin en uygun ortam kurgularken, kullanۛcsۛna bireysel alan yaratma flans tanۛyan; yeniden dzenlenerek farkl mekanlara uyum sa웤layan esnek bir sistem. >

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Gate - 5

Gate ha la struttura di un ponte. E una piattaforma portante perfettaper la gestione degli elementi di elettrificazione e per lҒarchivio dufficio. Un sistema flessibile che offre la doppia opportunitҠ di creare un ambiente per il lavoro di gruppo e contemporaneamente creare uno spazio privato per il singolo utente. Gate si adatta e si modula a tutti i tipi dufficio. team work >

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Gate - 6

GATE, composed of operational desks, the functional main axle which actsas a bridge and the storage units on this axle complementing the system, offers flexible, innovative and practical solutions for the differing demands of todays work place. > Operasyonel masalar, kҶpr grevi g춶ren ifllevsel ana aks ve bu aks zerinde sistemi tamamlayan depolama birimlerinden oluflan GATE, al짛flma alanlarnda ortaya ۧkan farklۛ ihtiyalara ynelik esnek, yenilik綧i ve pratik z綼mler sunuyor. GATE, si compone di postazioni operative, la struttura centrale funge da ponte portante per i contenitori e per gli...

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Gate - 8

Gate leg Silva leg Flange leg T leg >

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Gate - 9

GATE provides practicality of use and ease of access to its users in cablemanagement. The data, telephone and power cables run through the legs to the cable trays in the main axle and then to the desks, preventing cable pollution. > GATE, kablo ynetimi konusunda kullanc曛sna pratik bir kullanۛm ve kolay ulaflm olanaۤ saۤlyor. Data, telefon ve elektrik kablolarۛ ayaklardan, ana aks iindeki kablo tavasna ve oradan da masalara ulaflarak kablo kirlili盤ine engel oluyor. GATE permette allutente una gestione pratica e semplice del sistema di elettrificazione. I cavi dei computer, dei telefoni e...

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Gate - 10

The storage units are placed on the main axleto increase the efficiency of the workplaces in the offices. Depolama birimleri ana aks zerineyerlefltirilerek ofislerdeki al짛flma alanlarnۛ daha verimli klۛyor. Gli armadi contenitori, situati sulla strutturaprincipale, consentono di utilizzare al meglio gli spazi nelufficio. The accessory band provides a larger personalworkplace when used in combination with the desk. Aksesuar bandқ masa ile birlikte kullanldۛěndadaha genifl bir kiflisel alflma alan盛 yaratyor. La barra porta accessori, usata insieme allepostazioni, crea spazi individuali pi۹...

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Gate - 13

GATE provides innovative and practical solutionsfor organizing hierarchical requirements in workplaces. > GATE, alflma alanlar盛nda ortaya kan hiyerarflik d盼zenleme ihtiyalarna y盶nelik yeniliki ve pratik 秶zmler retiyor. GATE trova soluzioni pratiche e innovative, che soddisfano tutte le esigenze nell켒ambiente di lavoro. >

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All Nurus catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. Atlantic

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  9. Luna

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  10. ME TOO

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  11. Hi&Lo

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  12. I/X

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  13. Gate

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  14. TO

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  15. NEXT

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Archived catalogs

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  4. Me Too

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  5. S-chair

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  6. M-chair

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  8. Connect

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  9. Taklamakan

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  10. Luna

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