Catalog excerpts

• Interior & exterior facades • Adding appeal & uniform finish • Accent band • Natural beauty due to aggregates P H O T O Shippensburg University Dorm Shippensburg, PA Colors: A-18 (not shown) & NM-173
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G RO U N D FAC E F I N I S H LOA DBEA R I NG , U N I FOR M CM U ’S Nitterhouse’s ground face CMU is produced with the highest quality materials and made with extreme attention, making every block uniform. Not only does our ground face block meet ASTM-C90 standard specification for loadbearing concrete masonry units, they can also be used both at and below grade. We offer a vast variety of colors and matching Type-S mortar. Custom colors are also available. Contact your representative for more information.
Open the catalog to page 2All Nitterhouse catalogs and technical brochures
Aristokrat Series
20 Pages
1 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Split Face CMU
2 Pages
Legacy Stone- Terrazzo
4 Pages
Monarch Traditional CMU
2 Pages
Legacy Stone- Chiseled
3 Pages